On Labeling Women Crazy (Good Read: Not Long)

Oct 13, 2001

A "friend" wrote this in the Washington Post blog :nerd:

I've had to quit telling stories about crazy exes or women I've dated.
The problem was that I started realizing that when my friends and I would talk about our crazy exes or what-have-you, more often than not, we weren't talking about ex-girlfriends or random dates who exhibited signs of genuine mental health issues. Now I did have a few where I would qualify my story with, "No, I don't mean 'we broke up and I can't be bothered to figure out where things went wrong, I mean that she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and was starting to show signs of genuine paranoia," but for the most part, crazy meant "acting in a way I didn't like."
And I didn't realize just how damaging this attitude was in the way I related to women.

Part of my journey toward getting better with women was having to unlearn a lot of old attitudes and habits when it came toward dealing with the opposite sex. I, like most men, grew up in an world where certain attitudes toward women were just "the way things were" and we absorbed them without thinking about them.

One of them was the tendency to use labels like "crazy" or "irrational" without thinking. And once I noticed my tendency towards tossing "crazy" out as a verbal short cut, I couldn't not see it everywhere.
It's a habit that we men need to break; it's damaging to relationships, trivializes genuine mental health issues and -- most importantly -- hurts women as a whole.

The Five Deadly Words
There are certain words that are applied to women specifically in order to manipulate them into compliance: "****," "*****," "ugly/fat" and, of course, "crazy." These words encapsulate what society defines as the worst possible things a woman can be. ****-shaming is used to coerce women into restricting their own sexuality into a pre-approved vision of feminine modesty and restraint. "*****" is used against women who might be seen as being too aggressive or assertive... acting, in other words, like a man might. "Ugly" or "fat" are used -- frequently interchangeably -- to remind them that their core worth is based on a specific definition of beauty, and to deviate from it is to devalue not only oneself but to render her accomplishments or concerns as invalid.

"Crazy" may well be the most insidious one of the four because it encompasses so much. At its base, calling women "crazy" is a way of waving away any behavior that men might find undesirable while simultaneously absolving those same men from responsibility. Why did you break up with her? Well, she was crazy. Said something a woman might find offensive? Stop being so sensitive.
The idea of the "crazy" woman is so vague and nebulous that it can apply to just about any scenario.

"Crazy" Women
The association between women's behavior and being labeled "crazy" has a long and infamous history in Western culture. The word "hysteria" -- defined as "behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic" -- is derived from the ancient Greek word "hystera," meaning uterus. Until the early 20th century, female hysteria was the official medical diagnosis for a truly massive array of symptoms in women including but not limited to: loss of appetite, nervousness, irritability, fluid retention, emotional excitability, outbursts of negativity, excessive sexual desire and "a tendency to cause trouble."

(Worth noting: much of the blame for "female hysteria" was placed on "wandering uterus syndrome" or other sexual "dysfunctions." While this did eventually lead to the invention of the vibrator, one of the common cures was a ****orectomy.)

While some of the symptoms of "female hysteria" could be signs of legitimate (if misdiagnosed) mental health issues, most of it described male (as the medical field was a men-only profession up until the mid-19th century) discomfort with women's behavior and sexuality. Calling it a medical issue meant that men didn't have to respond to behavior that challenged male sensibilities or belief structures. Instead, labeling women as "hysterical" made it much easier to diminish women's concerns and issues without having to pause to consider them as possibly being valid.

What Guys Mean When We Say "You're Overreacting"...
Men on the whole are quick to toss the "crazy" label onto women without stopping to think about it what they're saying. It's almost a reflexive response to a host of behaviors that men find inconvenient or undesirable.
Stop me if any of this sounds like something you've said -- or heard -- in a relationship: "You're overreacting"; "Don't worry about it so much, you're over-thinking it"; "Stop being so defensive."
It does to me.

I've said all of these things to women I'd been dating. I'm willing to bet most of the men have said something similar and the women have heard it more times than they can count.
To give a personal example:

Back in the bad old days, I was notoriously self-absorbed. It wasn't that I thought that I was the greatest thing ever, it was just that I didn't really stop to spare too many thoughts for others. I was willing to make an effort for others, but only so far as it didn't really inconvenience me past a "reasonable" point. I didn't want to have long drawn out conversations about how my behavior made my girlfriend feel and I certainly didn't want to get dragged into what I saw as unnecessary drama. In fact, I was incredibly drama-averse, thanks to an early unhealthy relationship.

