Peep Suge's home he just lost to BANKRUPTCY, WOW!

- i swear ive seen that house before in a video or movie. on second thought (i think) that was the house used in the MC Hammer movie.
That's the size of my entire apt. complex
joint is mad nice, how do you afford a house like that, then end up bankrupt? wonder what cars he had.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

What was he doing with his money, that house should be paid for by now.

^^What makes you think you have to have a loan on your home to get it taken via bankruptcy? i'ts still an asset regardless, unless it's undervaluedwhich it was not...if i remember correctly i don't think he had a loan out on it but i know he put it in Michelle's name for a minute (remember her).
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Why don't these dudes ever buy their house straight out?
^^^although i think this home was paid for, which by the way does not stop you from losing it in bankruptcy unless it will cover your debts.It's called leveraging and most rich and very rich people do it. Why pay $10 million in cash for a home even if you have $20 million in the bank when youcan put a couple million down on a few million dollar homes and when they appreciate it's multiplied appreciation while having money left over and if yousell once you recouped your down payment via apprecition your the man. Plus less write offs amongst other things....
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