Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

were people even lining up in the streets and rioting like this in the Tray Martin case? i dont remember hearing or seeing any of that on TV.

this is like a whole diff situation

and i agree both cases are different since this has multiple witnesses and its known what happened.
were people even lining up in the streets and rioting like this in the Tray Martin case? i dont remember hearing or seeing any of that on TV.

this is like a whole diff situation

and i agree both cases are different since this has multiple witnesses and its known what happened.
Brilliant observation
were people even lining up in the streets and rioting like this in the Tray Martin case? i dont remember hearing or seeing any of that on TV.

this is like a whole diff situation

and i agree both cases are different since this has multiple witnesses and its known what happened.
I think its at this magnitude because

1. The police are are "allegedly" at fault 

2. This town has a history of funny style business with the police

3. It is reopening wounds of the history of police brutality in general 

4. Also location is key i dont know if this would pop off in NYC
Back in the good ol slavery days all one person had to do was make a claim whether it as correct or false and spread like wild fire.Then the next course of action was to build some type of defense against the rebelling slaves that were rumored to start violence, cause death,rape their women and pillage the town.
It's 2014 and the media is focusing solely on whether or not protesters will get violent tonight because in Ferguson they are pulling no stops and are setting things up as if we are at war and St.louis will come under direct attack by the opposition.
Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson? over and over again.
They the media they are agitators who play into people's fears,espacially when it comes to us by creating false scenarios and trumped up situations to make people think a certain way no matter if it's correct or not....what type of journalism is that?.Sickening.

I'm all for peace but I do believe in the first amendment even against cops and anyone else threatening that,
It happen in Rosewood Fl and Greenwood, OK (Black Wall Street). I live by Rosewood it's like a ghost town. White folks completely destroyed that city. Ghost town down there. Gives me chills..
Nothing like voicing your political frustrations by destroying your town

When you voice isn't being heard, more drastic measures have to be taken to induce change. It's been that way since this country's inception in 1776.
Duh lmao why else would they have the national guard down there? Dude hasn't been asked to turn himself in

common sense :pimp:
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Did the Ferguson PD ever run their own investigation? Usually Internal affairs says it was warranted etc... This whole situation just seems so sketchy.

Dudes been on paid leave this whole time.. Now he gets his job back? And all those cops who were out watching the riots initially will continue to have his back?

It seems like they should fire the dude for being a threat to other officers and get as far away from him as possible... WTF.. Cops just want to go on riot patrol and hurt civilians? Is that in their heart of hearts?

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