Please Don't Call Me African-American....Im BLACK


If I wanted to be completely as to the point as my current knowledge...
it'd be BLACK, NATIVE AMERICA, GERMAN(as my grandfathers grandmother was raped by a German fellow)

I see the importance and the legitimate arguments that both Anton and everyone against Anton has made.

At the end of the day... I'm black yall, and I identify it because of what the civil rights leaders and everyone who followed fought for and what I was taught.
The reason I prefer "BLACK" is because it's a symbol of beauty and strength in other countries. Maybe not in my current country but in others that's how it's defined.
The reason I don't consider myself African-American, is the same reason I don't have my Fathers last name. Africans don't want Blacks to be grouped with them. simply... THEY DON'T WANT US. I'm not gone try to fit in with a group of people who constantly looks down on me, divide and conquer was a hell of a strategy, but that was a strategy used amongst slaves! NOT AFRICANS.

Nigeria was never  enslaved and that's main people who I see doing the whole "high and mighty" African bs. If Nigeria wasn't enslaved, then Divide and Conquer could not have been an effect to them.

I'm black and I'm proud to be Black. I'm Black because of what Black represents in other cultures, and what Black has represented in my own CULTURES struggle. And my culture is BLACK, not African-American.

What the hell is an African-American Panther?

But Anton, I fully understand what you saying in the thread.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

True. Negro is villified because black leaders in the 20th century chose to do so. Black people called themselves this up until the "civil rights" leaders essentially banned it. There was no negative connotation to the word until we essentially banned it. As far as what I consider myself- I am just as "White" as I am "black", and never really like the term "mixed"- it's pretty vague. I consider myself Jewish.

As far as the question you posed- in a perfect world there would be no labels on job application ect- however- these are blanket terms that are used to cut down on cost as well as time. Surely they would rather have 5 or 6 blanket terms as opposed to thousands of potential combinations that would just clog up the system. It's a necessary "evil" if you will, that I am willing to live with.

Well put, it is a necessary evil. You and I essentially agree on the topic of human labels....I have no idea why you were coming at me earlier.
Coming @ you? lulz. You stated that blacks distance themselves from their African Herritage. That is a far different topic than what I just discussed. Job applications are not culture.

No I said it's hypocritical/ ironic that certain black NTers complain about their African heritage being lost/ stolen, yet take measures like removing African from their "label" to distance themselves from Africa. I didn't say you had to identify with anything African as an African American. I was exposing contradictory thought processes I've noticed from many African Americans over the years. We wanna be African, but we don't wanna be African. We were stolen from the mother land, but we're not like them. That is my point, you can refer to yourself as a Martian for all I care all that matters is how you define yourself.

Unless these NTers complaining about their lost heritage/lineage are placing their origins in American plantations during slavery times. That's fine with me as well, it's your life create your own reality.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

True. Negro is villified because black leaders in the 20th century chose to do so. Black people called themselves this up until the "civil rights" leaders essentially banned it. There was no negative connotation to the word until we essentially banned it. As far as what I consider myself- I am just as "White" as I am "black", and never really like the term "mixed"- it's pretty vague. I consider myself Jewish.

As far as the question you posed- in a perfect world there would be no labels on job application ect- however- these are blanket terms that are used to cut down on cost as well as time. Surely they would rather have 5 or 6 blanket terms as opposed to thousands of potential combinations that would just clog up the system. It's a necessary "evil" if you will, that I am willing to live with.

Well put, it is a necessary evil. You and I essentially agree on the topic of human labels....I have no idea why you were coming at me earlier.
Coming @ you? lulz. You stated that blacks distance themselves from their African Herritage. That is a far different topic than what I just discussed. Job applications are not culture.

No I said it's hypocritical/ ironic that certain black NTers complain about their African heritage being lost/ stolen, yet take measures like removing African from their "label" to distance themselves from Africa. I didn't say you had to identify with anything African as an African American. I was exposing contradictory thought processes I've noticed from many African Americans over the years. We wanna be African, but we don't wanna be African. We were stolen from the mother land, but we're not like them. That is my point, you can refer to yourself as a Martian for all I care all that matters is how you define yourself.

