Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

I thought everyone knew not to go to the changing rooms.

I've always wanted to try Victoria Secrets changing room though
      Being polite makes such a HUGE difference. If you act like an %$$ with us, we'll remember it, just the same way we'll remember someone really nice.
      One of the busiest stores in south florida... Tipping is a nice thing to do.
      DONT WALK IN 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING WITH YOUR WHOLE FAMILY. By then we're already cleaning and most likely a lot of stuff has run out/the person
      making your drink is just drained
      This is one I've started seeing, so help me God.... If you walk into our store and order a "triple espresso over ice" just so you can pay for that instead of a latte, save some money,
      then pour all the milk from the condiment bar into your espresso/ice, I'm pulling decaf shots. Period. You aren't clever, and thinking that we don't realize what you're doing is an insult.
Originally Posted by mYKiCkZArEaG21

Nike will no longer make Timing products (aka watches, sport watches, etc.).... By Mid 2011 all timing will be done with...
smh, they had some ill watches back in the day.
Mr Anleu wrote:
Retail (Sears, Target, etc.)

I heard a good scam is to buy electronics from Sears, return it, then have a friend buy "the opened box"
heard they give you like 30% off at this point
do they still do this?
obviously works best if you have an employee holding the items for you.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

      Being polite makes such a HUGE difference. If you act like an %$$ with us, we'll remember it, just the same way we'll remember someone really nice.
      One of the busiest stores in south florida... Tipping is a nice thing to do.
      DONT WALK IN 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING WITH YOUR WHOLE FAMILY. By then we're already cleaning and most likely a lot of stuff has run out/the person
      making your drink is just drained
      This is one I've started seeing, so help me God.... If you walk into our store and order a "triple espresso over ice" just so you can pay for that instead of a latte, save some money,
      then pour all the milk from the condiment bar into your espresso/ice, I'm pulling decaf shots. Period. You aren't clever, and thinking that we don't realize what you're doing is an insult.


How about you just do what you're told and stop working retail with a ego.

You pathetic dawg.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

      Being polite makes such a HUGE difference. If you act like an %$$ with us, we'll remember it, just the same way we'll remember someone really nice.
      One of the busiest stores in south florida... Tipping is a nice thing to do.
      DONT WALK IN 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING WITH YOUR WHOLE FAMILY. By then we're already cleaning and most likely a lot of stuff has run out/the person
      making your drink is just drained
      This is one I've started seeing, so help me God.... If you walk into our store and order a "triple espresso over ice" just so you can pay for that instead of a latte, save some money,
      then pour all the milk from the condiment bar into your espresso/ice, I'm pulling decaf shots. Period. You aren't clever, and thinking that we don't realize what you're doing is an insult.


How about you just do what you're told and stop working retail with a ego.

You pathetic dawg.


Im one of the most polite people in there. Ill always treat you with respect, no matter how rude you are. But those are things that all people working tend to feel when working, so stop acting like you know anything.

Its all good though, if youre ever in miami come through, drink on me
When a local news channel has a "best doctor In _____" there is no process selecting which doctor recieves this "award." They contact numerous doctors in the area that they have been selected. If they agree pay a small fee, normally around 5000$ they will run a month long special on their practice and give them a plaque saying so and so is the best surgeon in this area. It's a crap shoot. Sometimes you get rely good docs and sometimes you get really bad docs. Just remember a doctor that graduated at the bottom of their class are still doctors.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

      Being polite makes such a HUGE difference. If you act like an %$$ with us, we'll remember it, just the same way we'll remember someone really nice.
      One of the busiest stores in south florida... Tipping is a nice thing to do.
      DONT WALK IN 10 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING WITH YOUR WHOLE FAMILY. By then we're already cleaning and most likely a lot of stuff has run out/the person
      making your drink is just drained
      This is one I've started seeing, so help me God.... If you walk into our store and order a "triple espresso over ice" just so you can pay for that instead of a latte, save some money,
      then pour all the milk from the condiment bar into your espresso/ice, I'm pulling decaf shots. Period. You aren't clever, and thinking that we don't realize what you're doing is an insult.


How about you just do what you're told and stop working retail with a ego.

You pathetic dawg.
That's damn near all of NT though. Damn minimum wage, non high school graduate %%@ workers with their simple, menial %%@ jobs have the nerve to be pretentious and uppity about it. *@%@'s hilarious.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

-dont ever let a doctor control yours or your loved ones life, do your own research and always ask questions, Doctors are alot more stupid than the average joe thinks.

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Your mattress doubles in weight every 8-10 years. Doubles.

