Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

man I cant see the laughing smiles when i post them. and i cant see pictures WTF
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after watching the marathon last night you could really tell how far Nolan has come since the shaky cam fights in batman begins 
the brutality of that fight in the sewer was amazing. so many great moments. Michael Caine had me on the verge of tears. I hope they leave this universe on its own after this, and when they decide to reboot the series they should really consider setting it in the batman beyond universe. It would be a whole new experience instead of just telling the same origin story. JGL would be perfect as terry
No way DC/WB does another Bat incarnation without it being Bruce. No matter how well things are set up for the next guy. They'll ignore half of that and bring Bruce back or just James Bond him if they don't want to do another origin movie and never allude to this trilogy. Plus that way they can do Joker again 6-7 years from now or w/e.
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Can we never mention this and The Avengers in the same sentence again? :smh:

Could someone convince Chris Nolan to do a Batman flick every 4-5 years if WB would finance whatever ******g project he wanted in between?

Hollywood, Warner Brothers, EVERYBODY needs this Batman. Not some reboot bull **** that's sure to come in 2016-17.
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Who was ever comparing TDKR to Avengers? :lol: I mean they were already two movies deep. Only thing to talk about between the two is how much each of them gross.

I will say Avengers is on par with BB though. We have to wait and see where they go with this trilogy and the interconnected movies.

I'm pretty sure Nolan said he's done with Batman or that he's done with superheroes period. Think it was the former though.
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Deniability? :lol: Everyone got doppelgangers right? Yeah, on the Joker/Bane thing. I agree on why I like Bane more. He was so scary because he was always planning ahead, he had a plan. The exact opposite of Joker. So you knew he'd be ready for Batman's plans, and he was, whereas Joker would just go with the flow and make it up as he went. He was beatable once Bats planned ahead for Joker and mapped his habits and reactions. I will say though, Ledger did a hell of a job. Dark Knight is on TNT right now and... man, this guy here. It really is neck and neck right now between those two villains.
I would have liked to see batman outsmart bane. Felt like he just fought him in a similar fashion the second time. I guess the information he got from Bane's doctor in the prison was the big difference. Maybe knowing Bane had a weakness made him feel like he had a chance. But bane was the better fighter all in all probably.
Bane definitely was the better fighter. Batman only won because he knew to disconnect the mask. And then Talia showed up. And that part actually surprised me; I'd forgotten ALL about Talia somehow. And as soon as Batman saw the knife, I was thinking "OHHHH **** THAT'S RIGHT!!" :lol:

I forgot about Talia as well. :lol:

When the child in the prison was revealed to belong to Ra's Al Ghul, I was liked Bane is Ra's Al Ghul's son?


Then the twist happened and I was :smh: @ myself for completely forgetting about Talia.
Disappointed... No discussion at all today about it??!?!? I mean, damn I know it's Saturday, but STILL, it's Batman 3, the last one, the conclusion of the trilogy :lol:

I already posted my thoughts, but I can ramble. I thought Nolan did a great job of balancing a lot of great actors... I mean how many films can match up to the talent of Bale, Freeman, Gordon-Levitt, Oldman, Caine, Hardy, Hathaway, Cottliard, etc. Just household names right there or young talent on the "come-up".

The scene with the football field blowing up was done FAR better than I anticipated. I just sort of :lol: when Bane was up on the jumbotron though. Like, really, they won't show streakers at games but they'll let a mass murderer have the time of day? :lol: The bridges falling was eerie, not only because of what happened to me locally with the 35W bridge in Minneapolis, but because I was in Pittsburgh less than a month ago. Just weird to see... a real uncomfortable feeling.

The flashbacks they did to Batman Begins just made me realize how old all these actors are getting man. :smh: It sucks. We're really gifted with some talented guys in this era of film. ****, Bale looks ancient compared to the first, the flashback to Oldman and child Bruce in the police office made Oldman look so old in the third, etc. Such a huge fan of Nolan's vision... and the gift of him taking so long between movies assists them in the quality and re-watchability aspects, but also these dudes literally grow old on the screen, in front of us. :\ I mean ****, I was 13 when the first movie came out.
Also, yall notice Big Ben and I believe Hines Ward? :lol: :lol:
I believe there were a few more Steelers in there, too.

The scene with the football field blowing up was done FAR better than I anticipated.
Same thing I was thinking. And it's good that they explained why the field was falling into the ground; the trailer made it seem like Heinz Field was built over a sinkhole :lol:

Now that it's sunk in a little more, I like Rises more than TDK.
I hope there's an option on the Blu-Ray/DVD called "Bane Subtitles"... just when Bane is talking, no other time :lol:
Rises made the viewer take many more leaps of faith compared to TDK. It was the least realistic, and most comicbooky movie of the 3


TDK is a crime drama, Rises Is an epic action movie. Both are awesome but I go with TDK
I saw it again and I hated how much louder Bane's voice was in comparison to the rest of the movie.

Not to mention I felt like he was a mix of Sean Connery and Darth

Still enjoyed it and thought Bane was excellent but I wasn't as high on it as I was.
my favorite scenes:

when all hell broke loose and people were beating the crap out of rich people, stealing their stuff, bridges destroyed

Wayne and Selina dancing together

Bane with the "Mr Wayne". He had some very good one liners. The first fight was amazing.

