I don't understand. Why does this gap have to be filled from 08. So the gap has to be filled at ~51? Then what - a minor pullback and back on it's way up?
Originally Posted by teddy jam

I don't understand. Why does this gap have to be filled from 08. So the gap has to be filled at ~51? Then what - a minor pullback and back on it's way up?
I'll get crucified for this.. but it's BS. There is no practical reason why every price MUST be fulfilled, especially some 2 years later. The stock market is a beast of speculation, most people don't really know what's going on so they toss out every theory they learned in their Business 101 course in a desperate attempt to quantify something thatgreatly exceeds the scope of their intellectual capacity. Basically.. we're not hedge fund managers.. We are the internet. We are grasping at straws. The only time you should be concerned with the idea of filling gaps is when you're looking short term. The end.
thanks i'll read into that. I'm thinking with Wynn not having as good as of a Macau exposure as LVS and they don't have as many atttractive investment opportunities (i.e. 8 dollar cash dividend), I can only assume there will be some Wynn holders selling out and getting into LVS, as there is more upside potential and LVS is the best positioned company out of the gaming sector. We've seen heavy volume as of late with solid up movement.

what do u think chico
has anyone read "when markets collide" by Mohammed El Brian (PIMCO CEO)..i've read a few of his articles and i'm a fan of his literature
chico, u holding lvs into the weekend, i feel like a sell off is going to happen but it's been 12 straight up days with a combined 4 dollar up day since yesterday!


already half of vol traded in 1.5 hours...
Bought SBUX 29 calls at 1.35, sold at 2.22. Quick earnings play.

Oh and LVS......

Sold way too soon. Definitely buying on the next dip.
People have been trying to call tops and sell-offs since the high $20s.
I'm having difficulty calling a top with LVS. It is in breakout mode and technicals don't matter much, but it is way overbought on the daily and weekly. I'm not holding a position for swing trade yet and waiting for a dip. My longs are in the vault and I'm up over 100% on them.
wow ng did a crazy run up for the past few weeks. from 6-14 in two months gold mining stocks are amazing~!
i bought lvs back in 08 for 3 bucks a share....sold most of it when it reached 9 since it tripled, anyway long story short it was a huge mistake but hey the shares i do have are up 1500%...oh and i also bought ford at 2.17 the same day i got my lvs
Originally Posted by andycrazn

wow ng did a crazy run up for the past few weeks. from 6-14 in two months gold mining stocks are amazing~!
You plan on holding on long term? You think it could have a run similar to GOLD? That gold thread here has me intrigued.
been a big 4 day sell off...i wonder how imminent this asia/ireland threat is and if the perception of the market will continue this downtrend ...remember last time there was a greece concern, panic investors created a big big drop in the indices

i might wait it out before entering in new positions..glad i sold LVS in the 50s...want to get back in and see if it tests the gap at 41
We're oversold on the hourly chart. We're due for a small bounce and the GM IPO should give the markets some legs in the upcoming days.
Bought 1st tier on LVS @ 46.06.
out of curiosity, how big are your tier purchases?

i only have 5k to spare, so what percentages do you recommend for me..2.5k for 2 tiers?
You're playing with $5k in your account? I wouldn't use the entire funds to go all in on one stock. That's way too risky. Look into options.

As for myself, it really depends on the pps of the stock. With LVS at the current pps I usually play with 500-1000 shares increments. If after the 3rd tier and it's still not going my way, I'll get out with the quickness and take the loss.
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