possible Nike.Com Jordan restock tomorrow (4/19) at 10am???

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welp, back tracking the numbers dont give you the guesses with 159 or 107.

scratching my head at why my
algebra has failed me.

ill admit to being wrong here.
it's probably the step i mentioned, it's got to be something like 399-(39-(27-12)) = 3a, 375=3a, a=125

edited- parentheses
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it is from incorrectly assuming the differences were in the same direction.

a single system of equations wouldn't work here (unless you guessed the signage correctly).

if you wanted to scale this out to N guesses with the uncertainty in the direction of the error remaining in the question the you would have to do at WORSE, 2^N permutations of signs (system of equations).
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98 - x = a

137 - y = a

164 - z = a

Add them up to solve a system of linear equations:

399 - (x + y + z) = 3a

We know the difference from each number and we can add those differences together to get:

(x + y + z) = 78

without really caring about the actual values of x or y or z

399 - 78 = 3a 

321 = 3a

a = 321 / 3

a = 107

My initial answer of 159 was from a mistake with my signage (forgot to pull the negative in front of x, y, and z).

I was doing it all on paper.
Loving this math talk :pimp:

Let's get some differential equations going
I forgot all of that the second I passed that and multivariable. I have to use that in signals and transformers next semester though. I'm so boned. Haha time to brush up on LaPlace.
I forgot all of that the second I passed that and multivariable. I have to use that in signals and transformers next semester though. I'm so boned. Haha time to brush up on LaPlace.

Patrickjmt on youtube is your friend :pimp:

I'm taking Nuclear Reactor Physics and it consists of pure derivations. That's the one class that really honed my math skills
Loving this math talk

Let's get some differential equations going
I forgot all of that the second I passed that and multivariable. I have to use that in signals and transformers next semester though. I'm so boned. Haha time to brush up on LaPlace.
I thought I was king **** when I was dealing with Diff EQ.

Then I was introduced to complex-analysis.

Math with imaginary numbers is a mind ****! 
Come home 708 new posts... **** **** **** 100% sure I've missed the restock... turns out no restock no news and not even a tweet about it
Does wanting to cop those lance mountain aj sb's make me a hypebeast?  For some reason I'm really down with them... 
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