Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Isn't it "break your concentration". .?

Oh and the kroll show has a lot of potential. Some great skits. Good guests.

Portlandia and this. Skit comedy coming back?
Nick Kroll is great..   I'm gonna try to give Portlandia another shot.  I like a lot of the people that are in the show, or write for it

but I can never get into it.  Same with Parks & Recreation...
Taken 2 - should I bother? I liked the 1st one, as did most, but it seems like the second one was out of theaters in a hot second. So, I have my doubts about it?
Nick Kroll is great..   I'm gonna try to give Portlandia another shot.  I like a lot of the people that are in the show, or write for it
but I can never get into it.  Same with Parks & Recreation...
I feel you. Could not get in to Portlandia at all. I fall in and out with Parks. Right now not really feeling it anymore.

Didn't know Nick Kroll was getting his own show til I saw the commercials during one of his stand up specials. I'll check it out when it debuts.
Taken 2 - should I bother? I liked the 1st one, as did most, but it seems like the second one was out of theaters in a hot second. So, I have my doubts about it?
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Isn't it "break your concentration". .?

It's a play on nerds.

Taken 2 - should I bother? I liked the 1st one, as did most, but it seems like the second one was out of theaters in a hot second. So, I have my doubts about it?

:smh: Don't. |I

I'm gonna try to give Portlandia another shot.  I like a lot of the people that are in the show, or write for it
but I can never get into it.

If this doesn't...

BTW, don't know how many Fringe fans are on here but the 2 hour series finale is on Friday. :frown:

I refuse to watch it unless someone tells me it all fits together in cohesive fashion

I will not get lost again

MR O gave a good description if it
Honestly if you watched it I don't think you'd get it or even enjoy it. Not saying it's too smart for ppl but to put this show in the same vein as LOST is way off base. I mean the show gets no where near the hype LOST got, I'm pretty sure it was near cancellation. So unless you're just treating any show under the sci-fi category this way there's nothing to fear.

Everything up to date has been presented in a cohesive fashion. This is not a show about endless mysteries each season and the creators promise you there'll answer all of them before it's over. This is way more in the style of X-Files than LOST.
Watched Zero Dark Thirty last night.

It's everything else I've watched all mashed up. The Kingdom, Body of Lies, Argo, and whatever else I'm forgetting, only, this was "real". We don't know jack **** was "really" happened out there, only what we were told. Hell, we ain't eem see a pic of that dead fool.

Now, in terms of if that was even remotely close to how it all went down, yeah, it was a good watch. I was in on it the whole time, not edge of my seat in, but I was never bored. I was following the story, I was investing in the characters, but it was nothing I'd never seen before.

Chastain tho, she did work. She was fantastic. They made her look like hell for one, not an easy task, and she was very convincing as a pain in the *** female pushing around a bunch of ego centric powerful men and making them listen to what she had to say. My absolute favorite part of the entire movie was her getting pissed off and writing the number of days on her boss's window everyday. :rofl: That **** had me weak. Her convo with Tony Soprano where she said she was recruited outta high school, but then couldn't tell him how that came to be. :lol: She was very, very good.

The ending was fun. That last 30 minutes was tense, just as Argo was, only in the dark and we couldn't see most of it. Hence Argo deserves more credit imo for what was portrayed. But in terms of how it all went down for real in this instance, they could only do so much during a night invasion.

Chastain deserves any praise/accolades she gets, but I don't think the movie was Oscar worthy in of itself. A solid watch, serious, well done, tense, but nothing groundbreaking. It was The Kingdom 2 - Bin Laden edition. Hell, Kyle Chandler was in both movies for heaven's sakes. :lol:

I give it an 8, maybe 8.5 for Chastain's portion.
did it seem like a propaganda film at all?

I don't think so......but I could've also missed out on some things, I'm not very smart. :lol:

Surely there were some intended themes in there, but my wife and I both sat there wondering how we find people to go over and be in constant danger of being bombed just having lunch. Or meeting with truly crazy people who WANT to kill Americans and what not.

