Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Watch it tonight. The ending...
got my 6 pack picked out.... bout to kick back and let the feels take over 
starting the FNL finale now.... 

Christmas in Texas... interesting... Hopefully this doesn't take a weird Iron Man 3 twist.... 

call back to that house Mrs. Coach wanted 

Saracen shows up; "What the hell are you doing here?" -Coach 

is "happy Christmas" a Texas saying? they don't say Merry Christmas?

OMFG SARACEN PROPOSED?!?! AND SHE SAID YES!!! OMG OMG OMG, real tears swelling up guys... my feels 

Saracen not asking Coach for permission, oh boy... sidenote, Heaven-Bryan Adams is severely underrated... hell Bryan Adams is underrated.

it's not incest, there's no bloodline 

damn it Todd is byke... ******* Judas 

DO THE RIGHT THING Coach... what the hell

dog... this monologue Coach is giving about marriage.... I will cry for real if he and Mrs Coach get a divorce

Michael B Jordan's dad kinda looks like this...

is the legal drinking age in Texas 18?

wait... whatever happened to Saracen's mom??

oh ****.. Coach said no to the Super Team?!??!?!?!?!? WOW huge powerplay on his part

"you may never know how proud I am of you", "you changed my life coach"..... man 

Vince breaking out that Matthew Stafford/Uncle Rico short side arm 

Oh no........

whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ......... what

we really fast forwarding to Philly.... 5 months later?

Vince in blue is upsetting


damn Luke enlisted?? didn't see that coming.... great powerplay.

Julie in Chicago 
 Matt + Julie FOREVER

Texas forever 

damn man

big thanks to @LiCeNseD To BaLL  @Big J 33  @DangerousG  and everyone else who recommended I watch this, greatly appreciated 
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Friday Night Lights just hits me so hard... I watched the show live, through all their threats of cancellations, it was just a perfect ending after going on a long journey with these characters. Few shows made the characters feel as real as FNL. From the filming and letting the characters do their own blocking, to the soundtracks, to the sense that Dillon was a real town, it was a very unique show.

It's still probably the best pilot I've ever seen and easily one of the best finales as well. Short of the writer's strike hurting season 2, there's very few weak points in the series.
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In my 22 years I've heard a lot of "Seinfeld messed up the finale ROYALLY!"-esque statements.

And I'm fed up with it, finally. You're all wrong. It was terrific.
Seinfeld was never going to be the show where they have some major breakthrough and their lives all change. Jerry and Elaine weren't going to get together, George wasn't going to find a dream job and woman, etc.

If anything, the show could have just ended like a normal episode, no finale... no special guests, just end. THAT would have pissed people off. At least with the finale, we got to see all our favorite guest stars, they got to point out that the gang was pretty awful in reality, and that they wouldn't ever change.. and that was sealed by the final joke being the first joke we heard on the show. I liked it. 

Grantland had an article today about it, in fact.

Loved Alicia Vikander's performance as Ava in Ex Machine. Looking forward to Oscar Isaac's role as En Sabah Nur and Poe Dameron.
She was great. Hopefully this leads to bigger roles for her. I kind of want to check out her older films too.

Maybe I should check out FNL too...
Seinfeld finale was great.

I'm not sure what ppl were expecting.

Those people shouldn't expect to ever again see a show bring back so many past bit characters who were integral to the jokes/societal truths that people came to love.

Seinfeld found an interesting and extremely ironic way of showcasing those characters without sacrificing/marginalizing the time that the main four are on screen (Jerry x Elaine x George x Kramer indulging in judging/discriminating against everybody they've ever encountered for small things, so finally it's come back to hurt them in a way where everybody they've been guilty of doing that to in the past are testifying against them). An oral clip show, essentially, which is 10,000 times more intriguing than an actual clip show or 99% of finales today, which are basically just reunion laps laced with skeleton plots and zero creativity.

Seinfeld started in 1989 and ended in 1998. By the same time frame, a show that's ending today would have started in 2006. How many shows today could have corralled/booked characters who were important to the show (for Seinfeld, the bit characters are by definition, important, because as a whole they represent all of the little things and pet peeves we/the main four rail on) dating back to 2006? That would never take place today, and not for "we're better for it" reasons imo.
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I agree completely but now I am thinking if any show that even got close to a decade run could pull that off and have it make sense leading up to it's finale :nerd:
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I agree completely but now I am thinking if any show that even got close to a decade run could pull that off and have it make sense leading up to it's finale :nerd:

Another comedy? I don't think there's one. Something like ER maybe could have. They could have figured out a way to bring back all the old doc/nurses, etc. who left the show (except if they were killed off) toward the finale. (****, maybe they did that. I don't remember).
Just noticed this...

Cypher and Trinity


Teddy and Natalie



In both movies, Trinity/Natalie is the love interest of the main character; a main character that initially trusts Teddy/Cypher until believing that Teddy/Cypher is actually trying to kill them.
Now I really liked Limitless the movie for what it was and I don't even mind them doing a tv show for it to milk the premise a bit but they could've done better for protagonist. Plus the way they're stretching the premise is a bit much lets get the guy who is only smart when he takes this drug to help us get criminals and track the creator of this drug when virtually anyone who takes it can be an amazing asset. I know CBS aint in to trying things but c'mon this is just another white guy getting a crack at a series. Plus I see Debra Morgan in this so I get the feel this unfortunately may go the way of Intelligence and that one other show where the white dude was enhanced by other means.

I agree completely but now I am thinking if any show that even got close to a decade run could pull that off and have it make sense leading up to it's finale :nerd:

Another comedy? I don't think there's one. Something like ER maybe could have. They could have figured out a way to bring back all the old doc/nurses, etc. who left the show (except if they were killed off) toward the finale. (****, maybe they did that. I don't remember).
Yeah I was trying to think not just a comedy but other shows at some point kill off characters and so it wouldn't make sense. 24 had crossed my mind but it'd get too convoluted explaining how these ppl survived their grizzly deaths.
A Limitless style TV show could be filtered through ANY profession. Endless options.

And they choose a profession that has been done and is still being done on every network and cable station there is.
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A Limitless style TV show could be filtered through ANY profession. Endless options.

And they choose a profession that has been done and is still being done on every network and cable station there is.
I don't know if it was a grantland article or just another very good piece somewhere on the internet about the recent boom in comic book adaptions and the epidemic of tv series all succumbing to the "And they fight crime!" concept but that's pretty much been the problem with tv the past 30 years if we're not talking comedies.

Just about all of it can be simplified down to that. That's been one of the bigger problems networks have refused to face. They'll say stuff like Breaking Bad and Mad Men are exceptions. They'll ignore the success of LOST or just try to make it a "it's an ongoing mystery!" the new and they fight crime. Damn near everything new comes down to repeating the fighting evil/crime aspect. It fills up like 90% of tv shows that require a script. It's pretty much why when the exact opposite is tried it gets so much praise for being "different" and that goes from the Dexters to the BBs of tv.

There are so many other things you can base a show around that don't get as many chances as they do as the simple concept of crime fighting. If you're an aspiring screenwriter don't come with your best creative idea all hopeful. You gotta serve the same garbage until you get a bit more pull to pitch a real gem.
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