POST SICK PICS OF KICKS VOL. letskeepthisonegoing

Originally Posted by Dunks r nice

Dunks r nice - How do you get the white background?

Not too sure if these are sick "Pictures" lol
I tried to find the best angles on for these amps and I think I failed.

oh well. I tried, my crappy camera ain't all that.

Dope photos rolo and Jack like always.

Heres some photos I have had on my computer that are pretty cool Idk if I posted some already or not.
xbiker47 - Thanks.
Jack - Thanks Jack, update on the payment, can't wait for them. Second, here you go, Been using the same background poster board.
Brandon - Was going through wdywt, and naw homie, I don't have a D300
, I have a d40. Brandon, I know you shoot with a Nikon, but howcome your photos turn out like grainy or not so great sometimes.

brooklynnyc3000 - Thanks man and here you go.

I use a white poster board that I got from my local art store. Check Micheals or Arron Brothers, pretty sure they have a huge one. This was my old set up, Ittook me about 5 tries in differnt areas around my house until I found one that I was satisfied, basically experimented and looking around for great naturallighting. I use to take shots by the window, as for keeping the camera still, used books or magazines.

The result.

It's all on how the day time weather is basically, the more sun thats out, the betetr the results. I recently found a new spot in my house. Results usingsame background.
lol great photos rolo.
I think i had some of my settings all out of whack and photo bucket and what not messed them up and I used to put photos in paint.
I dont anymore and now I think i fixed the problem and they have been looking alot better.
Brandon - Yeah photo bucket really messes up the quality. If you have any that you really like, upload them to flickr for free. If want to upload more thanlike 20 a month though to flickr, you need to pay. But flickr keeps great quality.

Rolo - Thanks. I will let you know when i get the MO. I use a similar backround, but it always comes out somewhat grey in the pics, not perfectly white likeyours. Maybe its my lighting? You just use all natual lighting right?
Yeah Ive been using Picnik instead of paint.
And I was thinking about using a flicker.
I also Go the settings set straight on my camera I think.
But yeah photo bucket does damage.
I was thinking a out getting a D40.
How do these look?

I still used photo bucket but this is after I used picnik instead of paint and after I changed the camera settings.

Do they sitll look grainy?
way better SkavengerBran.

my camera is a Sony Cybershot....

this is the result


your camera should perform A LOOOT better than mine.
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