I'll only believe that when the GAWD himself says that. :lol:

But he'll have to sell those calls soon though. Aren't they like 04/12 expiration?
Yup... The funny thing is I played out with the idea of buying some puts after that because I fully expect this thing to crater into the ground once he is no longer so exposed but that was before this became a "fight against the regime".

Or he can exercise them all for pennies on the dollar. Hes got, what, $11mm in cash? Pretty sure thatll cover most or all of the options contracts he owns. What'll happen if he takes possession of hundreds of thousands of shares in one day....


But see I don't think he does that. He's not THAT much into the stock. This was purely a mispricing play in his mind I doubt he really believes in the fundamentals of a business model that is clearly dead. He's selling those calls.
More than 2m shares bought in minutes after trading reopened. Algos are off the rails. Think the SEC halts this one for a few days? They've done it for less in the past.

Someone's getting richer off this and it's not normal people
I mean at this point in the game you gotta know that’s going to happen. You could have scalped the whole way up going long and shorted it the whole way down.

it’s funny to say hodl and post rockets but stocks don’t only go up.
On a put? Too low to even consider right now lol. That $800 call is still holding decent value though, but will get smoked by Friday.

calls at $800 strike yeah man y’all to bold for me
But hey we seen it worked with TSLA last year
Y’all remember that
I couldn’t bring myself to scroll all the way to the ******* to a pressing submit
Bought 10 at 64.89 as a speculative play. Opened under 70, so nibbling here.
I grabbed 40 shares.
Missed at 64 but in now for the long haul as of rn
Rblx lwts go!!!
Damn, maybe I should've bought more now. I bought 5 at first and then bout 9 more.
load up and hodl!
The Squidward Window Meme Helps Us Work Through FOMO

MUST BE NICE. Good luck to you guys.
Started an entry on PINS and SQs today. wanted to get at them last week but I was scared that we were still going to dip this week
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