Police Appreciation Thread

I appreciate the ones who love their job and are fair

**** the ones who joined the police because they couldn't be anything else in life..and just doing it for checks/benefits
appreciated. my best friend is a santa monica cop. he smoked me out last week
Im still sore from recent parking tickets. I'll wait until my butthurtness resides before I go appreciating law enforcement 
Thanks. Nice to be appreciated for a change. Dont let the few scumbags that wear a badge represent us as a whole. I signed up for this career simply to help the good and punish the bad (still feel the same way)
See, the reason why people so disproportionately perceive the bad things that some cops do is that there are generally no real repercussions from their actions. Whenever you have people that so egregiously abuse their authority with any situation from an unauthorized search/seizure to just flexing on folk because you have a badge and a weird hat within a given group, the group will be colored by these actions.

People with that much power (besides being able to kidnap you by law, they can legally SHOOT YOU as a judgement call) should be more stringently screened, reviewed for performance on a more consistent basis, recorded at all times and tracked as comprehensively as the worst criminals they pursue because they have more than enough motive and opportunity to become one.

That said, good police are essential to the order and safety of the public and society at large. At least, that's my theory.
**** the po-lice

On the real though I've dealt with both sides of the spectrum. I've had a family friend who's an officer go out of his way to help me with situations, a genuinely great dude who comes from a good family.

Then I've also been manipulated and charged with **** that I didn't do (charges didn't stick.)

Overall I appreciate that they maintain order, but **** them. Seems like there just aren't enough people who are fit to be a police officer that actually want to be one, so obviously the standards have to be lowered and those power hungry goons who weren't smart enough to do anything academically get to be a part of the force.
As long as they continue to turn the blind eye when their fellow "evil" cops commit crimes then I cannot fully appreciate them. :smh:
I appreciate that one female cop i seen a while back working security at this game...shorty was sexy, had dudes trying go at her like she wasnt in uniform, working :lol:
I actually met two pretty nice a good cops just the other day.

I moved to central New York State for graduate school from NYC last summer. The area I'm in right now has loads of waterfalls and trails and what have you. Me and my classmate went to go get something to eat and she told me there was a small waterfall close to the restaurant so I'm like let's go.

It was a pretty dope scene because as a city kid you hardly get to see this level of nature. I was like how about we go jump in. We did and had some fun.

I see two burly cops come by and I know the deal. We weren't supposed to be in the water fall and rightfully so because your footing is not secure and you could potentially die. I did the right thing...I walked over to the cops...they gave me the usual run down.

One cop asks me where I'm from...I'm like "Queens"...he's like what part I'm like "Forest Hills" a clear lie but if anyone asks you what part of Queens your from, especially cops you should tell them a neutral part of Queens so that they don't stereotype you based on your hood.

I find out both cops are from Queens, both were responders to 9/11 and we chop it up for half hour talking about nyc. Shake their hand, acknowledge my fault and no ticket or nothing.
They deal with ********, day in and day out, do a job that revolves around stressful situations. Deal with an element of preconceived and misguided stereotyping.

They are human beings, so mistakes will be made.

People should appreciate Police like they appreciate military personell.

see thats exactly the problem, right there.

maybe we shouldn't be supportive of our military. else our government will keep providing false motives to engage in war. we had no business waging two full-scale wars and bombing entire cities in a man-hunt for a terrorist organization.

one thing to get retribution for 9/11, but when we dropped bombs on iraq and afghanistan we killed innocent children (over 100,000 innocent Iraqis died from aerial bombardments, torture, crossfire, etc) . a lot of rationale provided to us ended up being outright lies.

but i digress, I mean I respect the idea of our military, i think most mean well. I don't believe the majority of our military ever had malicious intentions. but a lot of well-intentioned us military personel killed innocent lives.

maybe if we weren't all so gung-ho and these colors don't run, in some convoluted belief that our freedoms are truly at risk, maybe we could curb unnecessary deaths on both sides. that's what really pisses me off, is that the powers that be used the men and women of our armed forces almost like pawns in what really was a witch hunt. in the end it just creates more animosity on both sides.

maybe the same way we scrutinize our police forces we should scrutinize our armed forces.

but I digress (again), this isn't really the thread for that. just something I felt finally had to be said. I support our armed forces when the cause is truly just. same way I support responsible police officers.
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