Unless these NTers complaining about their lost heritage/lineage are placing their origins in American plantations during slavery times. That's fine with me as well, it's your life create your own reality.

This is stupid. If people call us african-american we feel they are being too politically correct, call us anything else and we get offended. We'd be a lot better off if some of us focused less on minor issues and more on bettering ourselves.
This is stupid. If people call us african-american we feel they are being too politically correct, call us anything else and we get offended. We'd be a lot better off if some of us focused less on minor issues and more on bettering ourselves.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai


If I wanted to be completely as to the point as my current knowledge...
it'd be BLACK, NATIVE AMERICA, GERMAN(as my grandfathers grandmother was raped by a German fellow)

I see the importance and the legitimate arguments that both Anton and everyone against Anton has made.

At the end of the day... I'm black yall, and I identify it because of what the civil rights leaders and everyone who followed fought for and what I was taught.
The reason I prefer "BLACK" is because it's a symbol of beauty and strength in other countries. Maybe not in my current country but in others that's how it's defined.
The reason I don't consider myself African-American, is the same reason I don't have my Fathers last name. Africans don't want Blacks to be grouped with them. simply... THEY DON'T WANT US. I'm not gone try to fit in with a group of people who constantly looks down on me, divide and conquer was a hell of a strategy, but that was a strategy used amongst slaves! NOT AFRICANS.

Nigeria was never  enslaved and that's main people who I see doing the whole "high and mighty" African bs. If Nigeria wasn't enslaved, then Divide and Conquer could not have been an effect to them.

I'm black and I'm proud to be Black. I'm Black because of what Black represents in other cultures, and what Black has represented in my own CULTURES struggle. And my culture is BLACK, not African-American.

What the hell is an African-American Panther?

But Anton, I fully understand what you saying in the thread.

   I commend you for looking at all arguments made in this thread, there is no right or wrong answer.

Many Africas nations are still suffering the effects of colonization at the hands of Europeans. This is why I used the word foolish and misguided pride to express how different groups of black people express supremicist attitudes against one another. Africa was raped for a lot of its resources, including human beings and it still is. Many people in Africa are not doing that great to assume they're better than another group of Black people.

Funny how people use "they" to refer to Africans in these topics. Africans themselves have been plagued by centuries of ethnic conflict after they were given independence by the British and had to choose which tribe will usurp the power. Divisions within divisions within divisions.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai


If I wanted to be completely as to the point as my current knowledge...
it'd be BLACK, NATIVE AMERICA, GERMAN(as my grandfathers grandmother was raped by a German fellow)

I see the importance and the legitimate arguments that both Anton and everyone against Anton has made.

At the end of the day... I'm black yall, and I identify it because of what the civil rights leaders and everyone who followed fought for and what I was taught.
The reason I prefer "BLACK" is because it's a symbol of beauty and strength in other countries. Maybe not in my current country but in others that's how it's defined.
The reason I don't consider myself African-American, is the same reason I don't have my Fathers last name. Africans don't want Blacks to be grouped with them. simply... THEY DON'T WANT US. I'm not gone try to fit in with a group of people who constantly looks down on me, divide and conquer was a hell of a strategy, but that was a strategy used amongst slaves! NOT AFRICANS.

Nigeria was never  enslaved and that's main people who I see doing the whole "high and mighty" African bs. If Nigeria wasn't enslaved, then Divide and Conquer could not have been an effect to them.

I'm black and I'm proud to be Black. I'm Black because of what Black represents in other cultures, and what Black has represented in my own CULTURES struggle. And my culture is BLACK, not African-American.

What the hell is an African-American Panther?

But Anton, I fully understand what you saying in the thread.

   I commend you for looking at all arguments made in this thread, there is no right or wrong answer.

Many Africas nations are still suffering the effects of colonization at the hands of Europeans. This is why I used the word foolish and misguided pride to express how different groups of black people express supremicist attitudes against one another. Africa was raped for a lot of its resources, including human beings and it still is. Many people in Africa are not doing that great to assume they're better than another group of Black people.

