Official Umar Johnson Thread

Yes and teachers get paid to educate and prepare students for the next level yet I knew dudes in HIGH SCOOL who could barely read. How can that happen? Inner city public school employees dont care man especially when it comes to children who dont look like them, who they cant connect and relate to. Parents are absent or overburdened. Make funding and the subsequent quality of education equal then we can talk about steering kids into the path they "belong". Otherwise I feel we are just perpetuating wealth gaps, education gaps and the underrepresentation of minorities in al.ost every aspect of American life.
Education in general is all messed up. It’s really just a numbers game to see how many kids can pass and move on. Old head teacher I work with passes everyone because he says if you fail a kid the admin will hound u for proof that you reached out to the kids parents every week, allowed make up work m/extra credit, reached out to guidance counselors a whole bunch of stuff. But if you pass them no one will bother you for anything. And when teachers are given those options what do you think is going to happen, just pass em along. It all starts at the top (even tho I’m sure some teachers don’t give a Damb about kids that look different then them) but majority of the failures is due to the numbers game
Education in general is all messed up. It’s really just a numbers game to see how many kids can pass and move on. Old head teacher I work with passes everyone because he says if you fail a kid the admin will hound u for proof that you reached out to the kids parents every week, allowed make up work m/extra credit, reached out to guidance counselors a whole bunch of stuff. But if you pass them no one will bother you for anything. And when teachers are given those options what do you think is going to happen, just pass em along. It all starts at the top (even tho I’m sure some teachers don’t give a Damb about kids that look different then them) but majority of the failures is due to the numbers game

No lies told.

Especially during COVIDS.

I tell co-workers, if you are going to fail ANYBODY you might need to prepare for a legal battle down the road that you probably don't REALLY want to deal with.

Like you said, those are the options people are given and once many get out of that, "I am going to save the world" mindset, they will just give a kids a D to keep the peace.

But I understand how/why outsiders view that as, "Ahh they don't REALLY care about the kids."
I think thats true of all high school kids regardless of race yet you dont see this trade school narrative being pushed in affluent suburban schools. The public school system is failing children of color by not promoting and pushing higher education, amongst other things. I understand not every child is equiped to be a stem major but how much of that is due to the indifference to black success prevalent in inner city schools? I would prefer better college prep and curriculum than pushing trade schools. Construction jobs arent going to close the gaps minorities experience across the board.

As someone who started college later in life I can say that you are 100% behind the 8 ball if you choose to put off college long enough to allow a trade job to mitigate the costs of 4 years of college tuition in any meaningful way. I dont see how full time manual labor is going to enlighten the decision making process in terms of choosing a better degree program or career path either. I could be mistaken but I am pretty sure the statistics show you are less likely to pursue a 4 year degree the farther you are removed from an educational setting.

A few things here

1) we can't compare the children Umar was talking about to those from affluent neighborhoods for several reasons. It wouldn't be peddled there because in an affluent neighborhood you usually don't have to worry about being in crippling debt because your family covers it, Your more likely to get into better schools, your more likely to end up in circles that will land you a high paying job straight out of college..... so for someone with that many options, picking up a trade would be less appealing

2) We agree that a better curriculum is needed & public schools have performed horribly in inner cities. but a better curriculum doesn't = better college prep for me. my entire generation was fed this notion of college being this life changing accomplishment, when in reality it hasn't made much of a dent in the wealth gap despite record numbers of graduates. Obviously there are some majors that do come with some sort of almost guaranteed pay grade (Doctors, architects, engineers etc etc) but realistically that is the minority (for everyone not just black students)

3) Everyone doesn't want to do a four year degree, some may get into a trade & decide to turn that into a business, i don't see how your behind the 8-ball on someone who did four years, got a bachelors in education, social work, communications (all vital jobs in the black community in their own right) & has anywhere between 10-50K in student loans to pay off while HOPEFULLY cracking 60K yearly.

Unless you believe we can realistically turn a big majority of our youth towards stem, law, engineering etc etc I cannot knock the path of trade schools
Yea, This is a systemic issue man.

BUt to your last point, people have to make money to survive in this world.

Public schooling isn't changing overnight so in the mean time, give kids the tools to be able to flourish in the fields that they CAN flourish.

If that means they need to pick up a trade because they are reading on a 3rd grade level @ the age of 18, that might be the lane for them considering the hand they have been dealt.

I hear what you're saying and I suppose its better than nothing. But the reality is funds arent unlimited and theres only so many hours in the school day. Concentrating on one area invariably leads to (further) shortfall in another. Focusing on making sure 12th graders are reading at a 12th grade level is a better use of resources imo.
I hear what you're saying and I suppose its better than nothing. But the reality is funds arent unlimited and theres only so many hours in the school day. Concentrating on one area invariably leads to (further) shortfall in another. Focusing on making sure 12th graders are reading at a 12th grade level is a better use of resources imo.

Just remember TEACHERS aren't the ones making these decisions.
Why am I being mentioned?

Because you stated that people needed to google several things Umar said but left out the anti-lynching bill and that his point in bringing up the Anti-Asian Hate Crime order was merely to point out the fact that Black people can't even get so much as an Anti-lynching bill passed... something that is strictly a matter of common decency. A filibuster is not some insurmountable action...

What does DC say? "I come in peace"...
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Lol if we are being serious, American kids in general suck at both math and reading & we typically just import the brains from other countries
Because you stated that people needed to google several things Umar said but left out the anti-lynching bill and that his point in bringing up the Anti-Asian Hate Crime order was merely to point out the fact that Black people can't even get so much as an Anti-lynching bill passed... something that is strictly a matter of common decency. A filibuster is not some insurmountable action...

