POST SICK PICS OF KICKS VOL. letskeepthisonegoing

Jack - Yeah, before I used natural lightling, now I use a light.
Brandon - Really? I use photobucket for all my pics. Those pics fo your SB's and the civic, there like sort of not the best quality, butseems better. What cam you shooting with?

Both Size: 9 & for sale, PM if interested.
Nice stuff everyone.
Phase2x - Do you have a bigger pic of your avy? That is amazing.

Just a quick shot i took. Trying a different setup. Still havn't perfected it.
d70 > d40 btw, although older you have some bells and whistles not available on the d40, if you upgraded to the d80 or d90 then its a different story though

anyways just keep playing with it and playing with settings and it will come, i shot with a d70s and use photobucket too.

i swear i've whored out this picture to much
Dunks r nice - The pics just keep getting better and better. The lighting on the second one (first pic of tiffs) is perfect. What are you using? PM me if youwant.
Fang Bian Mian - Thats some serious heat! Nice shots too.

Had to take one more shot before I shipped them off to Rolo haha.
Good stuff Jack. And i still have that picture you sent me of the "Love IV" as my wallpaper.......
^Hahah thanks man. That is defintaly one of my favorite pics i have taken. I've been trying to produce like 50-100 posters of it to sell to my friends onNT/ISS, so I will let you know if I ever get them printed. They should only be like $10.
Originally Posted by airjordanjack

^Hahah thanks man. That is defintaly one of my favorite pics i have taken. I've been trying to produce like 50-100 posters of it to sell to my friends on NT/ISS, so I will let you know if I ever get them printed. They should only be like $10.
posters? holla at me when you get them printed. posters of the 1's and safari's would be sick
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