Official Toronto Raptors Offseason Thread . First (preseason) game in 2 days! Season Thread is up!

that'd be a good signing. he can be what ginobili is to the spurs if hes not unhappy about coming off the bench and still getting major mins.
Jarret Jack would be a solid addition to the club. I dont think that Ukic will have that good of an NBA career...Raptor fans like to hype up all their playersfor the heck of it.

I dont think he'll get the full MLE...maybe $3-4 mill/season.

It appears that Rasho will be back and possibly Delfino. Our bench appears to be a bit better on paper than it did a week ago.

I'm surprised Parker only got 2/$6 mill from Cleveland. Surely Colangelo made a similar offer but I think Parker is going after an NBA ring. You cantreally blame him.

I would like us to go after a better big man who can back up Bargnani. I really like Rasho but we need a big man off the bench who can fill in if eitherBargnani or Bosh are out of the game and provide some offense. We currently do not have any 2nd string big men who could score us some points.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

He can shoot..has great vision...he can penetrate and score/dish...He's a good combo guard...Will he create a rift at the PG and compete with Jose for a starting role? Triano needs to address roles right away to avoid any problems.

The Pacers have 7 days to match, but even if they do this is a good mind-*@$+ by Bee-Cee
No it won't. Calderon is like twice the player Jack is but this is still a very good singing.
Not really. Calderon is a better shooter than Jack but as a distributor that's debatable. Calderon's pick and roll with Bosh inflateshis numbers. Dude is soft. I was never sold on Jose's game.

When Jack comes and is more exciting for the crowd and is willing to penetrate we'll see what the Toronto media does. They're scum bags that producecontroversy for no reason. The debate will start, Jose will go down with an injury, Jack will take his position and play well and we have the same debateagain.

You think Jack is content with being a 2nd string point guard after he convincingly outplayed T.J. Ford?
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

He can shoot..has great vision...he can penetrate and score/dish...He's a good combo guard...Will he create a rift at the PG and compete with Jose for a starting role? Triano needs to address roles right away to avoid any problems.

The Pacers have 7 days to match, but even if they do this is a good mind-*@$+ by Bee-Cee
No it won't. Calderon is like twice the player Jack is but this is still a very good singing.
Not really. Calderon is a better shooter than Jack but as a distributor that's debatable. Calderon's pick and roll with Bosh inflates his numbers. Dude is soft. I was never sold on Jose's game.

When Jack comes and is more exciting for the crowd and is willing to penetrate we'll see what the Toronto media does. They're scum bags that produce controversy for no reason. The debate will start, Jose will go down with an injury, Jack will take his position and play well and we have the same debate again.

You think Jack is content with being a 2nd string point guard after he convincingly outplayed T.J. Ford?

Running the pick and roll is a skill, not every point guard can do it and not every point does it well so this ideathat some people seem to have that it makes it easier or somehow your cheating by doing a pick and roll is down right ******ed. I would rather have Joserunning the pick and roll than Jarret Jack playing one on one with some dude in ISO.

Jose Calderon is one of the most efficient point gaurds in the NBA and deadly shooter, Jarret Jacks PER has never been above 13 (the league average) Jose last3 seasons he put up a PER of 19, 20, and 18. In fact his 3rd season in the NBA ranks up there in the all time in terms of offensive efficiency.

NBA fans are so easily seduced by athleticism it's ridiculous Jose Calderon is twice the basketball player Jarret Jack is and any idea to the contrary isstupid.

Also as a distributer it's debatable?!! What?!!

Jose Calderon assisted on 42% of the Raptors field goals Jarret Jack accounted for 18.6% of his teams baskets, and soft, Jose Calderon is soft??!!.

Jose through a injured ham string for most of this year and still managed to contribute and you call him soft?!!, yep soft is still the most ******ed term in sports.
Jose's pick and roll makes the team soft. He turns everyone into a jump shooter. He's assisting 42% of Raptor field goals because it a pick and pop forBosh. That's not skill, thats inflating stats. I'd average 8 assists a game playing a pick and roll with Chris Bosh.

It's not like he's doing anything different every time they run it either. Its the same pick and pop. At least Stockton was deceptive with his.

Soft is what he is. You can label the term soft all you want but please put down the stat book and watch the game. Its evident that dude's not that nice.

You're clearly underselling Jack and overrating Jose.

Jack isn't even THAT great but he's just as good as Jose in his own right.
Jarret Jack isn't good either at best you could say he is mediocre, and a healthy Jose is as mediocre as Jack but Jose is about 1000 times more efficientthan Jack who basically is just fast like a broke mans Tony Parker.

Soft is just a code term so NBA fans can be openly racists and xenophobic, only Euros can be soft, only white people can make the whole team soft, it's stupid and quite frankly disturbing and I'm tired of it.
Thats a bit sensitive to assume that soft is a conjured up term by xenophobists trying to label Euros. Jose plays soft. There is nothing rugged about his game.

You could make the argument that Chris Bosh is soft and he's no Euro, while Ginobili plays physical and risky with the ball in his hand.

Its all about watching the game and analyzing. I'm not really down with using blanketing terms. I call it like I see it, a spade is a spade.

