Official UFC: Undisputed Thread vol. NT Tournament!! Post your GTs by Friday! Read Pg 1

Originally Posted by kidUFC

damn son, you made my tournament look like childswork. smh
no offense, your bracket looked like child's work anyway

btw... if you want to beat me up for my comment, im signing on now
how do i go up in ranked? by points or wins and lose?

smh at my connection.. losing it while winning the fight ftl.
JayFiend and I Just Played our first round match.

Jeuce - Rampage ---- JAYFIEND - Griffin

Winner - Rampage with KO @ 4 minutes 11 seconds of 2nd round

Jeuce advances
Originally Posted by 84jordan03

how are you guys effectively reversing the full mount ground and pound?
Timing. As soon as you see them make any type of movement like throwing a punch, flick the R stick and you can reverse it. Or you can do aquarter circle with the R stick to get out of it and into a less dominated position, from which you can do half circle on the R stick again to get out.
I downloaded the demo last night, and this is probably just me, but does the actual game play as slow as the demo is. The game is just not very fluid to me ifthat makes sense, but it is still fun knocking people out.
30-5 online.
But 3-8 against NT.
I'm still working on my game. Good game Jeuce at least I gave it afight.
Originally Posted by RHYTHMentality

Originally Posted by Olvera23

once again... PAGING CALLHIMAR
What's the rush... You got until 2 days after Sunday [not prior, like rules previously stated].
i might have to change this up a bit..

since mostly everyone i the tourney is online for the most part.. how about lets finish the first round by sunday? lets get this moving.

again if your done with your bout let me know who the victor is.
YO *%%* SON!

i just got my second defeat after my 27 win streak... aint that a #@!%$.
Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

30-5 online.
But 3-8 against NT.
I'm still working on my game. Good game Jeuce at least I gave it a fight.
Yeah the timing on your reversals is better than half the people ive played online. Your definitely better than alot of the people ive playedonline.
oh guys i just found out if u press start in a player match u can request a rematch! (sorry if late)
Just beat #2 on the ps3 top 100 leaderboard, bamakilla420. This chump quit when i locked in the guillotine. Thq gotta fix this mess ASAP. Top 100 is full ofscrubs.
5th year of career mode, on a 11 fight win streak, WW champion... 25-7... all 25 victories via KO.

If you havent played your matches yet, please do. Gamertags and names are on page 40.
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

wigglez25 wrote:
online play for this game is crappy at best...the lag is insane...people just quit,quit and quit all day long.....and looks like im gonna have to buy a tubo controller just to even the playing feild.....oh and not being able to find a ranked match ftmfl
i love this game but lag is definitely killing it online, one wrong punch or knee caused due to lag and anyone can just take u down and start punishing u when u never should have gone down in the first place

what system u playing on thats so hard to find ranked people?

sorry hella late 360...tried playing online like 50 times and just waited...and waited .......annnnnnnnd WAITED.....ive never been thisfrusrtaed with the match making on an online game since gears of war(1 and 2) .....then of course when you actually find a match its turbo trollers ortechnique quitters(you do this and that to much)...
Man the online is stupid and ruins the damn game. it takes WAY TO DAMN LONG TO FIND A MATCH!!! And the flash KO's ruin the dame game. I'm 1-5 , i needsome damn tips
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