Try to keep in mind that in the long run, investing in stocks like GME is a losing proposition 99% of the time. This is a once in a decade type of situation, yea big gains and fomo, I get it. This is how you lose everything, chasing gains like this.

In my opinion, as long as theres people out there who will pay hundreds per share for absolute garbage they will keep the price up here and get as many bagholders on board as possible. Cattle being led to slaughter.
This is why I havent bought anything since before the run, and why I'm down to 10 shares from 75. This isn't sustainable and itll blow up in an epic fashion before people realize what's happening.

I dont think GME was given a fair shake when it was sub-$10 per share, but I REALLY don't think its accurately valued at 300 and a 25bn market cap :lol:
it'll reach heights of about last run or even higher since they cant be foolish enough to stop buying this time. That being said..... Get out before you become a bag holder LOL
I hope you have the cash to cover your *** in the event of a correction. Selling options naked is literally the only way to lose your entire account.

Let the market take profits off the open and see if we make a trend 945-10. I think we can trend all day and rip up, but who knows.
how far out did you go? Why did you buy them back? my thinking is if it never gets assigned i let it expire worthless and keep all the premium.

anyone know what time rblx starts trading??

They're cash secured. I don't do anything with margin. That's the real way to mess things up.

I sold 20 Delta. I bought them back after making 3x% in a day or two. Still had a lot of time until expiration and could free it up to sell again on the next down day. The truth is nobody knows what will happen hour to hour or day to day. So if I'm up...why not take it. Sure at this point I'd have made more had I not bought it back....but who cares. Nobody knew there'd be 3 green days. The one thing I know is that there will be another red day and I will sell it again.
Treasury Bond Auction at 1pm today. Alec young said if rates stay at 1.5 or below, rotation into tech is soon to follow!
GME... Hold the line! :lol:



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This GME thing is getting out of hand.

I will continue to root for GME but this whole thing is truly kind of insane

It is just so manipulated at this point it's crazy.
I kinda felt bad for the dudes that got caught in the sale off the first time but not this time though :smh::smh::smh:

Looking at the chart it happened swiftly


that price chasing on a obvious pump and dump will get you ****** up

it was plenty of dudes on these other boards trying to convince themselves that this was a actual investment

hell even had one dude say how they should offer a dividend
Streets saying that DFV sold? If so this dies for good. Yall have fun messing with this thing man.
I mean it’s funny and **** to say hold it but why not just make money off the swings? :lol:
Short interest and overleveraged hedge funds. Think the Big Short story, but exactly the opposite. People are buying and holding, hoping to cause the biggest short squeeze in history, which could lead to unprecedented gains per share. So instead of selling and taking gains now, they're willing to bet they can remain irrational longer than hedges can remain solvent.

Problem is, too many people will hold through the squeeze and die on the hill crying that the squeeze isnt yet squoze.
I'll only believe that when the GAWD himself says that. :lol:

But he'll have to sell those calls soon though. Aren't they like 04/12 expiration?
Or he can exercise them all for pennies on the dollar. Hes got, what, $11mm in cash? Pretty sure thatll cover most or all of the options contracts he owns. What'll happen if he takes possession of hundreds of thousands of shares in one day....

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