Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Something just reminded me about SKUL. Haven't been watching it, but now I see it likes to rise 1-2% almost everyday. I would like the big buyers to step it so that it can take off. It's been setting up nicely. 

Buyers are stepping in today, look at the volume. Great time to get in IMO.
Looks like we are spared another day.

Originally Posted by nocomment6

Originally Posted by JC08

I could see a bit of a relief rally next week, but there's a possibility that Spain could rear its ugly head and cause headline fear similar to Greece except that Spain is 4-5 times the size of Greece and is the 4th biggest country in the EU excluding UK. The Spanish debt auction today was ugly.

Also, the way the markets have reacted to Federal Reserve meeting minutes since Tuesday is a bit scary. The Fed essentially said that they expect US growth will be moderate and the unemployment should continue to gradually trend down and based on this assumption they won't do QE3. Instead of markets being bullish on the Fed's "upbeat" outlook of the economy, the markets sold off because the markets weren't expecting an end to cheap money/liquidity.

i think it's pretty said that many expect and rely only upon the stimulus provided by the Fed...

When is Apple supposed to report?

April 24.
Another day, another dollar. Three day weekend boys. I have some free capital that I will be looking to invest come Monday. Spending the weekend planning it out.
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

I never thought I'd see the day AAPL shares be worth more than GOOG

Apple shares been worth more than GOOG.

GOOG - Shares Outstanding[size=-1][sup]5[/sup][/size]:325.14M

AAPL - Shares Outstanding[size=-1][sup]5[/sup][/size]:932.37M
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

I never thought I'd see the day AAPL shares be worth more than GOOG

Apple shares been worth more than GOOG.

GOOG - Shares Outstanding[size=-1][sup]5[/sup][/size]:325.14M

AAPL - Shares Outstanding[size=-1][sup]5[/sup][/size]:932.37M
I'm not talking about Market Cap. Let me rephrase... I never thought I'd see the day a share of AAPL be worth more than a share of GOOG.
Everyone uses TA, it's precisely just that. Everyone = average joe = sucker.

AAPL has yet to come out w/ any GROUND BREAKING product. All their products are just re-makes and retros that have QC issues. Stocks are being cashed out by insiders, and it's all too obvious that their 'vision' is distorted. Price will follow suit.

As an INNOVATIVE COMPANY, you spend YEARS of retained earnings into R&D, but suddenly, you are CONFUSED and declare a DIVIDEND? Growth companies don't normally pay dividends, and there's a reason why !! Confusion at the helm. A lack of innovation and brand security will follow.

What I think doesn't matter, price pays.

DISCLOSURE: I don't own any AAPL products, let alone their stock. LOLZ
Did they cut their R&D investment? I'm asking, but I don't think they did...

They sit on a ridiculous amount of cash, paying out even meager sums in a dividend shouldn't distort thinking or contemplation of what the company is.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Did they cut their R&D investment? I'm asking, but I don't think they did...

They sit on a ridiculous amount of cash, paying out even meager sums in a dividend shouldn't distort thinking or contemplation of what the company is.

You're not seeing my 'case'.  Obviously, no one knows, but look at the IPAD 3.  Look at the commercials.  The whole, 'it's an ipad', 'it's an iphone' is getting REALLY OLD.  It's cliche, it's boring, it's a tired slogan.  IPAD 3 w/ AMAZING DISPLAY?  That's it?  Did they forget to tell you that it'll fry you and cook an egg? LOL

They MIGHT NOT HAVE CUT their R&D, but they can certainly INCREASE IT, or VENTURE OUT into other products.

What happen to IPHONE 5?  Probably more thin, but same functionality.  You don't see it..
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Everyone uses TA, it's precisely just that. Everyone = average joe = sucker.

AAPL has yet to come out w/ any GROUND BREAKING product. All their products are just re-makes and retros that have QC issues. Stocks are being cashed out by insiders, and it's all too obvious that their 'vision' is distorted. Price will follow suit.

As an INNOVATIVE COMPANY, you spend YEARS of retained earnings into R&D, but suddenly, you are CONFUSED and declare a DIVIDEND? Growth companies don't normally pay dividends, and there's a reason why !! Confusion at the helm. A lack of innovation and brand security will follow.

