Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Okay your flight movie options are:

Krampus (2015)



or, The Last Witch Hunter(2015)

what y’all rockin with and why? I’ve seen neither.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 6/10

Movie about nothing.

Yes I know of the little meanings hidden inside the film but damn that was boring.

Only captivating scene was Cliff on the ranch.

What a waste of good talent.
I need to catch Parasite & Ford v. Ferrari.

Am I the only one who watches The Morning Show on Apple TV+?
Finally made a day to see parasite. Smallest theatre in the back of the cinemark with only two showings a day. Had to drive a few cities over but astonished when picking my seat there were only a few spots. if I recall correctly maybe 40/50 seats were taken.

As for the movie....... fuuuuuuuuuk. Pretty speechless. I need to think on it. Music/sound alone is phenomenal. Eerie high pitch underneath the classical music because horror is lurking in his head. Twists n turns. Like. THAT is a film. Story is amazing.

Shoutout to C CP1708 for all the work and patience he put into running the fantasy draft of substance we had some weeks back. *Leo Gatsby toast*

Shoutout to my comrades danger style danger style Master Zik Master Zik calibeebee calibeebee MajinZuub MajinZuub lawdog1 lawdog1 for holding me down
and allowing me to participate while I was down in SHU. You’re all real ones.
Even CP who completely butchered my No Country For Old Men vote
by not knowing how to copy and paste but it’s ok, I understand. This whipper snapper technology is a new concept to you.

Mans mronegative mronegative needs to post more often. I’m not just saying that because you were the only one to recognize real
but because you have a poet’s heart.

It feels good to be back in gen pop with all you degenerates and now that I have my thanks out the way, my next post will be my reflections on the piece of high art known to us westerners as Parasite .
Shoutout to C CP1708 for all the work and patience he put into running the fantasy draft of substance we had some weeks back. *Leo Gatsby toast*

Shoutout to my comrades danger style danger style Master Zik Master Zik calibeebee calibeebee MajinZuub MajinZuub lawdog1 lawdog1 for holding me down
and allowing me to participate while I was down in SHU. You’re all real ones.
Even CP who completely butchered my No Country For Old Men vote
by not knowing how to copy and paste but it’s ok, I understand. This whipper snapper technology is a new concept to you.

Mans mronegative mronegative needs to post more often. I’m not just saying that because you were the only one to recognize real
but because you have a poet’s heart.

It feels good to be back in gen pop with all you degenerates and now that I have my thanks out the way, my next post will be my reflections on the piece of high art known to us westerners as Parasite .

You're a prince 🙏🏿
It is good to have you back mronegative mronegative
You were here from the beginning, you carried this thread for long stretches, hell you renamed it when we got ripped from S&T. Glad to have you back for a while. :nthat:

Those that don't know.....last Monday my wife called me with the worst call imaginable......her parents spent the night with us Sunday night, her and I went to work Monday morning while they slept, a few hours later they headed home and were struck head on by a "potential"* drunk driver just a few miles from our house. Just before noon. Zero skidmarks on our side, they never saw it coming, and in that instant, they were gone. As if that wasn't enough, the car went up in flames, removing our chance at seeing them at rest one final time. Today we had their service and I mean our family PACKED that funeral home. People we hadn't seen in 2-3 decades rolled up for this. My wife and daughter will never be the same......

* I say potential because the charges are still pending until the driver is released from the hospital, but we've been assured, it's coming. Sadly, she had a 4 year old relative in the car with her, that baby passed as well. All bad man. All bad. :frown:

I'll never forget my wife's voice in that phone call. Never....

I don’t even know how to begin my thoughts on this film. I left the theatre speechless and reflecting on what I saw for days afterwards. What I am certain of though is that I pity the people who refuse to watch foreign language films due to subtitles. What they don’t understand is with directors like Bong Joon-Ho, he directs in the universal language... cinematic language.

If you haven’t seen it yet and care about spoilers, stop reading here. This next part isn’t for the faint of heart.

From the very first frame, I felt like absolutely not one frame from that point forward was wasted. EVERY shot meant something. The cinematography, the score, the dialogue, the acting, the pacing, the movement, the tension, everything was executed like a production of Swan Lake. Orchestrated to perfection.

This movie was the equivalent of how I feel about Daniel Day Lewis as an actor... he walks so close to the fire of being hammy, over the top without ever flying too close to the sun so that his wings melt. This is Icarus at peak height just coasting.

The symbolism and themes are so layered I was holding back tears trying to peel this onion. The constant use of the camera and set to establish the divide between the Parks and the Kims. The way the characters moved sometimes up the stairs that mimicked animals/insects.

The way this movie messed with your emotions and had you change them up in a matter of seconds. It was like a ******* rollercoaster. When you think the daughter is finna run in the kitchen for a knife when they’re fighting with the OG maid and her husband but instead she grabs the bag of peaches. THE ******* PEACHES.

When the OG housemaid is sprinting up those stairs and momma hits her with the Bruce Lee to send her *** back down, the three dudes next to me and I collectively went from
in a matter of 1.2 seconds when her head smashed against the wall.

And this man BJH is responsible for 2 of the most horrific shots that I’ve ever seen in my life with Memories of Murder during the “hunt scene” being one and this:



I was about to be soooo mad when the ending was unfolding and they showed the son buying the house and rescuing his dad but this SOB Bong pulled one last fast one on me and brought everything back full circle with the slow camera descent to show the son back where he started, fantasizing that entire ordeal.