I don't feel like anything was forced on me, or anyone made to look like good/bad guys. Just a witch hunt for a total loser that got off lucky only getting shot. Ida took his dead *** body and tossed it off the Empire State building myself. Seriously.
Continuing my rewatch of Mad Men.. (On S.2 ep 6) -- Betty was so damn sexy. :pimp:

edit: the chick that Don gets with on the trip to Cali... ME GUSTA.
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did it seem like a propaganda film at all?

Don't mind if I do. :lol:

In a way... if you don't take a firm stance on torture, you're condoning it in a way. Like if you had a child molester in your movie and didn't go out of your way to call him a monster. iI think she tried to be real matter of fact and journalistic with it, but that's asking for trouble. She under-directed it, cut out an important scene or just tried to be too lowkey/all things to all people.

And the same goes for whether the torture led to his capture... yes and no.

The movie wants to present the facts and be as morally ambiguous, conflicted, and lost as we are, but it was a mistake to try and be all that, then say everything in this film actually happened just like this. It was asking for too much trouble. We haven't, as a nation, dealt with what we've done the last decade, yet.

This is a film I think we'll appreciate more in 5 years.
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You know, I was sitting in ZDT, and the thought came across my mind, what if someone overseas made a film about 9/11? I'm not saying a film that is disgraceful, but instead something done in good-taste, but made by another country? Or hell, even a middle-eastern country? How well would it be received? I just wonder how films like this fare overseas. The filmmakers (Bigelow) was tasteful enough to not show the events of 9/11, yet she was more than willing to show the bombings in both London and Islamabad hotel bombing. I'm not saying that I wanted her to go ahead and show the 9/11 attacks, I'm just saying it made me think.

Imagine if someone in France or a middle-eastern country made a film about the Colorado theater shooting? It just makes me a bit uneasy sometimes.

Speaking of theater shootings, I went and saw Gangster Squad.

In parts, it's really fun. Yet the script is nothing special, and a lot of the plot "twists," are seen a mile away. I enjoyed Brolin, Nolte, Penn, Gosling, Mackie, and badass MFing Robert Patrick :lol: , but Pena and Emma were just okay. Emma looked great though. :pimp:

Into a bit of spoilers.

The scene with Cohen finding out about the GS was really shotty, I felt. You knew the second he found out about the recording devices, you knew Giovanni Ribisi's character was dead. Then you have him deliver his swoon song, and it just fell a tad short for me. The last scene was great, and most of the takeovers by the GS were awesome action. It's nothing to drool over, that's for sure. I wonder how much the re-shoots affected the film. It's weird, because it's made by the same guy who made Zombieland, and in some strange way I was reminded a lot of Zombieland after watching it.

It's definitely not bad, I just don't know if it's worth going to see in theaters. It's a rental.
I know a TON of you hated Contagion, but Soderbergh is making a movie that seems extremely similar to it, Side Effects. It stars Rooney Mara (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Social Network), Channing Tatum, Jude Law, and Catherine Zeta-Jones. It looks interesting, as I kinda liked Contagion a lot.

Also, 42 looks GODDAMN amazing. The director is mostly known for his script writing, but directed Heath Ledger in The Order and A Knight's Tale, along with Gibson in Payback. He's been attached to such screenplays as LA Confidential, Conspiracy Theory, Mystic River, Man on Fire, Robin Hood, and The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3. 42 stars Harrison Ford and Chris Meloni (Oz, Law and Order: SVU), with Chadwick Boseman taking up the lead as Jackie Robinson.

Saw the trailers for both today, excited for both.

Next week: The Last Stand, Lincoln, and Les Mis hopefully.

Maybe Mama too.. :nerd: :lol:
Man, I'm gonna miss Lane Pryce. :frown:

Sorry for all the Mad Men posts, I just got nowhere else to post my thoughts lol
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