Come on...don't let them steal this game here at the end boys. We deserve to win.

Anyway, that is a dope song when the Portuguese score, but I hope I don't hear it anymore
Who would you rather see at LB?

I'd put miguel over him. dont care if he started off playing forward in his bwin liga days to go to a right back. he has strength and skill. what didferreria show u this cup?

Simao is quality, he has done alot of attack and comes back on defense. When he was at benfica he single handeld murdered liverpool in champs league.

Anyhow quaresma is very much so quality just like cristiano. people fail to realize that they were all developed at sporting. why u think sir alex keeps goingback there for players.
Originally Posted by Krisp Kicks

Come on...don't let them steal this game here at the end boys. We deserve to win.

Anyway, that is a dope song when the Portuguese score, but I hope I don't hear it anymore

they play it for the german scores too.... i hope they play itall through the rest of euro's.. i get up and dance a lil bit everytime, how can you not?
oh and for all those who jock cristiano. i cant find him on the field point him out to me. not to say he doesnt have talent but where has he been this cup?dont even bring up the goal vs check cuz the ball was a gift from deco. back ya bags portugal and knock back some sagres
Shoul'd be the second yellow for Postiga...first should have come against Lehmann when he barreled into him.
Originally Posted by Dat Exclusive Cat

oh and for all those who jock cristiano. i cant find him on the field point him out to me. not to say he doesnt have talent but where has he been this cup? dont even bring up the goal vs check cuz the ball was a gift from deco. back ya bags portugal and knock back some sagres
I don't know what tournament you've been watching...

Good game though, Portugal should have defended those free kicks way better and Ballack pushed off but what can you do.
I am in no means a ronaldo fan, but if you watched this game then you must have seen at LEAST three men surrounding ronaldo every time he had the ball. Infact, the Germans publicized the fact that they had a game plan to deal with him.
Someone please post a pic of the female they just showed in the after the Germany/Portugal game...
I thought Ronaldo had a pretty good euro... even today he was taken out of the game pretty well, but he did a good job of not forcing when he had nothingthere, sometimes you gotta take what they give you and open things up for your teammates.
i don't know what tournament you've been watching...

You show me what cristiano did that was so glorious?
lets have a flashback of another ronaldo vs germany. world cup brazil vs germany. ronaldo was kicked triple teamed and he netted twice. harder to get free as aforward than a winger as well. wheny ou the best you find a way. cristiano does not have the heart. sorry.

i dont care how many people are surrounding you. you find a way. you are the BEST player in the world. it comes down to scolari and his bad tactics too.

for one, i love nuno gomes but he wouldve been left off....

cristiano in middle. quaresma left, simao on right. no way in hell a defense can man mark now. cristiano can flourish when the pressure isnt on him, but thegame is 3-2 with 20 left and he's not doing anything. come on golden boy.
i thought Ronaldo had a pretty good euro... even today he was taken out of the game pretty well, but he did a good job of not forcing when he had nothingthere, sometimes you gotta take what they give you and open things up for your teammates.

how did he get his teammates involved? with the gift he gave quaresma in game 2? ok
what else. please tell me. no wing play.

simao had a better cup than him.
deco seemed to want it the most.
nuno gomes gave better balls(my god the ball to pepe)

maybe i just watch to much soccer.
Originally Posted by Dat Exclusive Cat

i thought Ronaldo had a pretty good euro... even today he was taken out of the game pretty well, but he did a good job of not forcing when he had nothing there, sometimes you gotta take what they give you and open things up for your teammates.

how did he get his teammates involved? with the gift he gave quaresma in game 2? ok
what else. please tell me. no wing play.

simao had a better cup than him.
deco seemed to want it the most.
nuno gomes gave better balls(my god the ball to pepe)

maybe i just watch to much soccer.

i dunnno, sounds like you just got something against dude, finding ways to discredit anything he actually did do and pointing out everything he didn't.I didn't say he was the best player of the tournament, just that he wasn't bad.
i WAS going to buy a ronaldo jersey,
buying a quaresma jersey now only 5 bucks less,
this is what they left on the bench
Nah i understand what your saying, when you follow someones career since sporting and you see what they are capable of you just expect more ya know? if he wasa new talent everyone would say he had a glorious cup. Just sometimes someone can be very critical about their national team. When a player cannot find a wayto get himself open and into the play, its the COACHES tactics to help do so. thats my problem with scolari, he generates one game plan and sticks with it. Ithink its a mixture of both why he wasnt involved. i would mind seeing him on the wing making mistakes. effort is the key and to see someone of his talent benon existant in the last 20min of a game it hurts to watch.

anyhow. congrats to germany. however, id love to see holland do their thing in this cup.
Originally Posted by Dat Exclusive Cat

"portugal just needs quaresma in"

so true.

first off petit doing nothing but fouling people
miereles shouldnt of came in. moutinho out put in quaresma(dont care if hes a winger or not)
ronaldo should be defending klose on a free kick
paolo f should def not let schweinsteger run right by him for a goal(smh x 2)
ronaldo shouldve layed his last opportunity off for deco in the middle.

portugal does alot of stupid things. its mainly because of scolari. he is a borderline moron

. How the hell can you call Scolari a moron? I can guarantee he takes Chelsea toat least one title next year.
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