Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER SHOES...(pics)

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I wore my red pleateds yesterday. They receive too much attention. Had me like 8) :smokin :rolleyes :smh: :x by the end of the day
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You can always send them my way, I take donations, no matter what the size. Let me relieve you of your problem.

I wore my red pleateds yesterday. They receive too much attention. Had me like 8) :smokin :rolleyes :smh: :x by the end of the day

:rofl: I know that feeling. Sometimes, the attention and the tons of compliments can be draining like it seems people want you to say more than thanks, like "Thanks, I paid xyz, they are so and so, I got them from here, etc." :rolleyes Like damn. LOL
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Whenever people ask how much my shoes cost I hit them with the, "more than you can afford, pal".

Not really though.

One time in the new balance store I had arenas on and the chick working complimented me like, "nice shoes, those are expensive though. Aren't they like $600." I said yes then she closed the shop down to let me smash off the strength of my goods, like scene in shottas where they hit the watch store.

Not really though. But really, she did know what they were and the price.
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