Official Supreme Thread; F/W14; FAQ ON PG 1; vol. End of F/W Sale

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They could've incorporated Harold Hunter in a many different ways other than plastering that one pic on everything
I hate how companies are starting to ***** out HH name. Let the dude rest easy.

In other news, i might and probably am late, but there's apparently rumors of an Anti-hero collab??
Might have to get the wallet.
Dig it.
The Vans too... But the rest is kind ehhhhhhhh....


*Anyone got a price check in the wallet??
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I've seen on Instagram: "isn't that guy in odd future?"
people were roasting this dude.
Agreed. Same pic in every piece is boring.
im sure his family only allowed them to use that picture.

if they could do more im sure they would have (i hope)

and hoodie had so much potential...i guess if you knew the dude on more of a personal level or was somehow associated with him in a way that him plastered on everything is not a problem.
wallet is pretty nice and i dig the vans I think the baseball jersey is cool and idk about the hoody. everything else is just eh
Kinda happy that the new era doesn't come out until june. I've wasted too much money this past month just to spend another $70 on a hat this week lol. Other than that, nothing really looks appealing. I like the graphic t, but not for the price that it "warrants" for being printed on a CDG shirt. I think the tribute would've been better placed on it's own pedestal as opposed to meshing it with the CDG collab.
Kinda happy that the new era doesn't come out until june. I've wasted too much money this past month just to spend another $70 on a hat this week lol. Other than that, nothing really looks appealing. I like the graphic t, but not for the price that it "warrants" for being printed on a CDG shirt. I think the tribute would've been better placed on it's own pedestal as opposed to meshing it with the CDG collab.

Give Harold his own drop. No need to have it get lost in the CDG collab
Kinda happy that the new era doesn't come out until june. I've wasted too much money this past month just to spend another $70 on a hat this week lol. Other than that, nothing really looks appealing. I like the graphic t, but not for the price that it "warrants" for being printed on a CDG shirt. I think the tribute would've been better placed on it's own pedestal as opposed to meshing it with the CDG collab.

Give Harold his own drop. No need to have it get lost in the CDG collab

I think the CDG collab is the best way for Supreme to commerorate HH and also donate funds because of the ridiculous CDGxPreme pricing. CDG eats, Preme eats and the HH foundation also eats.

I actually think the HH pic is awesome. It will look sick on the crusher, tee and hoodie.

I just really can't fathom paying the high prices though. The CDG collab shirt I got from last year was such poor quality. I can't justify the high pricing.
I think the CDG collab is the best way for Supreme to commerorate HH and also donate funds because of the ridiculous CDGxPreme pricing. CDG eats, Preme eats and the HH foundation also eats.

I actually think the HH pic is awesome. It will look sick on the crusher, tee and hoodie.

I just really can't fathom paying the high prices though. The CDG collab shirt I got from last year was such poor quality. I can't justify the high pricing.
Yeah don't give me wrong, I'm a huge charity guy and I was actually introduced to HH via Kids like 6 years ago but I just think giving him his own "collab" so to speak would've been a little cooler. We all know how the donation stuff goes with huge companies (donate beforehand, make back what they donated) but I still support it non the less. The pic from Times Square is dope and I would totally cop the shirt had it not been printed on a cdg shirt and marked up 150%. A lot of the stuff is cool, just kind of played out for me seeing as how I was such a huge fan of the first CDG collab.
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