It sits there and collects dust, sweat, and skin over the years and never gets cleaned or washed.

Liquid residue on the mattress can also leak onto the springs and rust... making it ultra dank.

Buy a mattress protector, please.

Well I'm in banking, all has been said already.
Only advice with all aspects of life is Be Nice & Compliment
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Juveniles are usually catching charges to help thier family survive

DC Govt is the WORST to work for.  Fed Govt>DC Govt

Never work for Mayor Adrian Fenty EVAR!!!  

DC is NOT set up for DC Residents.  Jobs, Houses, even nightlife is NOT for the DC Residents
What do you mean by this? As someone who is in the DMV...
The cost of living in DC is expensive, most DC Residents/natives cant afford the property in the District due to increasing cost of living.  Hence they move across the MD Line into PG County.  Jobs in DC Govt require a college degree, which many DC Natives/Residents lack.
DHL was recently fined $$$9.4MILLION because they exported items to embargoed countries
An export is ANY item (new, used, business or personal) leaving US jurisdiction
All items require the ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) to be exported
if some of yall who working at jobs such as customer service, flipping burgers  or folding clothes wonder why your check will be the same small amount and your life aint moving up, take a look back at yall response and check your attitude. seriously, yes as a customer you should be nice but its not greater than you an employee being nice all the time so that your company can pay you from the customers who support the business, reading some of these post make me sick
Originally Posted by mYKiCkZArEaG21

Nike will no longer make Timing products (aka watches, sport watches, etc.).... By Mid 2011 all timing will be done with...

By mid 2011 all timing will be done with PERIOD? lol...or just NIKE?
Originally Posted by tvanterpool

if some of yall who working at jobs such as customer service, flipping burgers  or folding clothes wonder why your check will be the same small amount and your life aint moving up, take a look back at yall response and check your attitude. seriously, yes as a customer you should be nice but its not greater than you an employee being nice all the time so that your company can pay you from the customers who support the business, reading some of these post make me sick

if you are mean i will put your computer at the end of the line/or refuse to work on it at all
if you are old or i think you are cute i will usually try to help you as much as i can...maybe even throw in some services for you
im not sales oriented so i give my best opinion and sometimes send you to other pc repair stores if youre cool
you bring a pc in...your pics will be looked at (not by me though but ive seen plenty of people do it)
if youre nasty and your computer is nasty as well (as in smell, dirt, etc) i wont work on it
most agents dont know what they are doing. a lot of people who cant speak english that well are usually hired to do busy work (optimization etc...)
the dci or mgs are always tryna steal your money
when you come in for a free analyzer and they tell you have such and such amount of viruses...its usually only cookies
most asus pcs are junk so if you buy one make sure you get the gsbtp for when something goes wrong. our service center doesnt have the parts to repair it. so most times customers just get a brand new laptop

IT tech-

federal gov employees really are THAT lazy and their work is so simple...myself included
you wont get anywhere if you dont smile for people

thats all i can think of right now
Already did this for my concert stuff and not gonna do one for my other job...but here's some stuff i see from Barbacking...

- Tip the bartender well. Weak tips? they are gonna pretend to not hear you, weak drinks etc...Tip well? they go right back to you, strong drinks, free shots.
- That girl you were feelin' and got a # from? She comes in twice a week and goes home with a different guy everytime.
- That girl you bought a drink for? She already had 3 different guys buy her drinks before you got there. (the trick is to be the last one
- Even though they aren't supposed to, a good amount of bartenders drink on the job. that soda they're drinking? half full of rum.
- Don't act up. you'll be kicked out IMMEDIATELY. nobody wants to be held accountable for your %$+. vomit? GONE. put your head down? GONE. fall asleep? GONE. If you are a chick, we'll call a cab and get you home. a dude? you're getting dragged out. and don't resist or talk %##* either, it's your drunk word against the establishment. yeah, no chance. unfortunately a couple of our door guys abuse this, never thrown any blows though.
- If our boss is drunk or gone, it's on as far as drinking
one of the bartenders was giving us tall jack and cokes half filled with whiskey
we were thrashed, that's including shots customers took with us that night

