SUPER lit. Had to double take when I saw him tweet this out last night. Went ahead and pre-ordered this joint...Party deserves my money after blessing my ears with PND 2 
Not nice sounds like a views throwaway. Still have high hopes for P3 after come and see me but this new song is trash.
The new song isn't bad, it's just not what I want from party. All the OVOSound radio cuts were better.

I figured it being today was unlikely, but damn man, I was hoping he just had some kind of 2-week Apple streaming deal that explained the 29th.

As close as the 12th is, that whole 20 hours where I believed I was gonna get a new Party album next Friday makes it painful :lol:
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I figured it being today was unlikely, but damn man, I was hoping he just had some kind of 2-week Apple streaming deal that explained the 29th.

As close as the 12th is, that whole 20 hours where I believed I was gonna get a new Party album next Friday makes it painful
This gif is perfect lmao
I'm just glad we have a date. I will be at the next LA show no matter what. Last year's show was dope.

And the wiminz....:pimp:
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