Funny how people use "they" to refer to Africans in these topics. Africans themselves have been plagued by centuries of ethnic conflict after they were given independence by the British and had to choose which tribe will usurp the power. Divisions within divisions within divisions.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Are u a house Negro or a field Negro? Sounds like ur the house type.
Contrary to popular belief. The house negro actually had it harder than the field negro. House negro's were under constant watch of the master and rarely got rest. They worked longer than the field negro as the field negro only worked during daylight hours. Especially female house negro's who were constantly being harassed and/or raped by their masters while also taking care of the children and wives and everyone else.
Only thing I've learned in this thread
^^^^ And that is a problem. This is because what he has stated, is well intentioned, but incorrect. This is what pisses me off about sites like this, how misinformation gets passed off as truth. So let's look at the facts here.

In 1667, Christianity and American law was changed to prevent African slaves from becoming free, then to keep them as indentured servants for life. This meant that neither Jesus could save you, nor the law. Now according to the slave narratives,, EVERYBODY, including male slaves, were being raped or forced to have sex in one way or another, at the slavemaster and slave drivers whim. In order to keep the slave in line, often times the female was forced to have sex, being oral or vaginal, in front of the slave husband, just to show the slaves who was "boss". This is what was going on with the field hands, who slept on bales of hay, or beds made out of rags, or at times, on wood floors. They worked from sun up, til' sun down, never getting paid, then getting scraps, if they were lucky on a sunday, for dinner, then being treated as the animals that the law said that they were to be. For more info on that see this

Now the indentured servants were often the lighter complected of the slaves, often the offspring of the dalliances of the Slavemaster, see Thomas Jefferson, who was notorious for sexing the field hands and indentured servants alike. The "house negro" being so close the the master, getting scraps every day, sleeping in the servant quarters, relalized how good he/she had it, compared to those who were sleeping in the slave quarters. Kowing that "Jesus" was not going to save them, then also knowing that the law was also against them, some felt that they needed to protect, what was supposedly protecting them from going to "hell", or back to the slave quarters. For the former, since they were allowed to read the bible on a sunday, but only allowed to be taught by WHITE CHRISTIAN WOMEN, they were taught The Curse of Ham, as it was applied to them. This was the tool of brainwashing  them, to hold them captive, but also not allowing them to be a threat to the slave master and his home, while living in his home. They were taught that by treating the Master and his family well, that they'd receive the "pie in the sky"

They all had it bad, but nobody had it worse than the field hand, who had to eat dirt, garbage, bugs, rats, anything that moved...til' sunday, then sleep near the horses, pigs and cattle, in order to survive.
The real info is out there, and I recommend that all of you who are Black, yeah I said BLACK, need to read up on your history. This is what the internet is meant for.

Those of you on here TOMMIN', need to be ashamed of yourselves....and you know who you are. 

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by tim teufel

Are u a house Negro or a field Negro? Sounds like ur the house type.
Contrary to popular belief. The house negro actually had it harder than the field negro. House negro's were under constant watch of the master and rarely got rest. They worked longer than the field negro as the field negro only worked during daylight hours. Especially female house negro's who were constantly being harassed and/or raped by their masters while also taking care of the children and wives and everyone else.
Only thing I've learned in this thread
^^^^ And that is a problem. This is because what he has stated, is well intentioned, but incorrect. This is what pisses me off about sites like this, how misinformation gets passed off as truth. So let's look at the facts here.

In 1667, Christianity and American law was changed to prevent African slaves from becoming free, then to keep them as indentured servants for life. This meant that neither Jesus could save you, nor the law. Now according to the slave narratives,, EVERYBODY, including male slaves, were being raped or forced to have sex in one way or another, at the slavemaster and slave drivers whim. In order to keep the slave in line, often times the female was forced to have sex, being oral or vaginal, in front of the slave husband, just to show the slaves who was "boss". This is what was going on with the field hands, who slept on bales of hay, or beds made out of rags, or at times, on wood floors. They worked from sun up, til' sun down, never getting paid, then getting scraps, if they were lucky on a sunday, for dinner, then being treated as the animals that the law said that they were to be. For more info on that see this