What does DC say? "I come in peace"...
I actually didn't leave out the Emmett Till anti-lynching bill. It was addressed in point g) in the post you are referencing

At the bottom of the same page of the post you are referencing, I address what happened with it last year

So again, I have no idea why you are mentioning me. Because I addressed the topic you seemed to be calling me in here to explain

And it is hard to believe you come in peace. Given how you have chosen to engage with me in the past.

But anyway, you have your answer.
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What makes you think this? Not disagreeing with you but jw.

Hearing conversations in different local meetings about how Covid has made the "Education Gap" more apparent.
Hearing conversations in those same spaces about whether or not we SHOULD be pushing everyone towards College.
Hearing conversations in those same spaces about how unnecessary standardized testing really is.
Kids getting options of attending school at night so they can earn money to help their families. (Kids were allowed to do virtual learning after 5 PM here in DC if they gave proof they were working)

In general, I think Covid accelerated a lot of issues we have seen over the years that decision makers often ignored.
I actually didn't leave out the Emmitt Till anti-lynching bill. It was addressed in point g) in the post you are referencing

At the bottom of the same page of the post you are referencing, I address what happened with it last year

So again, I have no idea why you are mentioning me. Because I addressed the topic you seemed to be calling me in here to explain

And it is hard to believe you come in peace. Given how you have chosen to engage with me in the past.

But anyway, you have your answer.

Was the edit to your post the Rand Paul thing?

my edit was to address the filibuster.
Was the edit to your post the Rand Paul thing?

my edit was to address the filibuster.

Someone quoted my post 6 mins after I made it this morning, and you can clearly see the part about Rand Paul is there.

You mentioned me hours after than quote

So I honestly don't know what to tell you, and I'm starting to get the feeling you are just trying to bait me.

I don't know what else to tell you, but anyway, I think we are pretty much done here.
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Someone quoted my post 6 mins after I made it this morning, and you can clearly see the part about Rand Paul is there.

You mentioned me hours after than quote

So I honestly don't know what to tell you, and I'm starting to get the feeling you are just trying to bait me.

I don't know what else to tell you, but anyway, I think we are pretty much done here.

I guess there are real hard feelings there.? But No need for the paranoia just asking 😂
I listen to Dr Umar religiously..

In regards to the breakfast club interview the only 2 things that I didnt agree with were:

The Naomi Osaka situation.. it wasnt that deep, and i felt like he shouldnt have come at her like that on a platform like the breakfast club... it was hella random and left field and the notion that they let OJ off to prevent riots... they wouldnt have rioted if OJ had got convicted.
No lies told.

Especially during COVIDS.

I tell co-workers, if you are going to fail ANYBODY you might need to prepare for a legal battle down the road that you probably don't REALLY want to deal with.

Like you said, those are the options people are given and once many get out of that, "I am going to save the world" mindset, they will just give a kids a D to keep the peace.

But I understand how/why outsiders view that as, "Ahh they don't REALLY care about the kids."
Facts covid even more brutal. They put in a rule that if a kid gets an incomplete grade (failing grades don’t even exist anymore for the moment) the teacher has to submit a semester long contact log with the parent as well as leave an additional 7 comments on the kid’s report card :lol:

oh and they told us about that contact log at the end of the semester not even when it started :lol: can’t make this up it’s so blatant
I listen to Dr Umar religiously..

In regards to the breakfast club interview the only 2 things that I didnt agree with were:

The Naomi Osaka situation.. it wasnt that deep, and i felt like he shouldnt have come at her like that on a platform like the breakfast club... it was hella random and left field and the notion that they let OJ off to prevent riots... they wouldnt have rioted if OJ had got convicted.

Idk about the OJ thing, I think they for sure would have tore the streets up had he got arrested for that
all of it.

1. "American kids in general suck at both math and reading both math and reading"
  • See international test scores & see how we do compared to other countries
  • See the proportion of American students in elite graduate/PHD STEM programs & maybe MBA programs

2. "We typically just import the brains from other countries"
  • Many fields, almost always STEM, in America depend on getting talent from overseas (engineers/top level businessmen in Silicon Valley, professors in US universities, etc.)

Both have been happening for decades & are old topics
Idk about the OJ thing, I think they for sure would have tore the streets up had he got arrested for that

He did get 'arrested'.... OJ was in jail the whole time he was on trial... he got acquitted... but i do not think black people would have rioted if OJ was found guilty... but i wont major on the minors... Umar dropped gems as always in that interview.. Biden hasnt done anything for black people and they have destroyed the image of black people so that people do not value our lives the same way they value others
This isn't specific to Dr. Umar but does anyone else find it kind of odd that some black people will forgive & forget every lie, racist remark & policy some of these politicians have been behind. somehow regain enough trust to elect them into political office.

However when it's someone black who's ideology they may not agree with, or if that person has made untrue/controversial statements in the past, suddenly the ability to look big picture is lost. they can no longer highlight the good & suppress the disagreements for the betterment :lol: , when the disagreements come with our own we must completely disregard the person & their ideologies as a whole.
This isn't specific to Dr. Umar but does anyone else find it kind of odd that some black people will forgive & forget every lie, racist remark & policy some of these politicians have been behind. somehow regain enough trust to elect them into political office.

This part is crazy to me. They don't even wanna talk about it and will run away from the conversation. On some this aint the right time or place :lol:. I understand the lesser of two evils argument but damn
YIKES @ using Naomi Osaka as an example of why we shouldn't be having mixed raced babies :smh:

Yea this dude extremely out of pocket for that. I personally hope osaka doesn't feel the need to respond. Dude def got a problem with Serena too.

My only beef with Osaka was that she beat Serena *** in Queens a few yrs ago lol. I want Serena to be all time. (Osaka will always be a problem for Serena on the court but I digress).
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