***Official Tattoo Thread: Inked-4-Life Vol.2***

Just wanted to share. Probably super late on this chick but she just started tattooing and her stuff is pretty cool. Her illustrations is what makes all her work look nice.....and doesn't help she is hot.



Tried to find more photos of her tattoos but apparently she likes to take pics of herself more:

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still baffles me why in the world anyone would tattoo the devil onto themselves, smh. I wouldn't be able to sleep if i had that sucka on my body.
This guys sleeves are by Nazareno Tubaro, dudes based in Argentina and his back piece is by Vincent Hoquet out of Belgium... Hardest dot work i've seen so far :smh:


^ Thanks Buzz Killington :smh:

Dude is still talented to me & plenty other people.
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Best place in San Jose? (No overpriced ******* artist, had enough with them).

Just curious. Who did you go to that made you feel that way? Only places I know in San Jose is Humble Beginnings and State Of Grace tattoo. They are both asian influenced though.

And as much as I say what I saw about designed style tattoos, those above by Nazareno Tubaro are sick!

Just saw this guy on Instagram. Not the best but some gems: @robkobra


And @ryo_niitsuma

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Handful of artist overseas Italy especially are tighter than Jun Cha. His pictures enhance his work.. his tattoos are still immaculate but they don't look the same when the person takes a picture of the work themselves.
I said the same thing a page or two ago. But yeah, he is still a top notch artist.
Best place in San Jose? (No overpriced ******* artist, had enough with them).

Well what do you consider overpriced? And to what fongstarr said about Humble being asian influenced is not exactly true. But you can't go wrong with State of grace and Humble beginnings. But you get what you pay for.
Trust me. Jun Cha is human. Every tattoo artist won't put out a 100% quality work. Even my tattoo doesn't reflect what my artists is capable of. Don't get me wrong. I love his stuff and am a fan but his work shines more when he is in his comfort zone. When he branches out, that is where it can get kind of odd.

This is Matt Kemp's tattoo and I don't think this is really that good a of a portrait and it's mostly cause his style doesn't help in it. Too much negetive space.


Again...not crapping on his work but he's no where near the best.....which is all relative anyways.
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:x :lol: that hair, never understood nt's fascination with jun cha. it all looks the same with his super soft lines and 5 years down the road it will probably look like crap.
He did her hair like an ancient Greek statute.. aka his comfort zone.

Still I think he could have done better. He's totally capable of doing better hair then that too.He should have done more of the comic book style with the hair.


And I freakin' love this tattoo that he did.

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that hair, never understood nt's fascination with jun cha. it all looks the same with his super soft lines and 5 years down the road it will probably look like crap.
He's a GREAT artist.

Its just his pictures make his pieces look 100x better.
Love going through this thread, I appreciate the art, but I don't think tattoos are for me.

That Stone Cold tat is classic haha
Had another session on my Japanese influenced half sleeve. This time we did cherry blossom in color. In 2 weeks we will finish the flowers and do some touch ups here and there and then the tattoo will finally be done. Here's a quick picture that I took after the session. The intensity of the flowers will fade a little bit.
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