Now the indentured servants were often the lighter complected of the slaves, often the offspring of the dalliances of the Slavemaster, see Thomas Jefferson, who was notorious for sexing the field hands and indentured servants alike. The "house negro" being so close the the master, getting scraps every day, sleeping in the servant quarters, relalized how good he/she had it, compared to those who were sleeping in the slave quarters. Kowing that "Jesus" was not going to save them, then also knowing that the law was also against them, some felt that they needed to protect, what was supposedly protecting them from going to "hell", or back to the slave quarters. For the former, since they were allowed to read the bible on a sunday, but only allowed to be taught by WHITE CHRISTIAN WOMEN, they were taught The Curse of Ham, as it was applied to them. This was the tool of brainwashing  them, to hold them captive, but also not allowing them to be a threat to the slave master and his home, while living in his home. They were taught that by treating the Master and his family well, that they'd receive the "pie in the sky"

They all had it bad, but nobody had it worse than the field hand, who had to eat dirt, garbage, bugs, rats, anything that moved...til' sunday, then sleep near the horses, pigs and cattle, in order to survive.
The real info is out there, and I recommend that all of you who are Black, yeah I said BLACK, need to read up on your history. This is what the internet is meant for.

Those of you on here TOMMIN', need to be ashamed of yourselves....and you know who you are. 

Anytime I referenced a black person as black, I got "ok white girl" in response.

So I'll stick with African-American or nothing at all.
Anytime I referenced a black person as black, I got "ok white girl" in response.

So I'll stick with African-American or nothing at all.
The Continent is in tatters who would want to be associated with that right?
The Continent is in tatters who would want to be associated with that right?
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Anytime I referenced a black person as black, I got "ok white girl" in response.

So I'll stick with African-American or nothing at all.

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Anytime I referenced a black person as black, I got "ok white girl" in response.

So I'll stick with African-American or nothing at all.

//dan gilbert // See what happens when you give a Colored man a one hour special!!! //dan gilbert//

I did a bibliography on Frederick Douglass for an English class I took in college, and learned a lot about how we were treated as slaves.
Frederick Douglass said that the guy they slaved for caught his wife teaching Douglass how to read the Bible.
And he told her that if they taught the 'Nigg@s' how to read the Bible then there was no way they could keep them as slaves.

There is a verse in the Bible that reads, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32 KJV).
Had the slaves been able to read the Bible for themselves they would have known they weren't 'cursed', but were mighty in God.
This would have led to a complete uprising and the economy would have tanked because all the free labor would have been dead or on the run.

I personally think that if Martin Luther King and his peers were alright with the term 'Negro', then thats good enough for me.
Call me anything but lazy, dumb, stupid, and poor. Thems fightin' words!
//dan gilbert // See what happens when you give a Colored man a one hour special!!! //dan gilbert//

I did a bibliography on Frederick Douglass for an English class I took in college, and learned a lot about how we were treated as slaves.
Frederick Douglass said that the guy they slaved for caught his wife teaching Douglass how to read the Bible.
And he told her that if they taught the 'Nigg@s' how to read the Bible then there was no way they could keep them as slaves.

There is a verse in the Bible that reads, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32 KJV).
Had the slaves been able to read the Bible for themselves they would have known they weren't 'cursed', but were mighty in God.
This would have led to a complete uprising and the economy would have tanked because all the free labor would have been dead or on the run.

I personally think that if Martin Luther King and his peers were alright with the term 'Negro', then thats good enough for me.
Call me anything but lazy, dumb, stupid, and poor. Thems fightin' words!
Originally Posted by Mr S J King

//dan gilbert // See what happens when you give a Colored man a one hour special!!! //dan gilbert//

I did a bibliography on Frederick Douglass for an English class I took in college, and learned a lot about how we were treated as slaves.
Frederick Douglass said that the guy they slaved for caught his wife teaching Douglass how to read the Bible.
And he told her that if they taught the 'Nigg@s' how to read the Bible then there was no way they could keep them as slaves.

There is a verse in the Bible that reads, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32 KJV).
Had the slaves been able to read the Bible for themselves they would have known they weren't 'cursed', but were mighty in God.
This would have led to a complete uprising and the economy would have tanked because all the free labor would have been dead or on the run.

I personally think that if Martin Luther King and his peers were alright with the term 'Negro', then thats good enough for me.
Call me anything but lazy, dumb, stupid, and poor. Thems fightin' words!