As a result... well, I wasn't willing to consider how others were feeling. When the woman I was dating would try to explain to me how the way I treated her felt, I would tell her that she was seeing things. She was overreacting to inconsequential stuff. She was being over-sensitive, reading things into what I was saying or doing that just weren't there.
The subtext to everything I was saying was simple: "You are behaving in a way that I find inconvenient, and I want to you to stop." I wasn't willing to engage with her emotionally and address her very real concerns because I was too wrapped up in my own **** to think about other people. As a result, I would minimize her issues. By telling her that she was reading too much into things, I was framing the situation as her being irrational.
I didn't realize it at the time, but what I was doing was, in effect, telling her that she didn't have the right to feel the way she felt... because I didn't want her to feel that way.

Needless to say, that relationship didn't last long. Neither did the ones that followed. It wasn't until I was willing to change my attitudes towards dating and how I related to women that I started having more meaningful relationships, whether casual or long term.

Gaslighting and Emotional Manipulation
When someone talks about the woman who he broke up with because she called too often or seemed get emotionally involved faster than he was comfortable with, because she got angry with him over the way he acted, she was always arguing with him about stuff or even that she wanted different things from the relationship, it's not uncommon to hear, "That's why you don't stick it in the crazy." The man is absolved of any responsibility for the break up; it's not because he was willing to pretend to be on the same page as her regarding the future of the relationship because it was convenient and meant that he could continue sleeping with her, it's because she was crazy. It's not because he was unwilling to discuss her concerns. She's crazy, case closed, time to move on to the next woman without pausing to reflect.
By dismissing a woman's behavior or concerns as crazy, we inadvertently take part in a behavior known as "gaslighting." Named for the classic George Cukor movie, gaslighting is a term used by psychologists to describe abusive behavior where a person is made to feel as though their emotions and reactions are irrational, even (dare I say) crazy. By constantly minimizing and dismissing someone's reactions, we make them feel uncomfortable with themselves and cause them to start to doubt their own feelings. If they're being told over and over again that what they're feeling is irrational or unreal, that what they're feeling is somehow out of whack, then they start to accept that maybe it is.
Even when it's not. Especially when it's not.

Gaslighting -- minimizing their feelings, reframing them as being unreasonable -- is classic abusive behavior. It's telling someone that they don't have a right to the way they feel because what they're feeling is wrong. Their feelings or their concerns or behavior isn't "rational." Once you take away their right to their feelings, it's that much easier to manipulate a person into the way you want them to behave.

Labeling women as "crazy" is a way of controlling them. It may not be something planned or pre-meditated, but the ease with which men call women "crazy" says a lot about them. Calling a woman "crazy" is quick and easy shut-down to any discussion. Once the "crazy" card has been pulled out, women are now put on the defensive: The onus is no longer on the man to address her concerns or her issue; it's on her to justify her behavior, to prove that she is not, in fact, crazy or irrational. Men don't even have to provide any sort of argument back -- it's a classic catch-22: "The fact that you don't even see that you're acting crazy is just proof that it's crazy."

"What's Your Damage?"
The trend of labeling women "crazy" is part of the culture that socializes women to go along to get along. When women are told over and over again that they're not allowed to feel the way they feel and that they're being "unreasonable" or "oversensitive," they're conditioned to not trust their own emotions. Their behavior -- being assertive, even demanding or standing up for how they feel -- becomes an "inconvenience" to men and they're taught not to give offense and to consider the feelings of others before their own.

Casually, even reflexively calling women crazy and the stigmatization of "crazy" (i.e., inconvenient or uncomfortable) behavior has become a way of trying to keep women behaving in a very specific and limited manner. It perpetuates the madonna/***** dichotomy -- that women are either submissive, demure and sexually restrained or irrational ******* on wheels, the emotional equivalent of riding Space Mountain after five shots of Mescal.