What I think doesn't matter, price pays.

DISCLOSURE: I don't own any AAPL products, let alone their stock. LOLZ
Put your money where your mouth is then. Short it. Tell us how you do. For my sake, I hope you lose everything. 
The iPod redefined the portable music player. The iPhone redefined the smartphone. The iPad redefined the tablet.

If that's not ground breaking to you, what is? Let me guess, Google's new glasses? 

Apple declared a measly $10.60 yearly dividend. Literally a drop in the bucket. They have $100B in cash and zero debt. They have more than enough money to make whatever acquisitions they want. They have enough to fund years and years of R&D even if they didn't make another penny. They have enough to do things like pay Foxconn employees a real wage, and at the same time put extreme pressure on companies like Amazon to do the same. You think Amazon can afford increases in production costs when they have a net margin of just 1.3% (compared to Apple's whopping 24%). 

Since I know you'll be too big of a +@%@@ to short it, I'll just mark down $633.68 as the price you wrote this at. 

And next time you want to act all big and mighty, at least get a clue. Cook, Schiller and Oppenheimer all sold under Rule 10b5-1, which are insider sales of stock scheduled far in advance to avoid accusations of insider trading. Forstall and Mansfield sold in order to pay taxes on stock rewards they had received. So go back to the drawing board and try again.
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

I never thought I'd see the day AAPL shares be worth more than GOOG

Apple shares been worth more than GOOG.

GOOG - Shares Outstanding[size=-1][sup]5[/sup][/size]:325.14M

AAPL - Shares Outstanding[size=-1][sup]5[/sup][/size]:932.37M
I'm not talking about Market Cap. Let me rephrase... I never thought I'd see the day a share of AAPL be worth more than a share of GOOG.
Your math is backwards, this would make google worth more than apple.  You get a higher percentage of ownership with a share of goog than a share of aapl, for
about the same price.   And share price means nothing with out considering shares outstanding.

RunningFishy wrote:
Everyone uses TA, it's precisely just that. Everyone = average joe = sucker.

Are prop traders suckers then?  High frequency trading is not used by average joe's. I'd venture a guess and say that the majority of daily trades are based on technicals. Fundamentals are just as subjective and usually the first thing average joe's look at. I agree with you on appl btw. A lot of people in here are gonna get burned, or at least leave a lot of money on the table.
FrankMatthews wrote:

I agree with you on appl btw. A lot of people in here are gonna get burned, or at least leave a lot of money on the table.
Why? Give me one legitimate reason why their momentum is going to slow in the near-term. I have yet to see anyone come up with a good reason. Internet goons are trying to make a name for themselves by predicting Apple's slide. I've personally been watching them do that for close to a year now. $400 was unsustainable. $500 was unsustainable. It was never going to reach $600. Now it's never going to reach $700. We're 10% away from $700. It's coming soon.
I was a little bearish on Apple pre earnings at the start of the year but now I am very bullish.
Just look at the competition.  I honestly thought Android would pose a significant threat, but I was wrong (although Samsung posted great #s).  I'm going to write off Windows.

Their ecoysystem/integration is unmatched, and is what drives its value imo.
Originally Posted by E3LAL

I was a little bearish on Apple pre earnings at the start of the year but now I am very bullish.
Just look at the competition.  I honestly thought Android would pose a significant threat, but I was wrong (although Samsung posted great #s).  I'm going to write off Windows.

Their ecoysystem/integration is unmatched, and is what drives its value imo.
Definitely. That's why I am an Apple consumer. It makes my life so much easier. 
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Everyone uses TA, it's precisely just that. Everyone = average joe = sucker.

AAPL has yet to come out w/ any GROUND BREAKING product. All their products are just re-makes and retros that have QC issues. Stocks are being cashed out by insiders, and it's all too obvious that their 'vision' is distorted. Price will follow suit.

As an INNOVATIVE COMPANY, you spend YEARS of retained earnings into R&D, but suddenly, you are CONFUSED and declare a DIVIDEND? Growth companies don't normally pay dividends, and there's a reason why !! Confusion at the helm. A lack of innovation and brand security will follow.

What I think doesn't matter, price pays.

