Post Something You Know That We Don't Because Of Your Job

Originally Posted by rafsjays

A great attitude and tipping will get you just about anything you want (at least at a Ritz Carlton). If you cop an attitude/are cheap, you will be remembered and you will not have a good time.

Tip your bellmen, you dont want to know what I've seen/heard about dont to peoples stuff who dont tip. Just do it. (same goes for valet)

Just because a service is complimentary doesn't mean you shouldn't tip the person providing the service.
alll very true!

ualreadyknow23, at my hotel bellman get a regular hourly, but get paid make or break ours days...$5-10 is normal

and its true, the same person that parks your car isnt the same person that gets it back

used to work as a bellman in a hotel - those in room safes are a joke, people would set passwords and forget so we were trained to reset the combos and open them up.
Originally Posted by Jayizill21

i work at an upscale me...we make you THINK our food is better quality
but in all actuality.................
foods not clean
Originally Posted by Rapsteady1

second year resident physician.

- When you describe your symptoms, we dont really listen, we observe. 

- Majority of people in the ER self diagnose themselves and blame us for their misdiagnosis

how long is your residency? and what are you specializing in?
I'm thinking of becoming a neurosurgeon.
teaching english in korea -

most of the foreign teachers i met have horrible english, but are really animated and engaging
drinking heavily is accepted, showing up to work drunk/hungover is not uncommon
i find almost all of my teaching information from other peoples lessons found online
food in korea is super cheap, fashionable brands are almost double the price - bring out your old levi's, you can sell them for $$$$
Don't buy nothing unless its on sale at Macy's because it'll always go on sale. If you do buy it wear it, return it on a one day sale within 180 (6 months) and then re-purchase it. You can thank me now!
I’mnot much of a poster, more of a lurker...I gotta say, this thread is one of thebetter threads I’ve come across...great topic OP...


I will share aswell...T-Mobile Retail Sales Associate


1. One of the bestcompanies u could work for (what other job do u know that u can possibly make70k+ w/out a degree)

2. Full benefits forfull time and part time employees (dental, vision, PPO insurance, 401k)

3. Even during thehardest times when no ones hiring, WERE HIRING! follow these steps...go>bottom of the page, click on jobs--->create a profile,upload resume--->find a open req thats in your area--->apply to thatreq--->take the assessment--->you must pass this test with a C or better,it won’t tell u the score, but when ur taking it, just have the followingmindset TEAMWORK, SALES, INTEGRITY, TEAMWORK!!--->after taking theassessment and completing everything, head down to your local T-Mobilecorporate store, ask to speak to a manager, assistant manager, salesleader...dress somewhat nice, not suit/tie, but slacks, button up isgood...have a resume with u, turn in the resume...first question they usuallyask is if you’ve done the online application, if you say that u have, it looksvery good...even if that store in particular is not hiring, the manager mightinterview u for a nearby store and have u in mind.

4. After being w/ thecompany for several years, job gets repetitious...(bill payments, activations,upgrades, escalations)

5. I work in one of thetop sales stores in the country, that’s the reason y I don’t move up from beinga sales rep...I make more than my sales leader, assistant manager, and manager

6. There are 2 kinds ofsales reps...sharks and newbies...(I can’t speak for everyone, but I’vemastered sales down to a fine art...every customer is a dollar sign to me...don’tget me wrong, I will provide u with the most thorough service, but I’m in itfor my money at the end of the day…even if a customer is making a simplepayment which usually theres no money to be made...I’m looking at ur accountand seeing what features I can adjust to make the industry, thisis called swapping...everyone does it...yes its not right and if u get caught,u will lose ur job...but its very difficult to get caught...and they can’t justfire one person, they would have to fire 80% of the entire

7. Not that many girlson this site, but one thing I can say...I’ve worked at stores that havebeautiful girls come in...when we take ur phone to the back to switch out abattery or test it out to see what the problem is, we're really going throughur pics...and let me tell u, it never fails...I’ve seen some amazing pics

8. Girls do get specialattention, but if you’re a cool dude...I will spend time helping u get theright phone, service, discounts.

9. I can pretty much dowhatever I what to ur u tons of money and give u plans/featuresthat don’t exist in our brochures anymore...just have to be nice.

