Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Nice piece. It touched on a lot of issues plaguing not only the black community, but the Hispanic as well. When dude said he went to school to join the medical field, only to be turned down for a felony, n now he has to work on cars, hit me hard. I am going through that exact same thing. **** sucks being a man of color in America, kuz you're always guilty of something :smh:

Nice piece. It touched on a lot of issues plaguing not only the black community, but the Hispanic as well. When dude said he went to school to join the medical field, only to be turned down for a felony, n now he has to work on cars, hit me hard. I am going through that exact same thing. **** sucks being a man of color in America, kuz you're always guilty of something :smh:

Are you a felon?

Nice piece. It touched on a lot of issues plaguing not only the black community, but the Hispanic as well. When dude said he went to school to join the medical field, only to be turned down for a felony, n now he has to work on cars, hit me hard. I am going through that exact same thing. **** sucks being a man of color in America, kuz you're always guilty of something :smh:

Are you a felon?

Yup, n I have to be reminded every time I'm harrassed by the police, get rejected for job offers, or even fill out applications. That 'F' is the new 'R' :smh:

Great find

"Guilty til proven innocent"  is such a real statement, puts thos whole thing in perspective

Im interested to see how in the future that this helps st. louis as a whole and all those surrounding areas, or at least how it effects them as they return to their everyday life
If you guys don't think Ferguson PD is about to get made an example of, and rightfully so, just stay tuned in.

This is about to be liberating for those of us who followed this case from day one: and for those that have totally lost faith in the justice system all together, it's going to be a bitter win for you because the hand is forced to make this situation right, it's not going to be made right out of the goodness of the justice system, but in spite of and a new President Elect will run on the basis of this case plus the afterburner.
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something very interesting I noticed about this vid. I cant say what it is on an open forum though
there's so much sensationalism and division being spread in the media and on social networks. don't be one of these fools that focuses on the race issue. we need to be focused on loving each other regardless of race (creed, etc) and coming together for our common goal of living on a planet full of love, peace and prosperity for its inhabitants. violence doesn't need to exist. nor does separation and fear. don't let yourself be divided.
there's so much sensationalism and division being spread in the media and on social networks. don't be one of these fools that focuses on the race issue. we need to be focused on loving each other regardless of race (creed, etc) and coming together for our common goal of living on a planet full of love, peace and prosperity for its inhabitants. violence doesn't need to exist. nor does separation and fear. don't let yourself be divided.
What the hell you talking about?  This case and everyone just like it has everything to do with race, take that hippie talk somewhere else and try posting about the REAL world we live in where white copS (plural) can KILL/ABUSE black people w/ zero repercussions
Focus on the race issue the media is pushing on you all you want. The real issue should be why we feel the need to live divided based on our external features, instead of bonding together to bring forth our common goal of peace and an end to world hunger. In America cops kill black people. In the Middle East drones murder children in schools. There's a major problem that's centered around the valuing of one race, and making other races/cultures/etc. expendable. That needs to stop and you stop it by becoming aware and privy to what's happening and bonding together with your other fellow humans to put an end to the violence instead of just focusing on the colors of their skin and the actions of a select few. But whatever, this is just hippie talk that means nothing to the real world that's been created by conditioning and propaganda.
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Focus on the race issue the media is pushing on you all you want. The real issue should be why we feel the need to live divided based on our external features, instead of bonding together to bring forth our common goal of peace and an end to world hunger. In America cops kill black people. In the Middle East drones murder children in schools. There's a major problem that's centered around the valuing of one race, and making other races/cultures/etc. expendable. That needs to stop and you stop it by becoming aware and privy to what's happening and bonding together with your other fellow humans to put an end to the violence instead of just focusing on the colors of their skin and the actions of a select few. But whatever, this is just hippie talk that means nothing to the real world that's been created by conditioning and propaganda.
I see what you're saying and I think most of us in here agree with the sentiment that we should all be working and coexisting with one another peacefully. However, that is the step we should take after addressing the issue that is at hand right now. Right now the focus is the racial tension going on, and as much as the media is, as you called it, sensationalizing the issue it is the right thing to do because the racial profiling and oppression is very real. The Aljazeera video was great because they didn't just show angry and emotional black people, but it looks like they made sure to interview angry, emotional, and highly intelligent black people. It was a job well done.
Because NT is full of holier than thou, closeted racists with no empathy. Short of rape and murder, why judge the OP for being a felon?

This is how the system works in L.A. for Blacks and Browns. Yes, I have an expunged misdemeanor.

You get arrested. The reason why 2-3 squad cars respond isn't for safety, or protocol, it's to discuss, amongst each other, what trumped up charges they can pull out their 'knowledge', aka, their *****.

You ever wonder why at almost every minority arrest, the first words out their mouths is "don't resist"? That's a charge right there. They instigate a reaction so they can up charge you.  You go in thinking you're fighting a misdemeanor just to find out you have 2 felony charges, one of which you can't fight, therefore, leaving you with having to either plead down or take your chances with 12.

I was lucky enough to have been able to afford a real lawyer who was able to get most of my trumped charges thrown out, but most minorities don't have that luxury, leaving them with a PD who doesn't care about a final verdict and keeps the system rolling.