For those of you who watched, the only thing that bothered me was where tf did the son get the idea to climb a nearby hill that was NEVER mentioned to look into the house? Now if even THAT was apart of his fantasy meaning he possibly never even received the Morse code message from his father then I retract my anger at that. It would elevate the movie from a 7.95/8 to
/8 because that would make it above human arbitrary ranking.
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C CP1708 I’m truly sorry to hear that. I empthasize with your loss heavily because I lost a cousin I used to live with in 2013 to a similar situation. Struck head on by a female driver (with her kid in the car :smh:) who was racing against some idiots she was with. I think alcohol was also involved if my memory serves me correct. :smh:

Super devout Christian who was headed home from a late night church gathering. :smh: Crazy amounts of people showed up to the service her church had for her and when we flew her body back home to El Salvador to bury her, almost the entire population of the island she grew up on mourned with us as we buried her.

Drunk drivers and people who race on commercial roads ******* suck. :smh:
It is good to have you back mronegative mronegative
You were here from the beginning, you carried this thread for long stretches, hell you renamed it when we got ripped from S&T. Glad to have you back for a while. :nthat:

Those that don't know.....last Monday my wife called me with the worst call imaginable......her parents spent the night with us Sunday night, her and I went to work Monday morning while they slept, a few hours later they headed home and were struck head on by a "potential"* drunk driver just a few miles from our house. Just before noon. Zero skidmarks on our side, they never saw it coming, and in that instant, they were gone. As if that wasn't enough, the car went up in flames, removing our chance at seeing them at rest one final time. Today we had their service and I mean our family PACKED that funeral home. People we hadn't seen in 2-3 decades rolled up for this. My wife and daughter will never be the same......

* I say potential because the charges are still pending until the driver is released from the hospital, but we've been assured, it's coming. Sadly, she had a 4 year old relative in the car with her, that baby passed as well. All bad man. All bad. :frown:

I'll never forget my wife's voice in that phone call. Never....
I'm sorry for your losses.

Kinda fitting, but you know what movie had me all ****** up?


I swear death's been following me for some time now. **** all the grandparents and my HS gf by 20. :smh: I lost count of how many patients of mine have passed. 35? 40?

But inside of that movie, one single idea cut me in half. The people you've known. The people you've loved. When no one is alive who remembers them, they finally truly die.

Had me all ****** up. It was so hard to talk about the people I've lost. But you can't heal without pain. And there's no right way, only your way. But I do believe that in speaking them back into this life, they live on forever.

Walk in peace. I pray for health and safety and compassion for your family. And may your in-laws live on through memory.

We all live the same length. A lifetime. 🙏🏿
CP, know you've got an entire family here that has your back. If you need to talk or vent to mostly anonymous strangers, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we're here for you. Echoing others, I've lost family and friends that meant more than the world to me. My grandfather passed two months ago and I never got to say goodbye. Taking helps. No matter who it's with; friends, therapists, online avatars that have tendencies to relive their immature days, it helps. I didn't look or even think I needed help after one of my best friends took his life, but I never knew how badly it was affecting me until years later. Like you mentioned you'll never forget that voicemail, I still hear my other bffs voice and the tears in the call constantly. So, that's a long way to say that we're here if you want, even if you're not sure what you want to say. My condolences, and I hope your family pulls through this as okay as you all can.
I watched the dark knight and tdk rises back to back on my flight and I forgot the greatness of rises. So much emotion and the last 5 minutes were an amazing way to end the story. It was great watching it right after tdk since they tie in perfectly.
C CP1708 I don’t think I can really express how truly sorry I feel for your family’s loss and what you’re going through. My in-laws are very special to my wife, my son and me. Always have been the people to step up most when we needed extra support. Just the thought of having them gone in an instant makes me feel sick. So I can’t even imagine how painful it must be for something like that to actually happen.

My deepest condolences to your family. You’ll have all positive thoughts/energy I can send your way for getting through this.
Man CP sorry for the loss :frown:
I lost my two cousins who I was real close with as well over ten years ago to a drunk driver. Know that feeling.
Rambo Last Blood 2.75/8 - Just awful. I think it goes a full 45 minutes before a single kill which is ridiculous for a movie with a 90 minute runtime. That collar bone scene was no joke though. Sly needs to hang them up.
I've heard Last Blood described as a "Trumpian, anti-Mexican nightmare." Gonna have to pass.
The Irishman - 6.7/8

****, that was depressing. The most real and raw of Scorsese’s “This Thing of Ours” trilogy. From the opening scene that had me grinning from ear to ear with the patented Scorcese music playing as the handheld long take introduces us into this world, I was invested. 3+ hours just flew by for me.

Great performances all around. Absolutely stacked cast. Pesci was by far my favorite, though; he played the old world, Vito Corleone type mafiaso so well.

I can’t help but wonder how much better this movie would have been had it been made a decade and some change earlier. Still great but some of those scenes were rough to watch De Niro play a 70 year old enforcer. Youth really is wasted on the young. :frown: The CGI was rough at times, too.

This was like a Forrest Gump through the lens of a wise guy. Let’s give Marty and the rest of these guys their roses while they can still smell them.
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