- I try my best to be polite, but if i've got a tray full of dirty glasses and i've had to ask you 4 times to move already that night, it's going right into your back. I won't have to ask again.
- Only seen ONE big fight while i've been there, some dude was hitting on a guys wife, got ran up on, other guy hits him, wife gets in the way and gets Snookied. royal rumble starts
CRAZY. tables falling over, glass everywhere, chick was gushing blood from her nose. Thankfully that hasn't happened in awhile.
Adding on as a mechanic at a Honda dealership...-Labor rate is $110/hr, usually mechanics only see 10%-15% of this and the rest goes into the dealership's pocket. Ask us to work on your car on the side and we will do it for 50% off whatever the dealer is asking.-Tipping is not necessary.-Never try to rush our work, something will get smoked and I'm not able to do my job as I'd like.-If your car looks to be in good condition I'll take extra care of the car.-I don't mind you watching me work on your car or answering questions you may have.-When I finish your oil change in 10 minutes it's because I'm not lazy and knocked it out so you can be on your way.-Please do your timing belts I don't like seeing motors blow up because your belt snapped.-Stay away from those Jiffy Lube, Mobil, Meineke places. 9/10, when I'm working on your car I can see something they screwed up.-If you don't like squeaking brake pads don't put that cheap Auto Zone, Pep Boys crap and buy OEM.
Originally Posted by ualreadyknow23

Originally Posted by rafsjays

Originally Posted by ualreadyknow23

Originally Posted by rafsjays

Taking care of your own car and bag are absolutely fine. Not sure how it works at the Omni, but at the Ritz its called aggressive hospitality and its the staffs job to ask if you need any help to make sure you are well taken care of. In fact they actually tried telling us that we should just go up and take bags out of peoples hands as we ask if they need help. I gave management a big
. But in your situation a polite no thank you is fine.

If a bellmen does help you with your bags $2 per bag is a decent tip. If you have more than 5 bags $10 is enough unless you have a ridiculous amount of stuff.
I would say my average tip is anywhere from $5-10.

For a valet its not necessary to tip them when they park the car (most people dont). But its always nice because the person who is parking your car is probably not the same person who will pull your car out. My average tips as a valet were $3-5.

No tips is not the only means of income for employees, but it is a gesture of appreciation for good service. If the service is bad, dont tip. If I screw up, I am not expecting a tip and will probably even refuse one if offered. So, no tipping is not mandatory, but if you tip well, they will make sure that you are well taken care of. A few bucks can go along way.
Just last night I checked in a couple on their anniversary, they were very nice and tipped well, so I decided to take care of them. I brought them up a tray of chocolate covered strawberries on me (normally $40).

Also for those of you who stay at Ritz Carltons. Each and every single Ritz Carlton employee is empowered to spend up to $2000 per guest to make sure that their stay is absolutely perfect.

Again, tipping goes a long way.

Ok that's wassup.  See I was always under the impression that at luxury hotels, rich people tip like $10-$20 for everything and everytime someone does something for them, so I always feel cheap when I chunk my lil $5 tip.  I guess that 5 goes a long way though.

- Preciate it.

Just to be clear a $5 dollar tip is ok, and will be appreciated.  But if you're there for a special occasion throw the bellmen a really good tip and tell them that its a special occasion and you  will be rewarded 99% of the time.

And there are plenty of rich people that come and throw $20s + around, I usually get one $20 tip a day. Hell, one time a guy threw me $100 just cause he liked my shoes 
(he was drunk of course)
Originally Posted by humpasaurus rex

Adding on as a mechanic at a Honda dealership...-Labor rate is $110/hr, usually mechanics only see 10%-15% of this and the rest goes into the dealership's pocket. Ask us to work on your car on the side and we will do it for 50% off whatever the dealer is asking.-Tipping is not necessary.-Never try to rush our work, something will get smoked and I'm not able to do my job as I'd like.-If your car looks to be in good condition I'll take extra care of the car.-I don't mind you watching me work on your car or answering questions you may have.-When I finish your oil change in 10 minutes it's because I'm not lazy and knocked it out so you can be on your way.-Please do your timing belts I don't like seeing motors blow up because your belt snapped.-Stay away from those Jiffy Lube, Mobil, Meineke places. 9/10, when I'm working on your car I can see something they screwed up.-If you don't like squeaking brake pads don't put that cheap Auto Zone, Pep Boys crap and buy OEM.

wow. we actually have an honest person here.
Originally Posted by 93SnakedFox

Where'd this originate?
to my knowledge this thread originated on NT...i thought it was a good topic, so i reposted on bodybuilding/JJB.


-Thou shalt not %+%* with the person making your food

I've never done anything nasty, but it may not be up to par with the table's next to you. Especially true at a high volume joint that can afford to lose a customer...
working at yahoo hot jobs recruitment media...

no one pays full price for recruitment packages. you can always bargain and negotiate prices up to 50% or greater...
Employers pay tons of money looking for canidates.


we did this tuesday....

i'm the dude with the red shirt
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