10. Yelling andscreaming...throwing ur phone on the table in front of me...cursing atme...only makes me give u the run around and get u on the phone w/ customerservice. NEXT in line!

11. if ur activating newline of service, thats when u have most grounds to ask forsomething...especially multiple lines...u will get almost whatever u want,FREE! before u go into the store, print out an ad for the phone u want or competition price match all the nicecustomers that don’t do this, and I want to help them out, I print them outfrom my store and use it to give customers blackberrys, HD2's,etc

12. if ur bill came highbecause u went over ur minutes, or text, or whatever u did, most of the reps inthe stores can’t do much...not even a customer service and benice...tell them this has never happened before...see if they can work withu...customer service can credit each line $50 a year just out of courtesy...ifthey don’t help u out, just drop a line like 'I’m planning on cancelling mylines, because this is getting too expensive, yadda yadda yadda' they’ll mostprobably credit on the spot, or transfer to loyalty dept and they’ll work w/ u.


That’s all I can thinkof at the moment…ill add more later
-pizza place
-a pizza take 8 minutes to cook after being placed to bake.
-for bread sticks they use the same amount of dough in a small pizza.
-the amount of dough in a thin crust pizza is one below the one you ordered, i.e. if you ordered large, they use the amount in medium.
-the cheese in the stuff crust pizza they used was string cheese with the crust rolled over it.

-major retail store
-working there will give you a lot of discounts, especially during the holidays.
-they have "secret" shoppers that they send out if they are "shady" customers trying to steal.

-cell phone gps/tracking customer service
-this company offered gps and tracking for cell phones. you can go to a website and it will show where the phone has been with a map.
-also tells you the speed they are going, etc.
-people are stupid and get phones that are 100 times smarter than they are.
-many major companies use tracking devices on their vehicles to see if their employees are actually working or going to their right destination.
-this company robbed people with their service, monthly service fee for the gps is $10-$15/month, better off buying a garmin, etc...
-there are ways to track cell phones without the other person knowing (available on certain cell phones).
-there are jealous and crazy people who just get this service to see where their significant other is.

-bank teller
-we can see your spending history, how much money you have in your accounts, etc...
-if you are just a teller, you cant really fix overdraft and other fees. managers, lead tellers, bankers have the authority.
-banks inside groceries do not carry nearly as much as actual banks do. our bank inside a grocery held at most 60-80K
-if you want to special order $2 bills, just ask and they can get you as many as you want.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

this might be top 3 thread of all time on NT


I worked at Best Buy some time back and while others may say not to purchase the Warranty, but on people who purchased mp3 players like ipods and zunes, I must say that best buy's warranties are amazing. They're longer than the ones Apple has and cover a lot more. I've seen people with 3rd and 4th generation ipods come in and get them fixed or get new ones simply because they were covered under the Best Buy warranty. They may be sources of revenue but i've seen them come in handy.

Our loss prevention was insane. We have radios that every associate has and we hear everything customers were doing. We then started to look out for suspicious people and made sure that they were being followed by the cameras.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Mainly how people defraud the Gov't is by saying their children have ADD, get them on Ritalin, receive SSI (672 a month) for the child, FOR LIFE!!!!!!! (Did I mention people have babies just to do this?)
[color= rgb(153, 204, 204)]My daughters' mother's child legitly has ADD or maybe ADHD ... I can't remember. But it's all been documented.  So what does she do?  Just go down to the SSI office?[/color]
Originally Posted by moo23

7. Not that many girlson this site, but one thing I can say...I’ve worked at stores that havebeautiful girls come in...when we take ur phone to the back to switch out abattery or test it out to see what the problem is, we're really going throughur pics...and let me tell u, it never fails...I’ve seen some amazing pics
also, be careful what you post from now on
this might be how Cashmere thoughts got caught up
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by moo23

7. Not that many girls on this site, but one thing I can say...I’ve worked at stores that have beautiful girls come in...when we take ur phone to the back to switch out a battery or test it out to see what the problem is, we're really going through ur pics...and let me tell u, it never fails...I’ve seen some amazing pics
also, be careful what you post from now on
this might be how Cashmere thoughts got caught up

Most people have no idea what a stem cell is and how they are used in research, and just attribute a lot of bad science to them.

