Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I'm excited for Side Effects JA.... Although I was not a fan of Contagion. I don't expect it to be like that though... yeah, same director and some of the same actors, but I don't see the comparisons because Contagion was about a virus, and from the commercials this just seems like a pill that helps you right away, but then causes you to go nuts. Not alike at all.

Gonna check it out tonight most likely.
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Just an outbreak movie. I'm not saying similar like a sequel, but like Immortals and 300.

It's directed and shot by Soderbergh. It should have the same style as Contagion. I mean it's hard for me NOT to see all the similarities, down to Jude Law. :lol:

I mean, does it scream Magic Mike?

It looks like another propaganda-scare film. Contagion was an aim to be wary of germs. Side Effects looks like its aiming to be wary of pharmaceuticals.
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Minor news, but I like Dianna Agron so I'll take what I can get. Scorsese coming on officially as an executive producer, starring DeNiro, Tommy Lee Jones, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Luc Besson directing.

Considering she doesn't have much of a movie resume (no disrespect to I am No. 4, of course), that's pretty impressive company for Agron to be in. I'll definitely check it out.
Yeah I was pleasantly surprised. She's a solid actress so I would like to see her with some good roles to showcase that.
Almost done with Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy (Ep. 11 to be exact)... I can see the intrigue but is there any reason I should continue watching?

I'm not that impressed.
I'm excited for Side Effects JA.... Although I was not a fan of Contagion. I don't expect it to be like that though... yeah, same director and some of the same actors, but I don't see the comparisons because Contagion was about a virus, and from the commercials this just seems like a pill that helps you right away, but then causes you to go nuts. Not alike at all.

Gonna check it out tonight most likely.
Almost done with Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy (Ep. 11 to be exact)... I can see the intrigue but is there any reason I should continue watching?

I'm not that impressed.

I watched the trailer again, and although I didn't remember the investigation as much, it's still written from the same guy, directed from the same guy, will have the same visual style it seems, I just can't sit here and think it's not in some way a spiritual successor.
Question for those who have receiver for surround sound. What program do you think delivers the best movie experience? You guys just use the 7ch stereo or 7ch enhancer or do you guys use any of the movie settings like adventure, sci-if, spectacle, ect. I've been messing around with them testing the different effects they have and am trying to decide.
No idea if this is the final cover, but if it is... :pimp:

If anyone has HBO, I strongly suggest you watch Mea Maxima Culpa.

It deals with priests sexually abusing children, including a group of deaf boys back in the 60s, and how much The Vatican protects these priests.

Goes pretty in depth, and it's a very interesting watch.
Almost done with Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy (Ep. 11 to be exact)... I can see the intrigue but is there any reason I should continue watching?

I'm not that impressed.

Season 2 is the reason.

If I knew you were watching season 1, I woulda told you to watch the first ep or 2 then watch the last 3.

Season 2 is great television.

If that hooks you enough to watch the rest, cool. But just know that season 2 can hang with any great cable show on now. I don't want to describe anything that happens.

After that, I'd almost recommend skipping season 3. The show never gets back to that level really, but season 3 is a joke. Season 4 is great (almost there with 2), until the ending. :smh:

Then 5 is just...a lot of noise and action, signifying...whatever. :lol:

In case you missed the memo...Sons of Anarchy season 2 is worth the watch, without a doubt. Peg Bundy should've got an Emmy.
SOA falls off hard. Can't really say it's worth watching if you're not feeling the first season. It's kinda prison break status. You might love the 1st or 2nd season but after that, eh, you'd just be watching to see how it ends.
I just watched the first episode and though I like Jax' character and Segal's as well, I just don't feel the need to watch it to the point where I must know what happens next. Probably because it was just the first episode and just an introduction but I didn't really care. Unlike Breaking Bad where I was hooked from the start to this nerdy chemistry teacher who had just gotten some terrible news. Not comparing the two since I know the latter is miles ahead but you get the point.

I'll probably finish off the first season and watch the 2nd due to Neg's post.. but if I still don't care by then, I'll just chalk it up to not my cup of tea.
Season 2 is crack. There was no story or bad guy or motivation in season 1. It was just Jax acting emo doing the Motorcycle Diaries thing and a bunch of bikers hanging out...that changes hard from go. The first ep of season 2 will have you hooked. It convinced me that this could be as good as The Shield when all was said and done.

Then Season 3 happened. The end of season 2 will convince you that pure hype will happen in season 3. Instead they erased all of that goodwill. It felt like a spinoff web series at some points. :smh: 4 almost...ALMOST got back to that Season 2 crack status. The 2nd half of season 4 was right there with season 2...but then they reached a new low with the worst finale possible. Then season 5 is just a regular Showtime show way past it's prime and trading on the characters you used to really like. It's like they gave up, figured out the hot buttons people loved seeing and just made the whole show a try and shock you or act cool every 5 minutes thing.

So of course best ratings the show ever had. :lol:

It's cuz Sons of Anarchy is the closest thing to The Sopranos that TV has seen since it went off air.

The cast is so deep. Most shows can't make 2 good characters...this has about 8 or 10 at least.
It's just one huge pile of wasted potential after season 3, but trust me...2 is worth it. 4 kinda, that's about it
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Okay Joaquin Phoenix was clearly robbed for a nomination. I ain't gonna talk about should win or shouldn't but nomination? Yeah. He's in it. If u disagree u haven't seen it
^^^I've tried to watch Girls a couple times because my wife loves it and asked me to check it out. I couldn't really get into it. At the risk of sounding shallow, it's hard for me not to be distracted by how unattractive Lena Dunham is, which the show seems to try and showcase often. Maybe that's just me though.
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