Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

I was near Fisherman's Wharf in SF and saw hundreds playing too, damn near every other group I passed by. Atmosphere was good.
Ya. I was at downtown Burbank. Crowded bro. All people on they phones.

Lik the old days :lol:

Those days were wild.
I could only imagine how crowded Santa Monica was. I appreciate the loyalists sticking with the game after all this time of the hyped dwindling and followers following.
Fiiiiinally got one of this badboy. I'm not going to lie, I was nervous as hell.
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My local discord group has taken a hit with raid interest since the scanners went offline. You can still get big groups but its more inconsistent.
This thread is dead... but I just started playing again. Got my first shiny!

Anyone know how to meet up with people who still play? I don’t raid because I’m by myself...


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This is a great time to come back to the game I've been seeing a lot of new and returning players lately. The events have been nonstop and lasting longer making it easier to take advantage of them. As rfx mentioned, they're about to introduce trading with some interesting twists to hopefully keep things fair so spoofers cant trade themselves 100% mons into one account.

Here are the shinies I've caught recently

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Was able to evolve 6 larvitars on community day :pimp:
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Worst part was my nephew got one and has no clue what he’s doing.

How do you know if you have a 98 Pokemon? Are you using the Iv calculator?
Completely brain-farted on today's event. I had the assumption that it would last all day. Kinda pissed because I'm the type of dude that's competitive.
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