That one passage would not have helped them, and that is because the bible condones slavery,

If you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to serve for only six years.  Set him free in the seventh year, and he will owe you nothing for his freedom.  If he was single when he became your slave and then married afterward, only he will go free in the seventh year.  But if he was married before he became a slave, then his wife will be freed with him.  If his master gave him a wife while he was a slave, and they had sons or daughters, then the man will be free in the seventh year, but his wife and children will still belong to his master.  But the slave may plainly declare, 'I love my master, my wife, and my children.  I would rather not go free.'  If he does this, his master must present him before God.  Then his master must take him to the door and publicly pierce his ear with an awl.  After that, the slave will belong to his master forever.  (Exodus 21:2-6 NLT)

Also since the bible has been, then is manipulated on a whim, those who were looking to maintain their investment, would have changed the rules again, in which they did, once the abolitionists confronted the Christian slaveowners on their so called "Christian beliefs".

Since the bible is filled with so many fun filled fallacies, there is no way that a book that says that the world is "flat",(Revelation 7:1
After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.)
 can free anyone from anything other than their pocketbooks.
Originally Posted by Mr S J King

//dan gilbert // See what happens when you give a Colored man a one hour special!!! //dan gilbert//

I did a bibliography on Frederick Douglass for an English class I took in college, and learned a lot about how we were treated as slaves.
Frederick Douglass said that the guy they slaved for caught his wife teaching Douglass how to read the Bible.
And he told her that if they taught the 'Nigg@s' how to read the Bible then there was no way they could keep them as slaves.

There is a verse in the Bible that reads, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32 KJV).
Had the slaves been able to read the Bible for themselves they would have known they weren't 'cursed', but were mighty in God.
This would have led to a complete uprising and the economy would have tanked because all the free labor would have been dead or on the run.

I personally think that if Martin Luther King and his peers were alright with the term 'Negro', then thats good enough for me.
Call me anything but lazy, dumb, stupid, and poor. Thems fightin' words!

That one passage would not have helped them, and that is because the bible condones slavery,

If you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to serve for only six years.  Set him free in the seventh year, and he will owe you nothing for his freedom.  If he was single when he became your slave and then married afterward, only he will go free in the seventh year.  But if he was married before he became a slave, then his wife will be freed with him.  If his master gave him a wife while he was a slave, and they had sons or daughters, then the man will be free in the seventh year, but his wife and children will still belong to his master.  But the slave may plainly declare, 'I love my master, my wife, and my children.  I would rather not go free.'  If he does this, his master must present him before God.  Then his master must take him to the door and publicly pierce his ear with an awl.  After that, the slave will belong to his master forever.  (Exodus 21:2-6 NLT)

Also since the bible has been, then is manipulated on a whim, those who were looking to maintain their investment, would have changed the rules again, in which they did, once the abolitionists confronted the Christian slaveowners on their so called "Christian beliefs".

Since the bible is filled with so many fun filled fallacies, there is no way that a book that says that the world is "flat",(Revelation 7:1
After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.)
 can free anyone from anything other than their pocketbooks.
It's technical right but sounds boxed in.... I'm Trinidadian. My family is all Trinidadian. I look Dominican , I consider myself a product of genocide. The Caribbean is an ocean away from Africa. Nothing In between. That goes for DR and PR too cuz they just as black as the rest ,plus the spinards won't accept them . The term is technically correct but forcefully used. Who renamed my lovely continent of Ethopia ??? The Europeans ...
It's technical right but sounds boxed in.... I'm Trinidadian. My family is all Trinidadian. I look Dominican , I consider myself a product of genocide. The Caribbean is an ocean away from Africa. Nothing In between. That goes for DR and PR too cuz they just as black as the rest ,plus the spinards won't accept them . The term is technically correct but forcefully used. Who renamed my lovely continent of Ethopia ??? The Europeans ...
Lol @ the house Negro having it worse. The house Negro loved his master more than he loved himself like Malcolm said. The field Negro wished his master was dead. I feel like most black people today are house negros and that's a Damn shame.
Lol @ the house Negro having it worse. The house Negro loved his master more than he loved himself like Malcolm said. The field Negro wished his master was dead. I feel like most black people today are house negros and that's a Damn shame.
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