We may not intend to manipulate women this way -- most of the time we're not even aware that we're doing it. Most of us are conditioned into it; it's a part of the subtle background radiation that still teaches us that women's desires and opinions are secondary to men's. But the fact that we don't mean to cause harm doesn't change the fact that we do without even thinking about it.

Sure, we taught you that you should never trust your own feelings and that standing up for what you want is bad but there's no real harm done right?

As with other bad habits and acculturation, we need to unlearn this tendency to use "crazy" as a weapon. It's only by recognizing this behavior in ourselves and teaching ourselves to avoid it that we can quit poisoning how we relate to one another and letting it hold us back from the relationships we all want.
Labeling women as "crazy" is a way of controlling them. It may not be something planned or pre-meditated, but the ease with which men call women "crazy" says a lot about them. Calling a woman "crazy" is quick and easy shut-down to any discussion.

Interesting. Now that I think about it, none of the females I've called crazy either friends or gfs didn't last long.
Read it. I guess I agree on it not being the best thing to call women crazy because they aren't in the clincal sense. But the irrational behavior and overreacting is far too common of a trait for it not to be called out. Women are creatures of emotion, moreso than men, and emotions are irrational sometimes which causes them to act that way. From what I got out of the article is men shouldn't tell women they can't feel are certain way, which in some cases means letting bad behavior slide. That's not conducive to a healthy relationship. Sometimes women do need to be called out and brought back down to earth by a level headed male. I see nothing wrong with that.
Read it. I guess I agree on it not being the best thing to call women crazy because they aren't in the clincal sense. But the irrational behavior and overreacting is far too common of a trait for it not to be called out. Women are creatures of emotion, moreso than men, and emotions are irrational sometimes which causes them to act that way. From what I got out of the article is men shouldn't tell women they can't feel are certain way, which in some cases means letting bad behavior slide. That's not conducive to a healthy relationship. Sometimes women do need to be called out and brought back down to earth by a level headed male. I see nothing wrong with that.

True that. A level headed male will know when a girl is acting "crazy". Most reasonable girls also know that they sometimes act "crazy". I've found it is better to accept this than to really try to change the situation. For example, my gf left her wallet in a cab today. I was on my way to meet her. We were supposed to meet at 3:20. She called at 3:23 telling me (in a semi hysterical voice) that she left her wallet in the cab. Where the hell I was. What should she do. Then proceeded to say nevermind and said she'll deal with it. All this said semi-hysterically. I showed up "late" at 330 and she wasn't where she said she would be. I called her, she talked in a annoyed voice and told me to go to a different part of the downtown district like 10 minutes walking away. I go there and she wasn't there. Called her, and she was like how did you not see me...i was on the street. Again, I didn't react and said fine, I'll come over there.

A younger me would of felt super annoyed that she was going so "crazy" over something as small as losing a wallet. That it's not close to a life/death situation and that it can be handled in a logical, rational manner (as I/many guys would do). Now, I knew she was just feeling emotional about the situation (she has a job interview 2morrow and needs her ID etc) and she is lashing out at me because she is mad at herself.

Fast forward to 6 pm when we are just kicking it in bed and she is saying that im great and she doesn't know how I put up with her becoming emotional like that for no reason. Says she knows she get overly emotional/acting crazy sometimes and is so glad that I am a good guy and take it in stride. That she is just lashing out because she is upset with herself etc.

Lesson: Be a man, but not a fool. A man waits for the girl to stop being emotional and then handles the situation. A simp tries unsuccessfully to please a woman and do stuff that will stop them from acting crazy.

We all wish for women to be more level headed but I guess it never really happens. My mom, at age 62 still acts like that sometimes. Just overly emotional about trivial things. She has a PH.D etc etc. However, women generally are only truly truly open to a few people (and maybe just one, you) and so they lash out easily because they know they are in a "safe" place. Also, same thing that makes them so easy to manipulate (for jerks). To be honest, I've used it to my benefit a few times when I was younger. Act level headed when they are getting crazy, then get them to do something I want (like cook dinner/go to a bball game/meet up with friends/get me something) later on when they calm down and feel bad about it.
Women are crazy from a rational standpoint. Thats not to say that the term isn't a label, but in most often times it has merit.
True that. A level headed male will know when a girl is acting "crazy". Most reasonable girls also know that they sometimes act "crazy". I've found it is better to accept this than to really try to change the situation. For example, my gf left her wallet in a cab today. I was on my way to meet her. We were supposed to meet at 3:20. She called at 3:23 telling me (in a semi hysterical voice) that she left her wallet in the cab. Where the hell I was. What should she do. Then proceeded to say nevermind and said she'll deal with it. All this said semi-hysterically. I showed up "late" at 330 and she wasn't where she said she would be. I called her, she talked in a annoyed voice and told me to go to a different part of the downtown district like 10 minutes walking away. I go there and she wasn't there. Called her, and she was like how did you not see me...i was on the street. Again, I didn't react and said fine, I'll come over there.

