Post pics of HIGH-END DESIGNER CLOTHING (pics)...............

You're right, what was I thinking, I mean Taylor Swift did get as big as she is now because of Kanye...
calm down dude, i was being sarcastic.

I've never seen you get this emotional. ever...
Whose being emotional? I'm as calm as I can be. :lol:

That sh*ts sarcasm too. Did it miss the mark because there wasn't an emoticon?

Sheesh, ain't nobody can make a post that isn't a gif or type more than a sentence without being emotional?

Damn, that's more than a line I typed, I must be mad. :rofl:
@RFX45  I am the last person to stroke kanyes ego, I despise the guy.  My point was that he should have been offered a spot that was open thats all.  They made a exception for him it sounds like and ****** the other designers in the process.  I don't know the details so thats about as far as I can comment. 
hey you're the one writing DJ Proto J length tirades over some fashion show.

but u go ahead and him me with them emojis.
Well that is what the thread is about? I mean this is NT, you act like no one here talks about shoes, clothes or much dumber stuff.

And ok, several sentences is a "tirade" now. :lol: It's the internet dude, toughen up your skin, if me coming back with a sarcastic Taylor Swift response to your supposedly sarcastic post gets you all hurt then I don't know what to tell you. It's on you if you choose to read my reply as a "tirade" or being emotional, because you know, so easy to read that on the internet.

But hey, if it is just some fashion show to you and do not see the bigger picture of Kanyedouche pushing the smaller designer because of his ego or simply do not care, it is very easy to click the back button and simply ignoring "tirade"? You ain't got to participate int he discussion.

(sorry, no emoji but here's a Kanye pic)

 I am the last person to stroke kanyes ego, I despise the guy.  My point was that he should have been offered a spot that was open thats all.  They made a exception for him it sounds like and ****** the other designers in the process.  I don't know the details so thats about as far as I can comment. 

Again, they simply cannot simply put him on an open spot because there are none, no matter what since he came out of nowhere without any notice. I mean it isn't a problem going against bigger names like DKNY (I believe his show is at the same time" but he is pretty much bullying the smaller designers and affecting them in a big way (financially, media exposure who now moved to Kanyes show, etc...). It all goes back to Kanye because if he has something to show then schedule it ahead of time like everyone else or just don't show it (like he initially had planned) then no one is affected.

Dude, seriously, just ignore my sporadic non-nonsensical posts.

go back to posting some dope fits.

u know you're my boy. i just don't have the strength to talk about fashion week man. I'm exhausted.

All good, ain't taking it seriously, drinks still on me if I ever get to hang with you and A.

Been extra lazy because it's been too damn hot to take pics, mostly just been lazy because it's really been jeans and tees/tank for what feels like a year now.

Might also explain why I sound a bit grumpy too. :lol:
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All good, ain't taking it seriously, drinks still on me if I ever get to hang with you and A.

Been extra lazy because it's been too damn hot to take pics, mostly just been lazy because it's really been jeans and tees/tank for what feels like a year now.

Might also explain why I sound a bit grumpy too.

let's blame it on the Cali drought and the NJ humidity
Thing about designers though is a lot of people know about them and want to wear it but the price is the main factor why you'll never see the masses with it.

Well yea thats pretty much with anything with higher cost lol

Plus everyone isn't into fashion to that level also

For example pretty much the same group of dudes in both sections and plenty NTrs are "doing it"
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Nice denim pick up! Shipping time is nuts though.

They look very light and clean(?) there- going to look even better over time.
One month was crazy lol but at least you finally got them!! Def one of the better pair from the past season. :smokin
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