Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER SHOES...(pics)

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if the Steve maddens had better quality and looked aesthetically appealing like the guccis i could care less what another person thinks :rofl:
You go ahead and overpay
When did the Guccis become aesthetically appealing? Props to ALP for having them but they weren't loved like that on here
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I don't have those exact joints, I got a completely different fur sandal
Peace out. I'm done with this thread. At one point only the mature were here.

I should have pmd him pics. Didn't realize clowns would be actually giving input lol.

I'm not explaining anything anymore. You all continue posting your social media ready fire pics.

I dont get the fuss over the fur Gucci's. I got a gig at a high end store and I see them everywhere along with the white Gucci sneakers with the snake/flowers/stripe/bee/tiger etc. Those are nice as hell but the fur? Naw. :lol:

Dudes fit back there wasnt so bad per-say, it just looked bad cause of the poses and whatnot.
i hate you lmao 
Do you guys recommend sizing the same way on this model as the AJI rip offs? Finally getting them with the discount (not Picasso). Don't want my homey to have to go and exchange.

lmfao that hoodie fit truly is awful though.

can't tell someone its easy to incorporate then post up a trash outfit.

My bad for not getting a professional photographer and taking posed shots like you do. Just something I tossed on. I plan on wearing them casually and that's all I was showing. Not into taking poses and hiring pics with hats tipping and all....
:lol: do you. it's still whack.
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Gucci being stingy with their collection this time, a lot of their good pieces or ones I want not hitting sites like Saks & neimans....I need 2 pair of aces on a discount :lol:
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