Most people don't know how you actually die from cancer.

Fruit fly research is still helping us today in the molecular genetics field. *smacks Palin in the back of the head*
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Remember in Superbad how the cops turned the sirens on just to run those red lights? Yup, I do that every day. Matter of fact, it was 9:50 last night and the closest McDonalds was exactly 10 minutes away and it just so happened to close at 10:00. Better believe I turned on those sirens and ran every light just to get my Milkshake.
Originally Posted by hawtsauce

teaching english in korea -

most of the foreign teachers i met have horrible english, but are really animated and engaging
drinking heavily is accepted, showing up to work drunk/hungover is not uncommon
i find almost all of my teaching information from other peoples lessons found online
food in korea is super cheap, fashionable brands are almost double the price - bring out your old levi's, you can sell them for $$$$
son imma hit u up on the PM about teaching abroad
Originally Posted by moo23

I’mnot much of a poster, more of a lurker...I gotta say, this thread is one of thebetter threads I’ve come across...great topic OP...


I will share aswell...T-Mobile Retail Sales Associate


1. One of the bestcompanies u could work for (what other job do u know that u can possibly make70k+ w/out a degree)

2. Full benefits forfull time and part time employees (dental, vision, PPO insurance, 401k)

3. Even during thehardest times when no ones hiring, WERE HIRING! follow these steps...go>bottom of the page, click on jobs--->create a profile,upload resume--->find a open req thats in your area--->apply to thatreq--->take the assessment--->you must pass this test with a C or better,it won’t tell u the score, but when ur taking it, just have the followingmindset TEAMWORK, SALES, INTEGRITY, TEAMWORK!!--->after taking theassessment and completing everything, head down to your local T-Mobilecorporate store, ask to speak to a manager, assistant manager, salesleader...dress somewhat nice, not suit/tie, but slacks, button up isgood...have a resume with u, turn in the resume...first question they usuallyask is if you’ve done the online application, if you say that u have, it looksvery good...even if that store in particular is not hiring, the manager mightinterview u for a nearby store and have u in mind.

4. After being w/ thecompany for several years, job gets repetitious...(bill payments, activations,upgrades, escalations)

5. I work in one of thetop sales stores in the country, that’s the reason y I don’t move up from beinga sales rep...I make more than my sales leader, assistant manager, and manager

6. There are 2 kinds ofsales reps...sharks and newbies...(I can’t speak for everyone, but I’vemastered sales down to a fine art...every customer is a dollar sign to me...don’tget me wrong, I will provide u with the most thorough service, but I’m in itfor my money at the end of the day…even if a customer is making a simplepayment which usually theres no money to be made...I’m looking at ur accountand seeing what features I can adjust to make the industry, thisis called swapping...everyone does it...yes its not right and if u get caught,u will lose ur job...but its very difficult to get caught...and they can’t justfire one person, they would have to fire 80% of the entire

7. Not that many girlson this site, but one thing I can say...I’ve worked at stores that havebeautiful girls come in...when we take ur phone to the back to switch out abattery or test it out to see what the problem is, we're really going throughur pics...and let me tell u, it never fails...I’ve seen some amazing pics

8. Girls do get specialattention, but if you’re a cool dude...I will spend time helping u get theright phone, service, discounts.

9. I can pretty much dowhatever I what to ur u tons of money and give u plans/featuresthat don’t exist in our brochures anymore...just have to be nice.

10. Yelling andscreaming...throwing ur phone on the table in front of me...cursing atme...only makes me give u the run around and get u on the phone w/ customerservice. NEXT in line!

11. if ur activating newline of service, thats when u have most grounds to ask forsomething...especially multiple lines...u will get almost whatever u want,FREE! before u go into the store, print out an ad for the phone u want or competition price match all the nicecustomers that don’t do this, and I want to help them out, I print them outfrom my store and use it to give customers blackberrys, HD2's,etc

12. if ur bill came highbecause u went over ur minutes, or text, or whatever u did, most of the reps inthe stores can’t do much...not even a customer service and benice...tell them this has never happened before...see if they can work withu...customer service can credit each line $50 a year just out of courtesy...ifthey don’t help u out, just drop a line like 'I’m planning on cancelling mylines, because this is getting too expensive, yadda yadda yadda' they’ll mostprobably credit on the spot, or transfer to loyalty dept and they’ll work w/ u.


