Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I actually really liked the first few seasons of the O.C. but to be ahead of Breaking Bad is madness.
The first season of The OC was gold and definitely spawned many other shows. Second season was decent, third was a big letdown and fourth was just ok. Can't believe One Tree Hill lasted so long.
Right now, my 2 favorite shows on TV are Marcus Samuelsson's PBS show No Passport Required & Paramount TV's Yellowstone. Maybe bcs of the political climate in this deplorable era I love it even more, but I really really like Samuelsson's exploration of the immigrant community here in the states be it the Arab community of Michigan, the Vietnamese in Nawlins, Mexicans in Chicago, & this week it was the Guyanese culture in Queens. After watching this week's ep, I really really really wanted some damn curry goat or chicken...

Let me preface my like of Yellowstone with the fact that it has a lot of problems but I love the broad strokes of the show. The 3 central characters are Costner's rancher, Danny Houston's land developer, & Gil Birmingham's Chief Thomas Rainwater. None of these guys are bad guys but they're all pitted against each other for control of the land... The 2 most compelling character are Costner's & the Chief. Danny Houston is typically good Danny Houston baddie.

I love this scene... Would love if this could happen for real...
Made it to the last season of That 70's Show. Never knew how funny it was.

The Incredibles 2 6.75/8 - Worth the wait. Jack Jack was great. Would have preferred 3 of these instead of the Cars series.
Hereditary :wow: :pimp: :wow: :pimp:

If you loved the witch, you will love this.
Didn't like The Witch that much, but I did love Hereditary.

Cancelled MoviePass, now have AMC A-List, for the first movie, my girl dragged me to see The Darkest Minds. Not TOO bad, I liked it more than what I thought. Really leads to a second movie.
I hold Spike's Malcolm biopic in the same regard as Godfather pt II... Whenever it's on, I always watch it till the end no matter what part it started on... Seems implausible to think it now, but way back then when Denzel was announced to play the role, I didn't think he could do it. Boy was I wrong. He was robbed of an Oscar (given to the hammy performance by Pacino for Scent of a Woman) & so was Spike whose film wasn't even nominated for best pic, screenplay...
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Didn't like The Witch that much, but I did love Hereditary.

Cancelled MoviePass, now have AMC A-List, for the first movie, my girl dragged me to see The Darkest Minds. Not TOO bad, I liked it more than what I thought. Really leads to a second movie.

I hate the non-conclusive ending -_- what If the movie tanks and they’re stuck with just 1 of the trilogy.
Finally able to see Mission Impossible. The family really enjoyed it. I bit predictable but a great great summer action flick. Missed hearing the straight forward MI theme but the score for the action scenes was still great. The music at the funeral scene reminded me of some of the great old Lalo Schifrin music from action sequences from his old movies.

Cruise might be a crazy *** scientologist, but that mfer is driving, motorcycle riding, helicopter piloting dude. The camera work on the action sequences was stellar too. Kudos to the photography coordination & stunt coordination.

Gonna finally see Uncle Zel in EQ2 finally on Sunday...
Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind 6/8 - Really well done. The guy was amazing. Peep it.
Yes, it was really good. Very sad too.

He was my favorite comedian. The last part of the film where Billy Crystal and the other friends were describing how different he was before he died. That was sad.
I’m watching Last Crusade again - probably my favorite movie of all time. Certainly up there.
The Man From UNCLE ---- 6.5 / 8

- Damn, this entire cast was attractive / dapper / dressed to the nines.
- Alicia Vikander can have it all. Fassbender better be hitting that right.
- Elizabeth Debicki has crazy presence. No surprise she's killing it now.
- Guy Ritchie did well on this -- he kept the irony sprinkled throughout with usual sleek style.
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Ritchie’s Uncle & RockNRolla movies are under appreciated. Both are very fun movies.

The Central Park Five is when I started hating the deplorable in chief. I hope Devarney absolutely takes it to him like it should be historically.
FX was going to do this for the following season of FEUD and decided to back out...

Same way the Katrina season got delayed.

Probably a logistical thing and not having a good enough story to not end up being embarassing.

They toed the line perfectly with OJ and they had star power for Feud.
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