Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

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So I used the data found on http://pogotoolkit.com/ to list for each pokemon the CP that it needs to be in order to guarantee a 1000+ CP final evolution. hope you 'll find this useful

Abra: 526
Bellsprout: 443
Bulbasaur: 546
Caterpie: 272
Charmander: 357
Charmeleon: 585
Clefairy: 493
Cubone: 607
Diglett: 374
Doduo: 457
Dragonair: 493
Dratini: 274
Drowzee: 481
Sparky(Eevee): 496
Pyro(Eevee): 405
Rainer(Eevee): 381
Ekans: 453
Exeggcute: 371
Gastly: 367
Geodude: 349
Gloom: 676
Goldeen: 468
Graveler: 610
Grimer: 498
Growlithe: 433
Haunter: 642
Horsea: 457
Ivysaur: 834
Jigglypuff: 415
Kabuto: 508
Kadabra: 717
Kakuna: 333
Koffing: 513
Krabby: 424
Machoke: 676
Machop: 418
Magicarp: 100
Magnemite: 463
Mankey: 461
Meowth: 506
Metapod: 282
Nidoran (female): 336
Nidoran (male): 372
Nidorina: 547
Nidorino: 610
Oddish: 457
Omanyte: 503
Paras: 521
Pidgeotto: 579
Pidgey: 339
Pikachu: 430
Poliwag: 307
Poliwhirl: 527
Ponyta: 676
Psyduck: 451
Rattata: 393
Rhyhorn: 527
Sandshrew: 426
Seel: 962
Shellder: 382
Slowpoke: 457
Spearow: 388
Squirtle: 442
Staryu: 421
Tentacool: 405
Venonat: 538
Voltorb: 498
Vulpix: 365
Wartortle: 715
Weedle: 315
Weepinbell: 681
Zubat: 385

If you want to know the CPs for 2000+ final evolutions just double the numbers listed
You guys ever go to a different area because you think it'll be lit with cool Pokémon....then you get there and it's the same damn rats, bugs, and birds you can find in your hood ?

apparently powering up a base pokemon before evolving them doesn't affect their max CP. wish i had known that before i dropped like 40k in dust :lol:
BRUH THATS ******** INJUST PUT MY RAINER EVEE TO LIKE 500 so it could be lit :x :x I hate this ******* game
You guys ever go to a different area because you think it'll be lit with cool Pokémon....then you get there and it's the same damn rats, bugs, and birds you can find in your hood ?

Your level affects max CP..

But if you power up a mon before you evolve it..the evolution will have a higher CP because of it.
Good to know it doesn't matter to power up first. I copped a strong *** oddish from an egg I thought I came up since I wouldn't have to upgrade him too much before evolving lol. Just copped a 988 kabutops in da wild this morning 
Evolve your Pokemons first before deciding to power up people. If your pokemon gets crappy moves then you wasted your dust. And don't use your dust until level 20+ at least. This should just be put in the front page
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the IV in this game isnt even worth it imo yall stressing and **** :lol:  CP calculator is better but then that can also f you over if you get some wack *** attacks... they should let you teach your pokemon attacks like in the game

Seems like the iv % is heavily influenced by hp
I got this Dratini at 587cp, not sure if I wanna evolve him to Dragonite or see if I can catch a better Dratini :nerd:.
They really need to fix the scaling and difficulty as you level up in this game.

Any other games/mmo, when you level up the lower levels get easier but with this game, even the plebeian low cp pokemons could cost 5-10 great balls to catch.

I am fine with the OG4 being elusive but when a CP120 Pidgey and CP170 Doduo takes more than a handful of pokeballs to catch each, then there is a problem there.

At level 23, I should only be having trouble with CP400+ Mons especially if they aren't going to give more exp to harder to catch Mons.
They really need to fix the scaling and difficulty as you level up in this game.

Any other games/mmo, when you level up the lower levels get easier but with this game, even the plebeian low cp pokemons could cost 5-10 great balls to catch.

I am fine with the OG4 being elusive but when a CP120 Pidgey and CP170 Doduo takes more than a handful of pokeballs to catch each, then there is a problem there.

At level 23, I should only be having trouble with CP400+ Mons especially if they aren't going to give more exp to harder to catch Mons.

Totally agree with this one. For some reason, I have to expend 4-5 Pokeballs just to catch a 330cp Squirtle. But If i try catching a 900 Gyarados, it'll only take me 2 Pokeballs.

I'm at level 18 right now and I think I shouldn't be having issues catching anything under 700CP atm.
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