Official USA Mens Basketball Thread *~ U.S. defeated Tuniasia 92-57 Thursday (Next up: Angola) ~*

Steph and Durant!

That was some vicious defense by Gordon
E Gordon shuttin +*# down, they aint never seen the crackhead defense game like this...
E Gordon shuttin +*# down, they aint never seen the crackhead defense game like this...
We looking sluggish outhere, but still up 10. We better let up, cause Turkey can come back quick. LET GO USA!
We looking sluggish outhere, but still up 10. We better let up, cause Turkey can come back quick. LET GO USA!
We looking sluggish outhere, but still up 10. We better let up, cause Turkey can come back quick. LET GO USA!
We looking sluggish outhere, but still up 10. We better let up, cause Turkey can come back quick. LET GO USA!
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