Post Simple Things You Can't Do Vol. 1

Oh I forgot

I can't eat at certain times, certain places, certain situations or with certain people....
walk through my neighborhood and not get jumped

beat super mario in an hour

cross my eyes



au, cabacada, armada, mea lua, negativa, ginga.
I can't snap my fingers
i can't float on my back
i can't do a cartwheel
i can't ride my bike with no hands anymore ;(
The 2 fingers in your mouth whistle.

Yeah, can't do that either - or a really good whistle just with your teeth and lips - I mean I can whistle a tune just can't whistle for a cab.

Whistle(the one when you use your fingers...the really loud one)

Go a day without cracking my knuckles...

Dunk(anymore since ACL surgery)
Originally Posted by JDMEVOIXMR

I'm guessing this is a first.......

- whistle
- dribble between my legs
- sleep with the light off
- brush my teeth with the faucet off (i hate the brushing teeth sound)
- swallow pills
- let the microwave stop by itself
- dance or move to music in any way
- eat a meatloaf, fried chicken, or steak without rice tortillas
- stand having fingerprints on my electronics' screens
- curl my tongue
Originally Posted by FL0ETiCNOSTALGiA

Sudoku--everyone seems to know how to play

everyone? not even

everytime im doin one of those joints at least 5 people ask me ''how do you do those?'' its mad annoying.. it aint like its hard.. simple logic
Originally Posted by AC4Three

I can't believe some of the things in here...

your avatar matches perfectly with your statement.
Me my self i cant focus and finish doing one thing, i always end up doing something else and then realize i havent finished doing what i started. Doesnt helpin school either
hold anything w/my right hand
walk and drink out of a dad always does it and growing up i would always try but i can't do it to save my life...
Sneeze softly
Tie a tie
Tie my shoe laces with a loop (I do the two ears)
Focus on school
Eat cereal in a bowl (or with milk, cuz I don't drink milk)
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