Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

Some Halo 3: Recon news...

Rumored price: $39.99
Sorry about the small font on these scans...








Just picked up the RRoD on Sat. This is my first time getting it. I refuse to pay $94 to get it fixed since my warrantyis out of date. I found some instructions on fixing it yourself using artic silver and a scrubbing pad. Bout to see if it works...
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Just picked up the RRoD on Sat. This is my first time getting it. I refuse to pay $94 to get it fixed since my warranty is out of date. I found some instructions on fixing it yourself using artic silver and a scrubbing pad. Bout to see if it works...

mine is out of warranty as well , if its RRoD i dont think they care. never said anything to me about getting charged since its out of warranty. only chargeyou if it is not the RRoD.
you could always do the towel trick as a temp fix, thats what i did last night so i could make it through the night lol
Originally Posted by GoldenTicket21

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Just picked up the RRoD on Sat. This is my first time getting it. I refuse to pay $94 to get it fixed since my warranty is out of date. I found some instructions on fixing it yourself using artic silver and a scrubbing pad. Bout to see if it works...

mine is out of warranty as well , if its RRoD i dont think they care. never said anything to me about getting charged since its out of warranty. only charge you if it is not the RRoD.
you could always do the towel trick as a temp fix, thats what i did last night so i could make it through the night lol
How long is the warranty for on these things? I just got my 360 last week.

when i buy my new 360 tomorrow, i have to download my GT obviously, but what about the xbox live arcade games and everything i bought and downloaded on myother harddrive. can i download them again free of charge, or do i gotta pay for everything again? anybody know?
Originally Posted by GoldenTicket21


when i buy my new 360 tomorrow, i have to download my GT obviously, but what about the xbox live arcade games and everything i bought and downloaded on my other harddrive. can i download them again free of charge, or do i gotta pay for everything again? anybody know?
I could be wrong, but I think you can just download them again as long as you're on the gamertag you were on when you originally downloadedwhatever you bought.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by GoldenTicket21


when i buy my new 360 tomorrow, i have to download my GT obviously, but what about the xbox live arcade games and everything i bought and downloaded on my other harddrive. can i download them again free of charge, or do i gotta pay for everything again? anybody know?
I could be wrong, but I think you can just download them again as long as you're on the gamertag you were on when you originally downloaded whatever you bought.
I cannot wait till I get a 360 again, had to sell mine last year because I needed money. I'm good now and bought a 32in 1080p toshiba for my bedroom 3months ago. First games on my list, Bioshock, NBA 2K9, then work my way up to Orange Box, Gears 2, Blue Dragon..
Originally Posted by Jumpkid023

I cannot wait till I get a 360 again, had to sell mine last year because I needed money. I'm good now and bought a 32in 1080p toshiba for my bedroom 3 months ago. First games on my list, Bioshock, NBA 2K9, then work my way up to Orange Box, Gears 2, Blue Dragon..
Left 4 Dead
im going to bestbuy after my class and i can't decidre which game to get....gears of war2 or cod waw???? i love both games but cant afford both =(
^Do you have COD4? If so then definitely go with Gears 2. I think WaW is about even with COD4 if not a bit worse.
yeah i have cod4 and have played the beta for world at war and it was ok but I've heard and read the online play for gears of war 2 and horde mode isinsane...

^^^thanks fam
I'd definitely go with Gears.. Chances are CoD will be on sale for 40 soon. I remember I bought CoD4 weeks after release for 39.99 at Circuit City.
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