Official: Western Conference Finals Lakers vs. Suns thread (LAL 1-0)

I mean I respect being with your team till the end, but this guy is just...
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I wonder what kind of Kool-Aid the Suns are drinking?

You know you are desperate when your success is riding on the arms of Robin Lopez.

You're dumb and you know it. The reason we're hoping for the kid to come back is the size problem we have without him. You think Suns will be happy to have Jarron Collins out there guarding Bynum or Gasol? Laker fans have no brain!!! Sometimes when I read some of the things they say, I'm like oh my gosh.. SHUTUP!!!!!

And you are calling Laker fans immature?  Never once have a called you any names or insulted you.  

You are here stating your opinions, and giving your predictions.   Why can't we say what we want?  See that's what I don't get.

Just how you go in to the Lakers season thread with you comments at the beginning of the season, saying "Suns on top of the West"
Yeah, that's real mature and noble of you.

Stop thinking are you better than anyone on here, you say the same stupid @*% crap, but you like to play the victim and turn it around that we are all stupid and say the stupidest things.

And if you can't take what we say, get the F out of here with your stupid predictions then. 
How you gonna say something bold, and expect no one to respond. 

Your just full of non-sense, that you are too blind to see the ridiculousness you post.

First of all Suns were on top of the West then and they will be after this series soooo.... I have room to talk. I don't mind you guys saying what you want, but it's not really what you believe. All you Laker fans are scared of the Suns. Scared to lose. Scared to admit it. Instead all you do is hide it and talk crazy

Laker fans are the worst in the NBA because they have no logic to what they say. It's dissapointing to see the best team in basketball have the worst fans in sports.

I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of kids. C'mon on I'm 20 and I have more respect then half of you. Most of you guys are grown men, acting like little kids and talking how your team is unbeatable.

Whether we win or not, I'm happy how the Suns have played this season. I'm really praying Suns win this series. I hope they can knock out the champs so you guys can be in shock mode. I'll be back when the..

Suns finish in 5-6. - By the way, I'm an Amare fan, Suns fan, 1-13 roster fan, but most importantly I'm a fan of the Suns in the finals

Jason Richardson, we need you more then ever this series, don't let me down.

Good luck fellas.
this dude was serious when he said these things!
Originally Posted by bittersweet

I like the Lakers, but *!+*, you guys act like your team is unbeatable.

Come on now.

I was more fearful of Utah, I thought the series was gonna be tough, like most of us fans here.

But we're talking about the Suns now, I laugh just thinking about Jdiddys comments.
I'm not saying that the Suns will beat the Lakers, but I think the Lakers should be VERY cautious because Phoenix can be just as dangerous as YOUR team.

If Phoenix is firing on all cylinders making their outside shots, they will run LAL out the gym at least a few games. Phoenix will definitely have a problem with the Lakers length. Even if Lopez is back, he's been out so long that he probably won't even be that effective. Their best bet is to hope Amundson stays very active and get in Gasol's head.

I think this will be a good series though.
Diddy REEEEEEAALY wants me to chime in soon. 

You should slow down good homie. 

For things get a little sad in this thread for you.  If you aren't sure, ask around. 

Let's have a good series, 6-7 hard fought games, maybe get an OT in there somewhere.  Gasol and Bynum always do work on Amare, Robin Lopez can help, but he isn't going to stop us. 
Odom on Frye will help us big time, just gotta stay close to that guy, he won't be able to get his shots up. 
Wouldnt be suprised if the lakers swept em.

Or if it went the full 7.

Regardless the Lakers, have no excuses....They have the better team.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Diddy REEEEEEAALY wants me to chime in soon. 

You should slow down good homie. 

For things get a little sad in this thread for you.  If you aren't sure, ask around. 

Let's have a good series blowout series, 6-7 hard fought 4 incredibly dominant games to show the east and the rest of the world we're not playing, maybe get an OT lose the lead once or twice in there somewhere but come right back harder and stronger. Let's strike fear in the hearts of all our rivals and peak right at the NBA finals. Gasol and Bynum always do work on Amare, Robin Lopez can help Steve Nash and the Suns have my respect, but he isn't going there isn't anything that team can do to stop us. 
Odom on Frye will help us big time, just gotta stay close to that guy, he won't be able to get his shots up. It's not personal, Suns fans. You're just an obstacle in our path that needs to get dealt with.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

pau gasol will not play games 3, 4 and 6 because of suspicion of being an illegal alien

Sounds like something Zodogg would get involved with.
Suns are hot and have a lot of momentum but I'm predicting Lakers in 6
let's not forget the Lakers have built some momentum to, with a 8-2 record in the playoffs and 6 straight wins

it should be a fun series

If the Lakers take the Suns lightly they're gonna be in a lot of trouble. I see this going 6 or 7 games, and the Suns have a real shot at it.
Originally Posted by acidicality

If the Lakers take the Suns lightly they're gonna be in a lot of trouble. I see this going 6 or 7 games, and the Suns have a real shot at it.
the mentality of sweeping the jazz is that we might play the light switch game but i was content reading that kobe and lamar havent forgotten about 2006 and 2007

Yea, Lakeshow have been known to get complacent, but KB is definitely still pissed about '06 and '07 as evidenced by all the expletives he laced when asked that question after they eliminated the Jazz. KB will have these guys ready.
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

Originally Posted by acidicality

If the Lakers take the Suns lightly they're gonna be in a lot of trouble. I see this going 6 or 7 games, and the Suns have a real shot at it.
the mentality of sweeping the jazz is that we might play the light switch game but i was content reading that kobe and lamar havent forgotten about 2006 and 2007

this. I don't think Kobe and Lamar would take the Suns lightly. It's revenge time dude
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I wonder what kind of Kool-Aid the Suns are drinking?

You know you are desperate when your success is riding on the arms of Robin Lopez.

You're dumb and you know it. The reason we're hoping for the kid to come back is the size problem we have without him. You think Suns will be happy to have Jarron Collins out there guarding Bynum or Gasol? Laker fans have no brain!!! Sometimes when I read some of the things they say, I'm like oh my gosh.. SHUTUP!!!!!

now now diddy calm down. dont wnat u to get banned too. wont have any suns fans left to tease after the suns get swept lol
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Yea, Lakeshow have been known to get complacent, but KB is definitely still pissed about '06 and '07 as evidenced by all the expletives he laced when asked that question after they eliminated the Jazz. KB will have these guys ready.

And it's not just Kobe who's pissed & looking for revenge. Odom also acknowledged it and the other Laker players, Luke Walton, Sasha, Farmar haven't forgotten .
Originally Posted by acidicality

If the Lakers take the Suns lightly they're gonna be in a lot of trouble. I see this going 6 or 7 games, and the Suns have a real shot at it.

god when will people learn??
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by acidicality

If the Lakers take the Suns lightly they're gonna be in a lot of trouble. I see this going 6 or 7 games, and the Suns have a real shot at it.

god when will people learn??
acidicality would say the same thing even if the lakers were playing the 1999 clippers
the hate in him is deep

the lakers should not take the suns lately because of what is happening with the cavs
nothing is easy in the playoffs and if they dont show up at 100% then acidicality will be celebrating
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