Try having empathy before you're quick to judge. (not directed to you MOE)

I know plenty of people with Felony records whose crime was having too much weed on them (personal use) who got intent to distribute charges. They were bankers, teachers, regular working folks who just smoked too much weed. 
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Because NT is full of holier than thou, closeted racists with no empathy. Short of rape and murder, why judge the OP for being a felon?

This is how the system works in L.A. for Blacks and Browns. Yes, I have an expunged misdemeanor.

You get arrested. The reason why 2-3 squad cars respond isn't for safety, or protocol, it's to discuss, amongst each other, what trumped up charges they can pull out their 'knowledge', aka, their *****.

You ever wonder why at almost every minority arrest, the first words out their mouths is "don't resist"? That's a charge right there. They instigate a reaction so they can up charge you.  You go in thinking you're fighting a misdemeanor just to find out you have 2 felony charges, one of which you can't fight, therefore, leaving you with having to either plead down or take your chances with 12.

I was lucky enough to have been able to afford a real lawyer who was able to get most of my trumped charges thrown out, but most minorities don't have that luxury, leaving them with a PD who doesn't care about a final verdict and keeps the system rolling.

Try having empathy before you're quick to judge. (not directed to you MOE)

I know plenty of people with Felony records whose crime was having too much weed on them (personal use) who got intent to distribute charges. They were bankers, teachers, regular working folks who just smoked too much weed. 

PM me bro, please. I am confused as to what is going on n I don't want to distract from this discussion. I agree with you, but I don't think you quoted me in the first place n that dude has yet to answer me.
johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm I feel what you are trying to say 100%.

The thing is though, just because I lean more towards the importance of things you mentioned like World Hunger and 3rd World Massacres, it doesn't negate the fact that racial inequality is a big problem and is taking lives at lower than genocide but still high numbers.

The best thing for each individual to do is to be passionate about a cause that makes a difference to them, and be that difference that implements change for the betterment of the whole World.

We can't all focus on the same goal, because that would be unity, and that's something we as humans don't have.
Focus on the race issue the media is pushing on you all you want. The real issue should be why we feel the need to live divided based on our external features, instead of bonding together to bring forth our common goal of peace and an end to world hunger. In America cops kill black people. In the Middle East drones murder children in schools. There's a major problem that's centered around the valuing of one race, and making other races/cultures/etc. expendable. That needs to stop and you stop it by becoming aware and privy to what's happening and bonding together with your other fellow humans to put an end to the violence instead of just focusing on the colors of their skin and the actions of a select few. But whatever, this is just hippie talk that means nothing to the real world that's been created by conditioning and propaganda.

What you're saying makes no sense. You can't "bond together" without tackling the MAJOR and VERY REAL racial issues in America and around the world. You're trying to skip steps because talking about race makes you uncomfortable for whatever reason (I'm assuming you're not black). Guess what? Ignoring race is promoting the status quo. It promotes all the injustices that go on every day here and gets us nowhere. It's ignoring a major root of the issues here.

Nothing you're saying is hippy talk - it's just ignorant. How can you say there's a major problem centered around other races being expendable and then refuse to talk about the racial implication of all of this? That's insanely backwards.

Sure - focusing on world peace and all of that SOUNDS really wise and hippy but what you're actually saying just doesn't add up...
Because NT is full of holier than thou, closeted racists with no empathy. Short of rape and murder, why judge the OP for being a felon?

This is how the system works in L.A. for Blacks and Browns. Yes, I have an expunged misdemeanor.

You get arrested. The reason why 2-3 squad cars respond isn't for safety, or protocol, it's to discuss, amongst each other, what trumped up charges they can pull out their 'knowledge', aka, their *****.

You ever wonder why at almost every minority arrest, the first words out their mouths is "don't resist"? That's a charge right there. They instigate a reaction so they can up charge you.  You go in thinking you're fighting a misdemeanor just to find out you have 2 felony charges, one of which you can't fight, therefore, leaving you with having to either plead down or take your chances with 12.

I was lucky enough to have been able to afford a real lawyer who was able to get most of my trumped charges thrown out, but most minorities don't have that luxury, leaving them with a PD who doesn't care about a final verdict and keeps the system rolling.

Try having empathy before you're quick to judge. (not directed to you MOE)

I know plenty of people with Felony records whose crime was having too much weed on them (personal use) who got intent to distribute charges. They were bankers, teachers, regular working folks who just smoked too much weed. 

LOL, what? OP should be judged for being a felon. Why should anyone be empathetic towards someone who commits crimes? That's the whole point of having a record--so you can be judged by society for your mistakes in life, whether you got caught slipping or whatever the reason.

You want to not have a record? Don't commit crimes.

Want to smoke weed? That's fine but then don't cry about it and tell people to not for judge you when you've been caught.
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LOL, what? OP should be judged for being a felon. Why should anyone be empathetic towards someone who commits crimes? That's the whole point of having a record--so you can be judged by society for your mistakes in life, whether you got caught slipping or whatever the reason.

You want to not have a record? Don't commit crimes.

Want to smoke weed? That's fine but then don't cry about it and tell people to not for judge you when you've been caught.
That's a fair philosophy if the playing field is even...but blacks get charged with crimes at several time the rates whites do even if they aren't committing them at higher rates. As a lawyer you should be pretty familiar with racial sentencing disparity.
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