Official Umar Johnson Thread

I wish lol

saw this earlier and never thought about it, to keep black men (and families) out the election process (even well after their sentence is up)

Oh wow Umar really!

Thank you for this info. BTW, I sure hope Umar supports the Political party that fights for felony re-enfranchisement and protecting black voting rights, against the party that is actively attacking balck voting rights. Instead of acting like everyone is the same.
I don’t follow Umar for reasons mentioned through out this thread but All I’m gonna say is I hope he brings this same energy to getting his followers to be actively civically engaged. Ain’t sh*t changing in America for black peopleuntil black people leverage their collective political power. And that means our leaders have to be conscious enough to foster civic engagement at all levels.
I don’t follow Umar for reasons mentioned through out this thread but All I’m gonna say is I hope he brings this same energy to getting his followers to be actively civically engaged. Ain’t sh*t changing in America for black peopleuntil black people leverage their collective political power. And that means our leaders have to be conscious enough to foster civic engagement at all levels.

thats a valid point

Umar didnt post that from his page, extrranegros are just a bunch of saltty lil cornballs always out to make jokes, Ive peeped their comedy page months ago.

this thread was going well for the past couple post, then you gotta come in here with silly kid nonsense atlsfinest atlsfinest , how old are you boy?
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I feel sorry for you bro

C'mon man, even if you're the biggest Umar fan you have to find it pretty funny that he's finessed over half a million dollars from his followers for the school and over the course of five (or six?) years hasn't provided as much as a schematic, business plan or even a location yet. :lol:
It's not looking good for son. He can't even keep his own self imposed deadlines? I mean things happen and stuff changes but if thats the case, you can't communicate even that?
There's alot of people wanting to see him fail. Stuff like this gives them more ammo.
C'mon man, even if you're the biggest Umar fan you have to find it pretty funny that he's finessed over half a million dollars from his followers for the school and over the course of five (or six?) years hasn't provided as much as a schematic, business plan or even a location yet. :lol:

like 500k is what youre worrying about?

the stuff he is bringing to a lot of peoples attention is bigger than $500k, black people are is peril worldwide and youre here worrying about donations that people gave him to build a school.

Youre a petty little person atlfinest

My thing is, if he wants money to fund his travels and speaking engagements then just call it that. Don't say you're collecting funds for school and then don't follow through. That's just bald-faced lying at that point.

For years he's been making these vague proclamations about upcoming announcements for the school, what the curriculum will be, etc. with no tangible efforts. He's legit been stringing people along for over a half decade.

At some point he just needs to tell his followers, "hey I tried my hardest with the school but for whatever reason things didn't work out, here's your money back."
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like 500k is what youre worrying about?

the stuff he is bringing to a lot of peoples attention is bigger than $500k, black people are is peril worldwide and youre here worrying about donations that people gave him to build a school.

Youre a petty little person atlfinest

You can't wash away the potential, and many say proven, concept of him swindling people out of half a million dollars because he does some good things. A thief is a thief, and you certainly can't steal from the same people you love and care for.
My thing is, if he wants money to fund his travels and speaking engagements then just call it that. Don't say you're collecting funds for school and then don't follow through. That's just bald-faced lying at that point.

For years he's been making these vague proclamations about upcoming announcements for the school, what the curriculum will be, etc. with no tangible efforts. He's legit been stringing people along for over a half decade.

At some point he just needs to tell his followers, "hey I tried my hardest with the school but for whatever reason things didn't work out, here's your money back.

ok, lets say the school thing didnt work out. He ASKED FOR DONATIONS, no one put a gun to anyones head. If he tried and failed he isnt obligated to give anyone back a dime.

Trying to set up a school isnt cheap, and IF he did fail with it and never happened that's on the people who decided to donate.

So youre propsoing he should give back the $500k if the school doesnt open? He didnt lie to anyone, he has been saying "please give me a donation I am trying to open up a school" no one is buying a product with a money back guarantee.
Dr Umar is wokring on the school and if for some reason the school doesnt open up, it is what it is. We have too much things working against him (ESPECIALLY "C" BLACK PEOPLE WHO ARE LITERALLY JUST WAITING FOR HIM TO FAIL)
yall missing the point. I think this is the best way to put it.

If Umar' s original intention was NEVER to build a school, yet ask for donations then yes he is a FRAUD.

HOWEVER, I think based on his love for black people and his love for Pan-Africanism that he had full intentions of building a school. Was he in over his head? Maybe. I dont know much local school psychologist that can build a school without the backing of the government or big power. Building a school requires MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

I dont know why you c word black people are literally so anti-black. Support him and his message of black solidarity instead of tearing him down.

Even Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X back in the day had their enemies.

It is what it is I guess :smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:
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