OFFICIAL : Zoom Kobe V (5) thread - Ace launch on 3/6

Cliff Notes: 1. DK's only released via phone orders 2. Left overs may be put on NDC 3. People who bought them in store noticed that the reciept had the date of 02/20, so some are thinking that is when they will be releasing again?
Nothing factual, just spectulation
earlier people were getting two different times of a release on ndc 9 pst and 12:30 pst, based on that info im just speculating and hoping for a ndc release because i dont have access to a phone this weekend
goodnight... i guess ill try beverly hills NT tomorrow. gotta kill this damn gift card... if not, hoh dont fail me now....
%*@+ it...I'm on my way home from work. When I get home, bout to crack open a Monster and wait up all night for these haha. Worse comes to worse I'll call when they open then sleep...

Originally Posted by s dubl

%*@+ it...I'm on my way home from work. When I get home, bout to crack open a Monster and wait up all night for these haha. Worse comes to worse I'll call when they open then sleep...

how long does it usually take for ground shipping to get to S.F?

BTW, gluck to everyone trying to get their pairs.
Got to wake up early to get the VI's from my connect.
Originally Posted by generaiya

Why get the VIs from your connect when you can still cop on Eastbay...?

serious question? No shipping cost, and no waiting at all
jump on nt and what do I I thought I had it bad, I waited for 30 minutes on hold but after readin some of your posts I feel like a lucky man...cant wait to see these kicks in my closet.
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