That’s all I can thinkof at the moment…ill add more later


Good post
I guess I'll add some info of my own.

The North Face Outlet -
1) The quality has gone down a bit but it's still far from crappy.
2) Some items would be slapped with a "Summit Series" logo and cost a ton but really be the crappiest jacket ever.
3) Corporate doesn't give a rats +@% about the stores even though they're the ones making the money.
4) TNF has been around so long they're selling based off their name now. I see people come fiending for anything with the logo on it no matter how expensive or crappy.
5) There are a lot of small details that goes into making a nice quality jacket. Taped seams and laminated zippers and such and such.

1. Most of our food is really clean.
2 Dont eat the tuna, not because its nasty but you might not like the way they prepare it.
3 You can steal chips we dont notice.
4. Everything is microwaved we have nothing to cook in.

Hospital Insurance Claims
1. Having insurance dont always mean you get a cheaper price. Some deductlibles are higher then what we charge cash patient.
2. There are such things as cash patients if you are paying cash just ask for a flat rate and payments.
3. Many hospitals have financial assistance just ask.
4. Really the government dont pay $!@@.
5. People on government assistance are most likely to abuse the system. Going to the ER because they dont pay copays and they dont have an appointment at there doctors they waste 150 a visit.
6. People abuse the system once again most likely people on government assistance got to the point that they are not writing prescriptions for cough syrup with codeine.
7.Most people are on government programs are lying. Most common way to screw the govt is to work a half week and not get paid and take that as your financial proof of how much you make. Many others to much to list.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Not from my job, but my friend used to do club promotions and told me this when we went out last weekend:

If you go to the club and order a bottle, make sure they break the seal on it in front of you. If they bring you a bottle with a spout already on it, it's probably diluted with a cheaper brand of liquor. This was for some of the higher end clubs in the city, too.
Yup I ain't surprised.  My HS basketball coach use to be a bouncer at the China Club in the city.  He told us the same thing.
PleasurePhD wrote:

Most people have no idea what a stem cell is and how they are used in research, and just attribute a lot of bad science to them.

Most people don't know how you actually die from cancer. 
How do people actually die from cancer? I think I have a good general idea after learning a lot about it from my Mom's two year battle with ovarian cancer before passing away in 2007, but I'm no doctor.

Great topic. While most of the places I worked at have already been explained, here's a couple of mine.

Grocery Store
- Baggers like helping you out to your car. It helps up get away from bagging or pushing carts for 10 minutes or more.
- People in produce "sample" stuff in the backroom ALL the time. They don't mess with the stuff that's on display, but may take a strawberry before it gets there.
- In grocery and produce, if a product has a bad label or damaged packaging, the store can't sell it. Some stores allow them to be sold at a discount, but most just throw them out or send them back to the vendor.
- There are people that complain about a 1 cent difference in price. Most of the time we'd just give them the extra penny.

Movie Rental
- We got as many free rentals as we wanted. You could only have two out at a time, but you could rotate them as much as you want. Kind of like free Netflix.
- Customer Service Reps could not get rid of late fees, penalties, holds on accounts, etc. That was done by management at their discrection.
- If you turn in a movie at 12:15am and it was due at 12am, it's late. There's nothing we can do to change time.
- Every type of movie is labeled with different colors based on the type of movie. Don't put Anchorman in the horrow section thinking we won't find it. hah

Lot Tech at Car Dealership
- We drove the nice cars every chance we got. Everyday I went to pick up lunch in Rovers, Benzs, etc.
- Every customer is seen as dollar signs by the salesmen.
- The "rust-proofing" system dealers offer for new cars is the biggest ripoff ever. In some climates it actually accelerates rusting.
- If a baller car is in the used department, best believe every salesmen, lot tech, and mechanic has driven it at least once. And 90% of them don't drive like Grandma either.
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