* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Boutta win this kickball tournament tomorrow morning. 

And if we don't, Ima be in a baaaaaaad mood come Monday, unless of course the Canes and Phins win. 

Before you all come thru with jokes aplenty, it's for charity, cancer research and what not, pretty good turnout expected, 15 bucks a head to play, pretty cool deal really.  Women and kids have to play too, so my daughter will be out there kickin with us.  She made the last out last weekend during our weekend game, who got her out? 

But I had too, got my team the W

What are we, like 6 weeks away from camps opening and what not?  Unreal, we're this close already.  We'll have MLB playoffs, NFL on Sundays, CFB on Saturdays, and NBA camps getting started.  My damn head gonna explode like it always does during this part of the year.  Ya'll have a good weekend.   

Okay first I thought you were like in your late 40s.

Now you're playing kickball?

Good luck champ!!

But I had too, got my team the W

You're a goddamn evil father.

Camp is like THREE weeks away I'm pretty sure.

Games start on the 3rd of October.
Damn you are old
Look at you, getting your grown-man on with a daughter and charity kickball events

Actually half my friends have kids/are married now

I feel like a child
Late 40's?  What in the blue @#$% 
  God damn man, I didn't grow up watchin Wilt/Russell you clown. 

Man, kill that, my kid gotta learn you can't win all the time.  Hell, some douche on her team told her her daddy didn't love her.  @#$%^&* 
My daughter isn't on my team tomorrow either, so it may happen again.  Hope not. 

Serious though, some of us play that @#$% hard, we've had several dudes damn near come too it out there, and now with some stakes on the line, I expect to see a swing or two.  Swear on it, if I see a bench clearing Kickball brawl, Ima die a happy happy man.    Let's get it. 
Updated: September 10, 2010, 3:42 PM ET
[h1]Darius Miles getting another NBA shot[/h1]Associated Press

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- The Charlotte Bobcats will bring veteran forward Darius Miles to training camp with a non-guaranteed contract as he attempts another comeback from a serious knee injury.

General manager Rod Higgins said Friday the former No. 3 overall draft pick will get a chance after participating in offseason workouts and summer-league practices with Charlotte.

The 28-year-old Miles was out of the league last season and has played sparingly since microfracture knee surgery in 2006. He's also had legal problems and served a suspension for violating the league's substance abuse policy.

Miles could bring frontcourt depth to Charlotte, whose roster makeup remains uncertain depending on whether they trade or waive center Erick Dampier, who has a voidable contract.

Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Actually half my friends have kids/are married now

I feel like a child
Aren't you under 21?

I turn 21 on Tuesday the 14th
sooooo technically speaking I kinda am still a child. But seriously all of my friends are 21-30 years old
I've been to a wedding, a baby shower, and 2 of their kid's bday parties this year
Hopefully Miles gets a contract. I still pull for him...

Nets expected to sign Joe Smith. As long as we don't overpay him, im fine with it. It'll be good to have a vet on the team around all these young guys.
I once ran someone over during a kickball game in PE in high school.

I was on first and the ball was a line drive, so I took off but stopped to see if it was caught, the player dropped the ball so I turned to run and someone was standing in the base path. So I knocked some random freshman over and ran over him to get to 2nd.
Had an unassisted triple play in kickball during elementary school. No one knew what hit them. Though that was because they were stupid.
The start of the Miami Heat's 2010-11 training camp is still a couple of weeks away.

But team president Pat Riley was in intense playoff mode Friday whilefinally firing back at those who took painful shots at his team's freeagency coup to lure LeBron James and Chris Bosh to join Dwyane Wade.

Speaking to select local beat writers during a 42-minute conferencecall, Riley addressed several issues facing the team entering the Sept.27 start of training camp at AmericanAirlines Arena. But none of thesubjects he addressed revealed more of his true feelings than hisresponse to TNT's Charles Barkley, Orlando GM Otis Smith and Magiccoach Stan Van Gundy.

All three had plenty to say about the Heat and some of its playersafter James and Bosh shook up the NBA's landscape and joined forceswith Wade in Miami. Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and several currentand former players also launched shots at how this version of the Heatcame together.

"I think all these people should get a life. I really do." Riley saidof the general, league-wide backlash aimed at the Heat. "Most of it hasbeen silly, absolutely silly. But I understand. We live in a differentworld now. I can't even relate to it. I take a little bit of umbrage tosome of the things that came from people in our game that all of asudden have become the moral conscious or moral authority on thedecision every team or some individual might make."

And that set the stage for some pretty direct points from Riley.

He was a bit offended by Smith, the Orlando GM, who raised questionsabout LeBron's competitiveness for deciding to leave a solid titlecontender in Cleveland to latch on with Wade and Bosh in Miami.

"When Otis Smith made a point about LeBron's competitiveness because hedidn't stay in Cleveland, I thought it was an absolutely stupidremark," Riley said Friday. "He never made any kind of comment likethat when he signed (forward) Rashard Lewis, and brought him down fromSeattle to a $128 million contract."

And then there were the comments from Van Gundy, a former Heat headcoach and Riley understudy before his controversial departure fromMiami in 2005. It was Stan Van Gundy who was quoted in referring toBosh as a "lapdog" to Wade in Miami.

"I don't know what happened to some of these guys along the way," Riley said.

But the best came when Riley turned his attention to Barkley, whoreferred to James' treatment of Cleveland and the decision to go toMiami as "punk moves." Barkley also didn't like the way the Heatcelebrated the signings by putting on a fireworks show and rockconcert-type performance at the arena in July.

"Charles Barkley, to me, went way over the top. Way, way, way over thetop," Riley said. "For some reason (the media) and the network he worksfor has given this guy literary license to say whatever he wants to saywhenever he wants to say it. I think Charles is the only guy in theleague who can get away with what he gets away with ... and we all lethim get away with it again. I can guarantee a couple of guys don't likethat, being called that. LeBron isn't that. Dwyane is surely not that,and neither is Chris."

So now, it's really on.

"There have been a number of things written all summer long about thethree guys we signed," Riley said. "But in the end, they're the ones,all three of them, that showed a world-class personality. They took thehit, and now, they're ready to compete. They've been mentally toughwith all these kind of things."
While general trade discussions have taken place, the Bulls will not deal young center Joakim Noah, according to a team source.

Chicago has had internal discussions about whether they should include Noah in a potential offer for Nuggets forward Carmelo Anthony.

The Bulls consider Noah to be a cornerstone of the franchise. If point guard Derrick Rose is untouchable, Nick Friedell of ESPNChicago.com writes that Noah isn't too far behind.


i just don't understand it. I get why rose is untradeable but not Noah. Noah is just a better version of anderson varejo or birdman. you can always find hustle players with heart. melo is top 10 in the NBA
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