Post Simple Things You Can't Do Vol. 1

Originally Posted by FlyNY

Pee straight
Me too.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

Sudoku--everyone seems to know how to play

everyone? not even

everytime im doin one of those joints at least 5 people ask me ''how do you do those?'' its mad annoying.. it aint like its hard.. simple logic
i said, "seems".

a lot of my friends, ppl at work, on train....and when i mention i can't play, they always try to explain. it's been explained to me 3 times, but ireally don't follow...maybe because i suck at anything to do with numbers.
tie a tie
blow up a bubble with gum
drive manual transmission
sneeze softly
-whistle loudly (the 2 fingers in mouth way)
-I cannot roller skate or ice skate backwards. No matter how hard I try, I just cant get it.
-Oddly enough, I cannot balance on street curbs. I try to do the whole balance beam thing, and I always fall off. I think it has to do with how my feet areshaped.
-I cannot snap with my left hand.
-I cannot make the snap sound with gum.
-At work, I cannot carry a tray with my right hand, even though I am right handed. I use my left.

Is it just me, or when someone decides to poke you REALLY hard in your sides, I cannot write anything on paper due to the fact that my whole arm and hand goesnumb?
I can't do a "hop step" on command, lol.

When I play for some odd reason I can though haha.
Originally Posted by msyakuza

-whistle loudly (the 2 fingers in mouth way)
-I cannot roller skate or ice skate backwards. No matter how hard I try, I just cant get it.
-Oddly enough, I cannot balance on street curbs. I try to do the whole balance beam thing, and I always fall off. I think it has to do with how my feet are shaped.
-I cannot snap with my left hand.
-I cannot make the snap sound with gum.
-At work, I cannot carry a tray with my right hand, even though I am right handed. I use my left.

Is it just me, or when someone decides to poke you REALLY hard in your sides, I cannot write anything on paper due to the fact that my whole arm and hand goes numb?

- write cursive neatly with PEN
- sleep with lights on.. i love the pitch darkness.
- last a day without taking a shower.
- keep my phone alive for at least 12 hours.
- last a day without my phone
- have large chunks of ice in my drinks. i hate it!
- survive with HIGH heels for a day.
- snap
- get an A in my algebra class.
& i'm asian.
- swallow a pill without food or water
- park in the center of a parking space
-spit far
-can't do the west side sign on my left hand without positioning my fingers with my right hand
pass in basketball with my left
burp on command
i take FOREVER to get ready in the morning. which also leads to being on time as a problem for me. i milk every minute that i get.
tie a tie
Listen to an entire song on my iPod

Parallel park on my left-hand side

Chew gum w/o poppin it
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