Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I see what ur saying
But the town is predominately black
Tearing down their own town would be foolish
Gotta be another way

**** that, that town isn't for blacks to begin with as is evident with these egregious turn of events. I mean the evidence is in *wait for it* BLACK AND WHITE. Obvious that there was immense wrong doing from the pig. Cover up from the police. Eye witnesses of every color telling the same thing that the pig was in the wrong and America will still spit in our face and say nothing wrong happened.

Tear the **** down.
I hear u man
It's just a ****** up situation
Now they're saying 9pm EST? It was supposed to be 8pm 20 minutes ago. This is a bad look. 

Justice will be served regardless..if not legal justice, street justice
zimmerman is still walking around without a care in the world.  still causing trouble as well. as much as i wish you were right, i have my doubts whether someone will actually put the work in to catch darren wilson slipping and give him what he deserves.   it don't have to be right now either, people can wait til he thinks things died down and he's comfortable again and then get him.   
What's the cost/toll of overtime/training that these officers/guardsmen are getting? All to protect one man? Something is so wrong about that. I don't know if we saw the tipping point back in August but something needs to happen. Something big to make a point

^ It appears he just may get his job back. People will know his face by now. Is it that hard to fire a cop from a union? It seems like if he made a "mistake" or it was technically justified, one could fire a person for being reckless. JUSTIFIED or not, there should be some discretion of police agencies to fire guys who are trigger happy
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It's definitely alarming that the announcement is coming so late in the day. Normally you have a press release right after the decision has been made.
I'm usually a peaceful guy. But I honestly have no qualms with them burning that town to the ground.

I know that may not be the best idea, but if that's where their frustration and anger leads them, who am I to judge?

Talking doesn't do anything, apparently. And I'm not sure what violence would do. But somehow, some way, voices need to be heard and **** HAS to change.
Back in the good ol slavery days all one person had to do was make a claim whether it as correct or false and spread like wild fire.Then the next course of action was to build some type of defense against the rebelling slaves that were rumored to start violence, cause death,rape their women and pillage the town.
It's 2014 and the media is focusing solely on whether or not protesters will get violent tonight because in Ferguson they are pulling no stops and are setting things up as if we are at war and St.louis will come under direct attack by the opposition.
Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson?Will there be violence in Ferguson? over and over again.
They the media they are agitators who play into people's fears,espacially when it comes to us by creating false scenarios and trumped up situations to make people think a certain way no matter if it's correct or not....what type of journalism is that?.Sickening.

I'm all for peace but I do believe in the first amendment even against cops and anyone else threatening that,
I think this is different than Zimmerman.

This was on the middle of the day in the middle of a city...

Several people saw the events happen.

With Zimmerman, at least there was doubt in what transpired.

There's no doubt in this. There's 15 people that are telling the same story
I'm usually a peaceful guy. But I honestly have no qualms with them burning that town to the ground.

I know that may not be the best idea, but if that's where their frustration and anger leads them, who am I to judge?

Talking doesn't do anything, apparently. And I'm not sure what violence would do. But somehow, some way, voices need to be heard and **** HAS to change.

They really thought it would be in the best interest to announce the decision this late? What logic did they use to come to this conclusion?

The logic of using the night as a cloud to disguise their unwarranted violence and say they saw a weapon. Like the young man who was armed with a sandwich. "It was dark and I thought he drew a weapon so I fired at him" They are trying to kill as many "threats" as they can tonight, won't make the same mistake and do it during the day time.
I think this is different than Zimmerman.

This was on the middle of the day in the middle of a city...

Several people saw the events happen.

With Zimmerman, at least there was doubt in what transpired.

There's no doubt in this. There's 15 people that are telling the same story
Yeah, this is VERY different.  

I can't see how the two scenarios can even be compared.  

It was Zimmerman's word vs. a dead kid.

This is Wilson vs. numerous eyewitnesses who are all telling essentially the same story and are alive and breathing.  Like yo, I literally can't wrap my head around the idea of that not warranting a trial.  If Wilson wasn't convicted I'd probably be pissed.  But at least that community didn't get the big "eff you" from the justice system from the jump.  

With no trial, they're essentially saying your word means nothing and you didn't see what you thought you saw.  Ridiculous.  
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