Toy News International reports that Playmates unveiled its upcoming 25th Anniversary Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures. The figures are done in the classic Mirage style, with the four Turtles sans pupils, all with red masks. The style doesn't seem specific to a certain artist or time period, so I suppose they're just generic Mirage comic Turtles.
If this pic was shown a couple of years ago, I would be going ga-ga over these figures. But with the recent release of the
super-awesome NECA Turtles, these Playmates figures just aren't up to snuff. There are at least a few things in their favor, though: you can bet that they'll be cheaper and more sturdy.
Also in their favor is that each Turtle will be packaged with a reprint of the original comic. As someone who obsessively tries to get as many TMNT reprints as he can get his hands on, this is definitely a plus for me. I wonder if they will try to tone down the comic's blood and violence since this will presumably be marketed to kids too.
The article also mentions that we'll be getting comic-styled Splinter, Foot, and Shredder figures. Nifty, but again, they can't be better than the NECA figures.