A younger me would of felt super annoyed that she was going so "crazy" over something as small as losing a wallet. That it's not close to a life/death situation and that it can be handled in a logical, rational manner (as I/many guys would do). Now, I knew she was just feeling emotional about the situation (she has a job interview 2morrow and needs her ID etc) and she is lashing out at me because she is mad at herself.

Fast forward to 6 pm when we are just kicking it in bed and she is saying that im great and she doesn't know how I put up with her becoming emotional like that for no reason. Says she knows she get overly emotional/acting crazy sometimes and is so glad that I am a good guy and take it in stride. That she is just lashing out because she is upset with herself etc.

Lesson: Be a man, but not a fool. A man waits for the girl to stop being emotional and then handles the situation. A simp tries unsuccessfully to please a woman and do stuff that will stop them from acting crazy.

We all wish for women to be more level headed but I guess it never really happens. My mom, at age 62 still acts like that sometimes. Just overly emotional about trivial things. She has a PH.D etc etc. However, women generally are only truly truly open to a few people (and maybe just one, you) and so they lash out easily because they know they are in a "safe" place. Also, same thing that makes them so easy to manipulate (for jerks). To be honest, I've used it to my benefit a few times when I was younger. Act level headed when they are getting crazy, then get them to do something I want (like cook dinner/go to a bball game/meet up with friends/get me something) later on when they calm down and feel bad about it.

Your girl sounds just like mine.

Always misplacing things and then a crescendo of yelling and panic begins when she can't find HER personal items SHE misplaced in HER house most of the time. The second she realizes something is missing, instead of looking for it herself, she will start yelling at me for not helping her find it. I used to be like, "hey, if you weren't so busy yelling at me and just quietly looked for it you'd have found it by now. Instead you just wanna argue with me over you misplacing something." Now, I just walk around and pretend like I'm looking for whatever she lost. Not once have I found what she's looking for before she does, since it's usually in her purse or something, but, just me pretending to look around seems to help.
I skimmed it...eh

This comment that was posted pretty much sums up my thoughts the article

It's a nice message, on the surface, but the underlying message is just as dangerous as invalidating a woman's emotions by calling her "crazy". All this article does is trade one generalization for another. It posits that men, and only men are the insensitive and manipulative ones. It treats it as a gendered phenomenon rather than a human one.

Like "that's why you don't stick it in the crazy" removes any responsibility on the part of the male this article removes all female accountability. She does not have to question whether any of her negative generalizations have an effect on the male because the article posits that men are the wrongdoers. Therefore she is free to say as she wants, because any retort from a man is just manipulative.
View media item 669383

Sorry bro. Women do get "crazy" and so do men. We get called, pervs, creepy, dogs etc on the regular and we deal with it. And they should deal with it too.

minimizing their feelings, reframing them as being unreasonable -- is classic abusive behavior.
I got feelings too. I feel like smashing every phat *** that passes by but I cant do that cause my woman wouldnt put up with that. Am I being abused? No, but thats what I have to do to keep the relationship healthy

This whole article is a perfect example of women not taking responsibility for their own actions.
anyone wanna summarize?

