Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Smh house got broken into when i was at work they stole a whole bunch of **** including my nice *** tv and like 50 blu rays... At least my dog is ok :lol:
thoughts on Kingdom of Heaven?

It'd probably win the award for Most Improved Film with it's director's cut.
...Like it's seriously about right there with Gladiator in my book.

Except...Emma Stone could probably whup Orlando Bloom's *** and he did not much to prove otherwise in this.

He doesn't have that...that gravitas...that tenacity...that charisma...not like Russell Crowe did. Wrong choice for the lead.
I wish they could've gotten Viggo Mortenson or something.

Still though, it's a great film in spite of him and he's not terrible, just wrong for the part.
...the director's cut is almost a must watch if you like those sword and sandals Gladiator/Troy/Spartacus type things.
Smh house got broken into when i was at work they stole a whole bunch of **** including my nice *** tv and like 50 blu rays... At least my dog is ok :lol:
Name a movie that most resembles this situation
thoughts on Kingdom of Heaven?

It'd probably win the award for Most Improved Film with it's director's cut.
...Like it's seriously about right there with Gladiator in my book.

Except...Emma Stone could probably whup Orlando Bloom's *** and he did not much to prove otherwise in this.

He doesn't have that...that gravitas...that tenacity...that charisma...not like Russell Crowe did. Wrong choice for the lead.
I wish they could've gotten Viggo Mortenson or something.

Still though, it's a great film in spite of him and he's not terrible, just wrong for the part.
...the director's cut is almost a must watch if you like those sword and sandals Gladiator/Troy/Spartacus type things.

good to know. i'll have to check out the director's cut. i saw it was on bbc so i popped in the blu-ray. big fan of the movie.

as for orlando...pretty much agree. he's fit more for paris in troy than a great fighter :lol:
END OF WATCH -- I didn't expect it to have jokes like it did or the chemistry between Michael Pena and Gyllenhaal. There are these little moments...not just with them, but with the chick cops, wife and girlfriend, bosses, everyone...little moments that are just comfortable? familiar? perfect? They're just memorable and feel so real. It's almost like a hard-nosed, urban Apatow movie...with little details dropped in the way a Bourne movie drops details in. And there are some really memorable, violent images, that just...yea.

So damn, surprisingly good. 8/10

Two things though: the found footage is kinda more of an idea than a reality. :lol: I mean it's sorta like, ok, let's establish that there's a camera in the area...and then throw in 10 more angles that make no sense at all. I ain't mad though. It makes the movie look better and flow better than some shaky cam, found footage. it's not too ridiculous, but it's still >D.

And Gyllenhaal's weird to me. There's something just kinda unlikeable or douchey about him, but then I like him in so many movies. He made Donnie Darko, Bubble Boy, Jarhead, Source Code, this...but any time I see him in a commercial or trailer, I'm instantly like...no thanks. I'll just blame Prince of Persia. :lol:

TED -- So Seth MacFarlane's the natural evolution from Adam Sandler and Chris Farley? Cuz this is a bro movie. He casted the damn bro king. It feels like ever since Superbad, people been hungry for the bro movie of the year. We got spoiled in 08 with Step Bros/Tropic/Pineapple. In 09 it was The Hangover. 10 was Jack-*** 3D. Ted was this year's.

It's a live action Family Guy and maybe not as sharp, because of that. It's hit or miss with the jokes, but have you ever watched Family Guy with a bunch of people? It's like pizza, even when it's ehhh it's still something everyone can enjoy together. It isn't made with the same care that an Apatow or even Stiller or McKay movie's made. It's style-less like early Kevin Smith. And it almost feels like a CBS comedy, without the laugh track. But that's fine.

I liked it. Every part of Tammy Lynn, the grocery store manager, the party and the fight were straight comedy. 7.5/10
In Sacramento, goin to 9ers/Dolphins tomorrow. Went to my hometown today. :pimp:

That's awesome man. :pimp:

Be safe tomorrow, I know you're a Miami fan, and going to a home game being a fan of the visitor can be ROUGH.

Northern California. :pimp:
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