If you hear a term like "soft" and automatically assume the person that said it has a negative view of foreign players that's just ignorant.
4 yrs/$20 mill for Jack

He's a big improvement over Ukic but we're overpaying for a back-up PG. I mean, come you really want a back-up PG to be on the books for 4seasons?

Yet another signing that BC will regret and will be looking to trade in 1-2 years time.

Anyone get the impression that BC may be forced to overpay for free agents in order to attract them to Canada?
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

4 yrs/$20 mill for Jack

Anyone get the impression that BC may be forced to overpay for free agents in order to attract them to Canada?

In this case thats definitely true. I thought Jack could've been had for less than that. do you know how that $20 mil breaks down? I didnt see thefinancial details on the raptors site or tsn. It'd suck to spend the entire MLE on jack but I guess if he produces and plays better than expected thenit'd be a good thing in hind sight.

as for the jose vs jack debate, I'd hands down take jose over jack as the starting pg in the nba. jose's D leaves something to be desired but he is abetter shooter, a better pass-first mentality that makes him a good distributer, hes got really good chemistry with anyone on the floor, hes good atcommunicating throughout the game and hes an amazing FT shooter. who else would u have shoot the FTs in the dying mins of a game.
its not the entire mle and i really don't mind dropping that much on a back up as long as their servicable. if they can re-create what tj and jose hadgoing in 06-07 then its a success.

two headed monster at the pg > one elite pg and a scrub back up.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

4 yrs/$20 mill for Jack

He's a big improvement over Ukic but we're overpaying for a back-up PG. I mean, come you really want a back-up PG to be on the books for 4 seasons?

Yet another signing that BC will regret and will be looking to trade in 1-2 years time.

Anyone get the impression that BC may be forced to overpay for free agents in order to attract them to Canada?
By now it isn't even an impression. Kapono for full MLE. Jack for $5 mill per. Hedo for $12 mill per (although mind you he was going to get iteither here or Portland). But that being said what BC is doing is pretty smart getting these moves done now rather than after an extention of CB4. It will bethe Bosh extention that really puts us into the luxury cap next year, not these mid level signings. And when that happends MLSE has no choice but to pay for itin order to keep the franchise guy of Chris Bosh. BC is not just laying the ground work with extentions or signings to keep Bosh, but it also allows him to getall these jobs done before ownership starts to look at their wallets. That being said, our club is not the penny pinching types. As long as we making revenuesin the playoffs, we good.
Originally Posted by TheRav4

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

4 yrs/$20 mill for Jack

He's a big improvement over Ukic but we're overpaying for a back-up PG. I mean, come you really want a back-up PG to be on the books for 4 seasons?

Yet another signing that BC will regret and will be looking to trade in 1-2 years time.

Anyone get the impression that BC may be forced to overpay for free agents in order to attract them to Canada?
By now it isn't even an impression. Kapono for full MLE. Jack for $5 mill per. Hedo for $12 mill per (although mind you he was going to get it either here or Portland). But that being said what BC is doing is pretty smart getting these moves done now rather than after an extention of CB4. It will be the Bosh extention that really puts us into the luxury cap next year, not these mid level signings. And when that happends MLSE has no choice but to pay for it in order to keep the franchise guy of Chris Bosh. BC is not just laying the ground work with extentions or signings to keep Bosh, but it also allows him to get all these jobs done before ownership starts to look at their wallets. That being said, our club is not the penny pinching types. As long as we making revenues in the playoffs, we good.

Summed everything up that I was thinking. Good show.
Originally Posted by BallinBoykz

Originally Posted by TheRav4

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

4 yrs/$20 mill for Jack

He's a big improvement over Ukic but we're overpaying for a back-up PG. I mean, come you really want a back-up PG to be on the books for 4 seasons?

Yet another signing that BC will regret and will be looking to trade in 1-2 years time.

Anyone get the impression that BC may be forced to overpay for free agents in order to attract them to Canada?
By now it isn't even an impression. Kapono for full MLE. Jack for $5 mill per. Hedo for $12 mill per (although mind you he was going to get it either here or Portland). But that being said what BC is doing is pretty smart getting these moves done now rather than after an extention of CB4. It will be the Bosh extention that really puts us into the luxury cap next year, not these mid level signings. And when that happends MLSE has no choice but to pay for it in order to keep the franchise guy of Chris Bosh. BC is not just laying the ground work with extentions or signings to keep Bosh, but it also allows him to get all these jobs done before ownership starts to look at their wallets. That being said, our club is not the penny pinching types. As long as we making revenues in the playoffs, we good.

Summed everything up that I was thinking. Good show.

"The Pacers have said all along they'd love to keep himat the right price but it would appear the Raptors have made him cost-prohibitive. And they're not exactly bereft of other options at the position."


I doubt the Pacers will re-sign Jack, plus they just signed Dahntay Jones because Larry Bird is apparently tryna improve on the Pacers defense.
So even though they'd like to re-sign Jack and Larry Birds mind is set on gettin the pacers defense better. I think its safe to say that Jack is aRaptor
...Once Jack becomes a Raptor, I think BC should try and move Rokoand Banks along with someone else into a package deal because even though you can't push those guys by themselves it wont look so bad if there together ina package deal.
Its good to hold onto a 3rd pg..I'd keep Roko..He showed he can play at the NBA level as a rook. Banks can go with that fat contract and those phantominjuries.
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