OFFICIAL THE WIRE THREAD.. ''The game is the game"

Glad Idris objected to that scene. That would have completely ruined Omar's character.

Glad they took it out too.

Apparently Ed Burns and David Simon's logic was that it would go against Omar's "code." So they would be using it to show that killing Stringer was a personal matter for Omar and when pushed to the edge, even he had imperfections in regards to his street ethics.
Glad Idris objected to that scene. That would have completely ruined Omar's character.
Ehh String tortured and killed the love of his life then lied to Omar about who did it. Put 1 in Brandon’s dome, fine. But they went overboard. That was part of stringer’s pitch to Omar to get him to kill Mouzone.

String’s grave getting pissed on is fair imo.

Wouldn’t have really added anything to the story so I see why they took it out if Idris protested :lol:
Bruh there's is a strong difference between physically pissing on a person you just murdered or pissing on their grave.

Who said anything about a grave anyway?
Just re-watched the first season in about 8 years.

D'angelo snitching broke my heart as hard as the first time. Dude thought he had it in him but he just wasn't built for the game. He was a good dude but he just didn't have it in him :smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:

The fact that Wallace's death triggered him and he never found out he actually did snitch :smh::smh:

That scene when Stringer and Avon come down to the pit and all three are joking and talking business. What could have been, man :smh::smh:

That last shot of episode 12, "cleaning up" with the pit courtyard, the crate and the orange couch just sitting there...deserted...everybody gone..|l
So I just started watching this show on amazon prime for the first time a couple weeks ago. Currently near the end of season 4. So I'm not gonna go through this whole thread to avoid spoilers. So far this school setting for season 4 is kind of hard to watch compared to the previous seasons.
Season 4 was what sparked my interest. While I did think it was the best season at some point, feel Season 3 captures the core of the show.
I always thought season 4 captured the essence of the show because it really highlighted the institutional failures of this country, most importantly children in marginalized areas.

Final Grades is my favorite episode of the series.
I’m on season 1. I was literally thinking that old Avon is Avon’s deadbeat dad till I read more about it. Deangelo should have never tried getting involved.
Too soft.
I watched the half of the second season and on to the end years ago. But I never watched season 1. Kima getting shot is new to me. I finally seen how the wee bey gif happens in the show.
I see a lot of the gifs. Avon wagging his finger passing Daniels, stringer in the back of the SUV, McNulty waving his hand in the police car, McNulty kicking the chair etc
Question. When cheese punks the lil guy in the red camaro, is He working for Marlo already or does he go from uncle to Marlo ? Randy is Cheese son right ? I forgot this show. I watched it when it was on HBO new. My favorite part was when they beat up Michaels step pops.
Just re-watched the first season in about 8 years.

D'angelo snitching broke my heart as hard as the first time. Dude thought he had it in him but he just wasn't built for the game. He was a good dude but he just didn't have it in him :smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:

The fact that Wallace's death triggered him and he never found out he actually did snitch :smh::smh:

That scene when Stringer and Avon come down to the pit and all three are joking and talking business. What could have been, man :smh::smh:

That last shot of episode 12, "cleaning up" with the pit courtyard, the crate and the orange couch just sitting there...deserted...everybody gone..|l
He never had it in him. And the sad thing is he didn’t know what Wallace did. I don’t know about y’all but to know your uncle is a kingpin/major pusher from your area and D can’t beat these guys while D is in leadership. The underlings are watching his weak leadership, those youngsters coulda did him sooner just for that weakness. He had chances to leave this game.
Question. When cheese punks the lil guy in the red camaro, is He working for Marlo already or does he go from uncle to Marlo ? Randy is Cheese son right ? I forgot this show. I watched it when it was on HBO new. My favorite part was when they beat up Michaels step pops.

They never mentioned in the show that randy was cheese's son because they didn't have the time to but yes it is confirmed. Also no cheese was not working for marlo from what I saw
Question. When cheese punks the lil guy in the red camaro, is He working for Marlo already or does he go from uncle to Marlo ?

No he was still with Prop Joe. Remember it was Prop Joe who had to cough up the doe to pay for Cheese burning the Camaro when Serge pressed him on behalf of Nick.

And beyond that, when String (west) and Prop Joe (east) made the pact behind Avon's back so that the east side dudes could set up shop at one of Avon's towers in exchange for Joe's dope connect, it was Cheese who first tried to set up shop and got confronted by Bodie and eventually Mouzone who shot him with rat shot. Cheese was an east side dude working for Joe. Marlo, who we didn't even meet until the next season, was west.
Just finished reading "All the Pieces Matter". Great Read. I recommend it if you are a fan of the series, although at times it made me furious :lol:

Things that stood out to me:

1) There will never be another The Wire. It is a miracle that this show even exists. I knew it wasn't popular when it was on but damn, they struggled to get every season greenlit and were effectively canceled at least once and after every season Simon had to go back (multiple times even) and plead his case for more episodes. Those lames had the nerve to watch the series finale and tell David, " Good but you could have used 2 more episodes" >D The whole show, from the executive producers (Robert F Colesberry) to actors really thought of this as a story that must be told and not just as a job. That is a complete anomaly in the entertainment business.

2) Never heard of actors getting so emotional when learning that they are getting killed off. Michael B Jordan was weeping. Lawrence Gilliam Jr tried to convince Simon through extended conversations that he didn't need to die and Idris even pulled up on one of the main writers who "killed him" in an alley late at night :lol::lol::lol:

3) Dominic West (Mcnulty) hated being on the show and having to live in the US for 6+ years and wanted to go back to Ireland almost from the start. They had to beg him not to quit numerous times and give him time off which is why he's barely in season 4. Dude was legitimately envious of Idris getting killed off in season 3 :lol:

4) Ed Burns doesn't get enough credit for his contributions to the show. Dude spent his life in the trenches of Baltimore. I think he's a large part of the reason that Simon's shows haven't been as good. Dude is one of those no nonsense, anti-Hollywood types. He really hated sentimental, predictable television shows about Police and crime and good buys and bad guys. The entire show is about the impossibility of institutional reform. Reformers and those with altruistic ideas are systemically coerced into maintaining the status quo just to keep their positions or forced out when their ideas are too progressive. :smh:

Also, that "pissing story" is hilarious.
(Idris) He said "Ain't nobody pissing on me". We were like, "Well, it's not pissing on you. We're gonna make a dummy of you and urinate on that.
He's like "Nobody pisses on my double, either"
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