OFFICIAL THE BIG GAME 12/1: Is Cal even going to a Bowl now?!?!

ok, here's the last chance for Longshore to show his heart doesn't pump Kool-Aid...see if he can engineer this drive
Harbaugh is that dude
His sideline manner is priceless

wow amazing catch by Rob Jordan
awesome catch by Jordan, not so awesome catch by Hawkins EDIT: OMG, Longshore does what Longshore does best with the game on the line. Complete it to theopposition.
Nate Longshore brings new meaning to Telegraph avenue.


man this is torture i cant even spell correctly
Yeah Nate makes the same expression everytime he throws a pick.

But in all honesty I can't blame him...Lavelle shoulda caught at least ONE of those. that was a sure TD...cotdamn it. Nate is doing a little better,butwithout DJax that does sting us a lot...

sadly this season is just hard to watch as a Cal fan..youcan't just help but laugh.

but if we can get a 3 and out, hopefully we have one more shot, one more shot for Nate..
at the crowd chanting "STANFORD!" and the small group of Cal fans saying"sucks!" and now Stanford saying "CAL SUCKS!"

what a crap call.. he was OUT!!!!
but obviously it should NOT come down tothat at all.

And as bad as Longshore has been this season in the clutch, the last 2 games he's made great throws that should have been caught. Lavelle has to catch atleast one of those.
. I can't blame him for looking to Jordan insteadthere on 3rd down since he probably doesn't wanna go to Hawk again. I've been one of his biggest critics but by no means was that INT his fault. shouldnever have came to that.

Dang this has to be one if not the most disappointing seasons if not the most i can remember. Riley def should be startin next year. I agree it's not allhis fault but as a fan i have no confidence in him in any big game or 4th quarter.
I couldn't expect less from the pac-10

people coming out of the woodwork killing Nate
3 posts?
Originally Posted by acidicality


but if we can get a 3 and out, hopefully we have one more shot, one more shot for Nate..
yeah, but it's not looking good for us right now. we on that miracle status Can we still lateral? where's the band?
A fitting end.

Hulk Harbaugh
I was waitin for a YEEEAH BROTHER

congrats curt2121 (stanford's lone representative here)

stanford wanted it more, hence they won....sad day. i think we'll all have to root for ASU. I really think Harbaugh is gonna turn that Stanford programaround in 1-2 much as it pains me to say it. should be more competitive Big games like this one in the future.

Cal....if we go to a Bowl we just have to try to end the season on a positive note. if we don't, just gotta re-group and find a way to get it together.
Riley def should be startin next year.

If Longshore stays (Which I'd assume he would since I don't think it would be beneficial for him to go to the draft, unlike DeSean), Tedford shouldjust have the #1 QB spot open next year, whoever plays best in practice gets it. Riley could very well win it because he has the mobility....

Whether or not we make it to a bowl this is my short offseason checklist for Cal.
1) Fire Gregory, bring in a better d-coordinator with experience and the credentials as an aggressive playcaller. none of that bend-don't-break crap works,EVER.

2) Try to convince DeSean to stay..although there's like a 1% chance he will.
3) Convince Nate to leave...although there's like a 99% chance he won't. I can't bag him for the last 2 losses, but Riley seems to be a better QBthan Longshore overall, bottom line.
4) But most importantly, I hope everyone on this team learns from this crapitude of a season...they know they're capable..gotta play with more fire andintensity, and in the last month or so the lack of it proved to be our downfall, more so than ANYTHING else, whether it be WR dropping balls, bad decisions inthe 4th, or crap defense.
We might not have to fire Gregory...I hear he's in line for the job at Wazzu. That's a double positive for us

If only we had those Big East refs on our side
funny how when we officially suck, it's just like 3-4 people who are still fans of the Cal Bears...the bandwagon effect is crazy. and if it counts,stanford football didn't take an L today so that's a positive for norcal football
, at least for some people.
just got back from palo alto...
x 10000^10000

At least the Cal band is better, the furd band walked around in buffalo and camel costumes
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