DISCLOSURE: I don't own any AAPL products, let alone their stock. LOLZ
Chart Patterns i.e. head and shoulders, cup and handle can be subjective. But how about levels of support or resistance? You don't think they have any validity?

I am about the most anti-Apple person there is and I accept that they are here to stay for a while. I do plan to short it when I see signs of correction in the overall markets, but that is it.
quick question fellas

what type of financial analyst are there ?
and anyone every used optionshouse for stock trading 
The validity lies in who owns and trades the stock. Period.

You can have two hedge funds, both long/short, and depending on their trader vs investor status amongst a variety of other things will determine the turnover and how much is left on the table.
Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

quick question fellas

what type of financial analyst are there ?
and anyone every used optionshouse for stock trading 

I use Optionshouse. I like the interface PM me if you have any questions. I actually think there's an offer to take advantage of.
I'm having SO much trouble finding an entry into the financial management field fambs.

I'm getting ready to start my masters in finance next fall, and want to atleast have something going by first semester..

Any suggestions for stuff I should look for.

My goal is to eventually go into portfolio management or hedge funds...

Anything while I'm in school would be dope...
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

quick question fellas

what type of financial analyst are there ?
and anyone every used optionshouse for stock trading 

I use Optionshouse. I like the interface PM me if you have any questions. I actually think there's an offer to take advantage of.
what offer to take advantage of are you taking about?
It's funny to heart this about AAPL, I think the past is still haunting, but this time I don't think it will collapse.

About the ground-breaking products, APPLE has come up with a game changer in 1998-2001-2007-2008-2010 thats a pretty hot streak and although it seems like they've run out I don't think so. And they don't need to flip it hype is around apple, their computers share a very small market percentage, plenty of room to grow there...Their OS is the best if you're willing to pay, even their small updates 4S for example featured other things then just a faster processor...Retina display on a nearly 10 inch screen?! We haven't seen anything that groundbreaking offered to the public in a bit. If this will be applied to the MBP along with making them thinner, I think sales should skyrocket my guess is shares will surpass 800 by this fall and thats not counting on iPhone 5.

And I can say that both as an investor and as a MAC user, I had doubts, but after buying one, for which I still consider very expensive, I still think it's by far the best investment I have made...
And to be honest I'm bullish and buying  in the next week or so.

BTW are markets open today in NY?
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Did they cut their R&D investment? I'm asking, but I don't think they did...

They sit on a ridiculous amount of cash, paying out even meager sums in a dividend shouldn't distort thinking or contemplation of what the company is.

You're not seeing my 'case'.  Obviously, no one knows, but look at the IPAD 3.  Look at the commercials.  The whole, 'it's an ipad', 'it's an iphone' is getting REALLY OLD.  It's cliche, it's boring, it's a tired slogan.  IPAD 3 w/ AMAZING DISPLAY?  That's it?  Did they forget to tell you that it'll fry you and cook an egg? LOL

They MIGHT NOT HAVE CUT their R&D, but they can certainly INCREASE IT, or VENTURE OUT into other products.

What happen to IPHONE 5?  Probably more thin, but same functionality.  You don't see it..
I didn't have a chance to answer this last night but here goes...

What exactly is your case? You don't like their marketing?  It works, and the numbers show it works.  Jobs himself was a showman, using certain buzzwords to create the attention he wanted regardless of the change from the product generation prior to the new one. Clearly the new marketing efforts reflect that.  "It's an iPad" is old  It doesn't seem to be affecting a lot of other people since their market share isn't slipping.

You cite innovation and R& easy do you think it is to create innovative product after innovative prodcut?  It's certainly not easy, sure Apple has positioned themselves for most people to believe that's what they do...I get it, but from a revenue standpoint, it has worked.  We have no idea what they have in their pipeline but if they're not decreasing their spending on it, then I'm not nearly as worried.  We're not talking Pharmaceuticals.

You basically talked a whole lot of nonsense because you don't think their products are cutting edge and you're tired of their markteing.  That's fine, that's your opinion. Unfortunately, from a valuation stand point, your points hold no weight.  Sales figures, R&D, cash, market share etc, do matter and your case didn't address a single one.

I don't have a lot of Apple products (I have 2), but the ones I do never fail me in comparison to their counterparts from other brands/OS. 

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