Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Don't want people to get comfortable or scared when it comes to cheating, but every now and then I virtually hit Santa Monica and just park there. Depending on where you're spoofing from if you're going to choose Santa Monica you're 100% going to be softbans on arrival if you're last logged in location isn't anywhere near Santa Monica. From my experience softbans aren't anywhere near 4 hours long. Atleast they haven't been for me. I've checked back as soon as 45-60 minutes and am able to play again in the spoofed location. So my suggestion is if you're going to spoof there stay there until the softban goes away. Seems to me that if you stay long enough you can find a decent amount of rare mons if you pay attention to pokevision. Lots of locations can be spoofed to within Santa Monica without getting soft banned again. If you're ready To go back to where you were originally or you just want play with your current location cause you'll be out and about be prepared for another soft ban which again I haven't experienced anything longer than an hour.

You will only get soft banned using the walking around tweak if you travel a significant distance. Other than that you can walk around as much as you like withing your immediate/semi immediate area.


that unfiltered map of santa monica isn't even fair man. 
A location that spawns the same pokemon every so often and multiples of the same pokemon exist is the same area at the same time.

Outside of Santa Monica which can be a nest for a multitude of Pokemons, I've only really seen maybe two? One is like a Sandshrew and the Charmander in LACMA.
Don't want people to get comfortable or scared when it comes to cheating, but every now and then I virtually hit Santa Monica and just park there. Depending on where you're spoofing from if you're going to choose Santa Monica you're 100% going to be softbans on arrival if you're last logged in location isn't anywhere near Santa Monica. From my experience softbans aren't anywhere near 4 hours long. Atleast they haven't been for me. I've checked back as soon as 45-60 minutes and am able to play again in the spoofed location. So my suggestion is if you're going to spoof there stay there until the softban goes away. Seems to me that if you stay long enough you can find a decent amount of rare mons if you pay attention to pokevision. Lots of locations can be spoofed to within Santa Monica without getting soft banned again. If you're ready To go back to where you were originally or you just want play with your current location cause you'll be out and about be prepared for another soft ban which again I haven't experienced anything longer than an hour.

You will only get soft banned using the walking around tweak if you travel a significant distance. Other than that you can walk around as much as you like withing your immediate/semi immediate area.

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I think all these cheats are going to kill the game. No hate but takes the fun out of it for those playing fair. Also no fun sitting at home and havin Scottie beam you around the country. Especially with such soft bans.
whats a nest to yall? i think the term its being thrown around loosely here

Spawn Spot
When I say Nest
It's usually a group of spawns of one particular Pokemon that continue to show up throughout the day

That Magmar Nest I found it spawns 3 magmar every 15 minutes all day long

The bulbasaur nest
Same spawns 3 or 4 depending on the range every 15 minutes continuously throughout the day

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All I get is 5k eggs :smh:

I've gotten like 4-5 ponyta out of 5k's but the rest been trash except for a 577 oddish

I got two 5k ponyta today look at the candy :lol:

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According to that site this ponyta has perfect IV's
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To break soft ban. Go to a pokestop. Click, spin, Close. Do it for a minute and a half to 2 minutes as fast as you can. You'll get items from the pokestop and the soft ban is broken.

Confirmed it 3 times.
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