Official Warriors Season Thread

u might find bumleavy, erica damp, mookie "tiger woods" blaylock, or the great foyle jerseys at ross or something

i saw bumleavy authentics on ebay goin for pretty cheap
, of course it was like size56
Originally Posted by acidicality

u might find bumleavy, erica damp, mookie "tiger woods" blaylock, or the great foyle jerseys at ross or something

i saw bumleavy authentics on ebay goin for pretty cheap
, of course it was like size56
I saw an authentic J-rich at Marshalls for 10 dollars
where can i get some authentic shorts? not for retail either... the ones on ebay are like size 44...
Is there a game thread tonight? I was hoping to take a break from Finals by watching the game tonight through a live stream.
I think tonight, Hudson will play less. Hopefully. Hehe, I do hope a stream is posted tonight...I haven't seen YBD around...Maybe he has finals.
Haha we're all studying for finals...Sigh...Hope the W's pull off the win tonight though. I think the W's can win tomorrow night in Portlandtoo...And Friday against the Lakers, I think the W's are going to be ready. Baron I heard from KNBR was upset about Sunday's loss.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Haha we're all studying for finals...Sigh...Hope the W's pull off the win tonight though. I think the W's can win tomorrow night in Portland too...And Friday against the Lakers, I think the W's are going to be ready. Baron I heard from KNBR was upset about Sunday's loss.

Word on them finals.
I'm thinking that tonight will be interesting. Bet on a lot of shouting at the TV tonight.
Spurs are about to be tough,though.
ready like spaghetti, in there like swim wear, BOOM GOT THEM DOS!

haha anyways, i remember a blog bout how benson was practicing with the warriors and whatnot. i guess he didnt catch mully/nellies attention enough to get acontract.

damn i got a chem final tommorw and should be studying but i know ill watch the game online if theres a link.
I'm glad we came back playing strong after a loss. Since the 0-6 start, we've not been on a losing streak. Great job Warriors.

Rod Benson never got invited to camp, but he does know a few warriors player, Barnes and Ellis.
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