How Bane interacted with his henchmen. ruthless

The scene with Alfred leaving and the one at the end. He destroyed this role

Football scene was well done.

I loved Bane's voice but I guess I'm in the minority

The stock market scene was dope

loved the cops chasing after batman instead of bane. Showed how Bats truly is despised and the city hated him. Plus how Modine's character was an ambitious fool.

Plane scene was dope

Alfred seeing Wayne at the resturant was great and heartfelt

Scenes I didn't like plus gripes

Almost everything in the jail pit just didn't seem right to me. There was nothing to show that it was the worst place on earth. food and water all provided. Nobody messing with each other. Cheering for each other. The leap to the next stone was anto climactic. It just didnt do anything for me. I understand the hope analogy is included alot in the movie I just wasn't feeling the pit.

How did wayne get to gotham

The second fight was was okay but Batman didn't do that much differant. He is a detective at heart and should have used his brain to defeat Bane as well as his fists. I mean a broken, beaten up, out of practice batman gets a few shots on the mask and thats it? mehh

more details on how he escaped the nuke. yes i know about auto piolot, but a nuke has a fallout radius.

WTF is a chip that erases everything? If i know your face, what is a chip gonna prove?

Talia in the truck was awful. She's a great actress, he's a great director. don't know where that came from

Bit more info on how Blake found out Wayne was batman

How are they gonna live the rest of their lives? Wayne get his money back? how could he, he's buried. Selina just gonna rob people? how is he not going to be recognized?

I want to know how much Bane truly believed in what Talia and him were doing. Was it really just for her? Did they both truly think that gotham was evil and it's time was up an dmust be destroyed? I felt like I understood Ra's motivations much more clearly. There were so many 99% references... did they truly care about wealth disparity? was that a main reason Gotham failed? I just have no idea what either really cared about. Just fufiling Ra's goal but what did they feel about it?

I'm fine with Selina shooting Bane. It redeemed her character. She came back and helped Bruce. If it was a rated R movie it would have been done better. probably a hole through his head.
Loved the movie. Not much i would have changed.

Banes voice...I didn't mind it. It was a villain's voice, no doubt. I just had trouble with a few of his lines. I think once i see it again it'll be fine though. I did find it weird his voice was amplified. Not sure if that was a function of his mask.

I loved the little twist with Talia's character. They did that well.

Blake's character was good. Better than I expected. I just had no idea how he knew Gordon would wash up at that drain. Maybe I missed something there.

Anne was solid. I didnt like her for the role going in, but she was just fine. No complaints.

I found the end interesting. It was almost like a scene you would see after the credits. I don't even want to try and think about what would/could be next. I almost hope there isn't a next. I know they said end of the trilogoy, but that definely looked like a tease for something. I guess its also an appropriate way to end the trilogy, with fulfilling Alfred's sort of wish.

Versus TDK...man it's tough. I definitely would need to see TDKR again. But no complaints. And it sucks knowing the trilogy is done. Nolan did it right though. :smokin
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I almost teared up at the end. had to fight it back. super emotional. when he was at the tombstone I almost lost it
Looking back, I wish there had been more Selina and less Blake.

I feel completely opposite. She was borderline Michelle Pfeiffer in parts. While Blake, there was a strong parallel between him and Wayne. Eye candy? Amazing, but Blake's character was far superior IMO.

If I had to rank how much I enjoyed the characters, I'd say...

Alfred > Gordon > Bane > Blake > Bale > Selina. Forgetting anyone? :nerd:

How did wayne get to gotham

The film didn't do a good job of doing so, but the bomb was supposed to take five months in between it getting disconnected from the reactor to go off. If you're asking what airline Bruce Wayne took to get to Gotham, you're asking the wrong person, but they left enough time in between that he would plausibly have enough time to get back to Gotham.

The law enforcement trapped underground was there for quite a while. It is pretty rushed in the film itself, but I believe that Blake or Gordon says that they've been trapped down there for weeks, if not months.
i been talking to a friend about the movie. he just keeps ripping it apart. it's driving me nuts since i liked it so much. he keeps sending me articles about flaws in the movie. i want to just say, **** those articles, man....what did YOU think of the movie. it drives me nuts when people just start paraphrasing reviews and articles they read. like i get it, you may agree here and there with what comes out in the review, but form your own opinion. sorry, had to rant.


i need to see TDKR again though. i want to be able to watch it without being wide eyed and in that excited state of mind. want to be able to take in more.
the twist with lima's daughter would have been much better if they worked that into her a little throughout the entire film. it didn't seem genuine enough, although i guess it fits into place with lima's wife being thrown in. it's whatever, i loved the film and especially this entire trilogy. it was done brilliantly, everything tied and flowed well. cerebrally liam's daughter was just like him. just wish she would have gotten a little more evil time. 
Shame on the writers of In Time killing off Olivia Wilde so early in the movie at all. Not eem gonna watch anymore.

LOL at JT trying to cry.
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