In short, calling females crazy is a way to control them. It is also a way that men don't reflect thier behavior that causes women to make complaints. It is easier to dismiss their claims by calling them crazy and as a result telling them that their opinion doesn't matter.
I've had this conversation recently with female friends. It's become a hot topic among women who feel they're being unfairly labeled. The problem is that even though many men may be quick to dismiss a woman as "crazy" just for the sake of not breaking down the issues, there is some truth in the notion in my opinion. When men call women crazy it's not in the clinical sense. It's in the sense that women exhibit far less control over their emotions than men do. "Craziness" is nothing but unbridled emotion, which can be good or bad. I don't think anyone would argue that women aren't more in touch with their emotions then men, generally speaking. So it stands to reason that they would be more likely to experience the extremes of emotion on a regular basis. Whether its love, hate, sadness, happiness, whatever. And that's not to say that there aren't any men like this, cause there most certainly are. Now the main line of defense I've been hearing for this is that men cause women to act out. And though its true the actions of men play a part in women's responses, no one but YOU can control your emotions for better or worse. 

My last homegirl I had this conversation with was tripped out when I told her I haven't cried since like 08. She cries every week apparently. Men and women are different despite what some "progressive" folks might try to convince us. To pretend otherwise makes little sense.
Ain't reading.

Women are crazy.

One time my girl left my number at a restaurant cause the waitress was flirting with me to see " if she had the balls to hit me up "

Waitress hit me up and my girl blacked on me

 your chick got balls
True that. A level headed male will know when a girl is acting "crazy". Most reasonable girls also know that they sometimes act "crazy". I've found it is better to accept this than to really try to change the situation. For example, my gf left her wallet in a cab today. I was on my way to meet her. We were supposed to meet at 3:20. She called at 3:23 telling me (in a semi hysterical voice) that she left her wallet in the cab. Where the hell I was. What should she do. Then proceeded to say nevermind and said she'll deal with it. All this said semi-hysterically. I showed up "late" at 330 and she wasn't where she said she would be. I called her, she talked in a annoyed voice and told me to go to a different part of the downtown district like 10 minutes walking away. I go there and she wasn't there. Called her, and she was like how did you not see me...i was on the street. Again, I didn't react and said fine, I'll come over there.

A younger me would of felt super annoyed that she was going so "crazy" over something as small as losing a wallet. That it's not close to a life/death situation and that it can be handled in a logical, rational manner (as I/many guys would do). Now, I knew she was just feeling emotional about the situation (she has a job interview 2morrow and needs her ID etc) and she is lashing out at me because she is mad at herself.

Fast forward to 6 pm when we are just kicking it in bed and she is saying that im great and she doesn't know how I put up with her becoming emotional like that for no reason. Says she knows she get overly emotional/acting crazy sometimes and is so glad that I am a good guy and take it in stride. That she is just lashing out because she is upset with herself etc.

Lesson: Be a man, but not a fool. A man waits for the girl to stop being emotional and then handles the situation. A simp tries unsuccessfully to please a woman and do stuff that will stop them from acting crazy.

We all wish for women to be more level headed but I guess it never really happens. My mom, at age 62 still acts like that sometimes. Just overly emotional about trivial things. She has a PH.D etc etc. However, women generally are only truly truly open to a few people (and maybe just one, you) and so they lash out easily because they know they are in a "safe" place. Also, same thing that makes them so easy to manipulate (for jerks). To be honest, I've used it to my benefit a few times when I was younger. Act level headed when they are getting crazy, then get them to do something I want (like cook dinner/go to a bball game/meet up with friends/get me something) later on when they calm down and feel bad about it.

i guess a lot of women have those traits cuz my girl is in med schooland she is back home with her mother and she has to deal with a bunch of mess with her mom and she takes her anger out on me then a few hours later she will come back saying very similar things about she is happy to have me apart of her life and that she doesnt see how i put up with all her crap but im glad i read the article i guess i can stop saying she crazy ......... AT TIMES LOL
Ain't reading.

Women are crazy.

One time my girl left my number at a restaurant cause the waitress was flirting with me to see " if she had the balls to hit me up " 0]

Waitress hit me up and my girl blacked on me 0]

:lol: :smh:

my ex left her homegirl number on my car window to see if i would call it back. :stoneface:
anyone wanna summarize?

In short, calling females crazy is a way to control them. It is also a way that men don't reflect thier behavior that causes women to make complaints. It is easier to dismiss their claims by calling them crazy and as a result telling them that their opinion doesn't matter.

sounds like not taking responsibility for one's actions to me...
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