Official Warriors Season Thread


Tough loss. Hopefully we win out and Denver loses their next 2, but with the way we've been playing lately, we're not beating PHX.
Originally Posted by acidicality


Tough loss. Hopefully we win out and Denver loses their next 2, but with the way we've been playing lately, we're not beating PHX.

I know... very tough loss. But the Warriors played like they didn't NEED that win. Playoffs hopes are a long shot now for the Warriors. It sucks when wedon't control our own fate and have to depend on other teams to beat the Nuggets.
I am trying to stay as positive as I can but we haven't beat a winning team in April and Dallas is the only playoff team we have beat since that win in LA.This team basically fell apart at the end of the season. I don't know if they were tired from all the minutes and games or they just don't give a %!++anymore. Is it just me or did Baron seen EXTRA lazy these past few games. I know he had a triple double but all Warrior fans know what I am talking about.Where did that 4th quarter Baron go?
yeah Baron missed shots the old clutch Baron woulda made, but again maybe we're a bit spoiled since he's absolutely amazing in the clutch for ususually.
but definitely i really feel this team has lost the intensity and desire to win especially late in the season. they just don't seem like they really wantit anymore, and they just wanna get the season over with and head to the off-season.
whether or not we make the playoffs (obviously more on the side of "not" now), we have a bunch of moves to be made in the offseason and we should seesome new faces.
This one hurt so bad, we are at a point looking for a miracle. We need some defensive players this off-season in the rotation. Baron and Monta combo is badcombo to be staying most of the game long and we ain't good with weak side help.
This really is huge blow for all of us. We didn't execute or offense early enough to withstand any shots Denver would make. The hopes for the playoffs aredim, but the light isn't out.

I still believe until that final buzzer goes off.

Horrendous lost tonight; definitely a game we should have won, especially with a 16pt lead.

Some other losts that were considered HORRENDOUS this year are:

- Minnesota Timberwolves (HOME game)
- Chicago Bulls
- Indiana Pacers (Allowing a 46pt 4th quarter)
- Charlotte Bobcats (We had a lead in the beginning as well)
- LA. Lakers (Enough said)

Obviously, we need 3 wins and hopefully Nuggets will go 2-1; if not worse.

C'mon, Let's go Golden State Warriors!

EDIT: VVV (Acid) You're right, forgot to count the lost tonight.
actually we need 3 wins and nuggets need to go 1-2...since they own the tiebreaker
. the good news is, the nuggets have two tough games ahead and our onlytough game is phx (not overlooking the other two teams though)
I've been optimistic all season long, but Im afraid its a wrap. Well now we have to cross our fingers that we win the lottery with our 0.5% chance!!!!
I hate Denver for making me cheer for Utah and Houston to beat them.

Of course we still have to go 3-0 which is gonna be difficult with the way we play. We need a miracle...
I like the Wariors and all, but when destiny is in YOUR hands you have to respond.
They had a chance to take it and finish the race, Denver just wanted it more.

You can't rely on Sacramento, Seattle, other teams to help you out.
Do it yourself. This is why this year, I don't think this team will make the playoffs and shock somebody.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I like the Wariors and all, but when destiny is in YOUR hands you have to respond.
They had a chance to take it and finish the race, Denver just wanted it more.

You can't rely on Sacramento, Seattle, other teams to help you out.
Do it yourself. This is why this year, I don't think this team will make the playoffs and shock somebody.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I like the Wariors and all, but when destiny is in YOUR hands you have to respond.
They had a chance to take it and finish the race, Denver just wanted it more.

You can't rely on Sacramento, Seattle, other teams to help you out.
Do it yourself. This is why this year, I don't think this team will make the playoffs and shock somebody.
Agreed 100%. The "IT" factor is missing this year. Whatever it was last year, whether it was just the fact that they hadn't been to theplayoffs for so long or just that unsung hero, Matt Barnes or whoever, they had something last year that they don't have this year. This team won moregames but towards the end of the season they struggled and just lost all motivation.
I definitely agree-we can't rely on help from other teams to get us in the playoffs. Like bbllplaya23 said we don't seem to have "it" thisyear even though we're a much better team compared to last year. at least for the past month or so, i don't see that killer instinct in our team. ourtwo leaders need to lead the charge and step up if we're gonna pull off this miracle.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I like the Wariors and all, but when destiny is in YOUR hands you have to respond.
They had a chance to take it and finish the race, Denver just wanted it more.

Too true... The W's had a lot of chances to take control of the 8th seed, but didn't capitalize. I was hoping they were going to go on a run to endthe season similar to last year. The door isn't completely shut, so im not giving up hope just yet. But at the same time, it's going to be way tootough to sneak in
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Can't go on Saturday... my friend's birthday...

BTW, what career fair?
Go to the above website for more details. It's probably too late to sign up now, butyou might still have an hour. Basically it's 30 dollars for a ticket to the LAC game, food, and to look for possible job opportunities with the warriorsorganization. You can bring friends and family by just adding an extra $30 per extra guest. It's a pretty good deal seeing how much face value is now.

It ain't over just yet guys. Just hang in there, I know we will get recognition for this season.

As much as we complain and criticize how the Warriors play, that's all part of the fun of being a fan. And I must say, this season has been prettysatisfying and it's not even over yet.
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