Parks and Recreation vol. Ron Swanson ftw

Loved last nights episode. Ron going crazy is one of the highlights of the entire series imo 
Originally Posted by caleekicks

You should add a spoiler alert to that link.

Yeah my bad. I spoiler'd that and my post before it. I figured more people would be discussing it. You should probably edit that post out as well.
Originally Posted by caleekicks

You should add a spoiler alert to that link.

Yeah my bad. I spoiler'd that and my post before it. I figured more people would be discussing it. You should probably edit that post out as well.
It doesn't really make any sense, it seems awfully quick for that to happen if the promo was true.. and I don't think Parks would do something like that so quickly.
It doesn't really make any sense, it seems awfully quick for that to happen if the promo was true.. and I don't think Parks would do something like that so quickly.
Another strong episode for the show tonight.

Ron showing he cares by helping Andy, his dart throwing motion
, Andy massaging Donna and Jerry's feet, and the ending for Andy made me happy to see finally.
Another strong episode for the show tonight.

Ron showing he cares by helping Andy, his dart throwing motion
, Andy massaging Donna and Jerry's feet, and the ending for Andy made me happy to see finally.
ron and his typewriter 

"rectangle! america! megaphone! monday! butthole!"

finally got around to watching this show. glad i did. 
ron and his typewriter 

"rectangle! america! megaphone! monday! butthole!"

finally got around to watching this show. glad i did. 
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